THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN. o Cocal and Personal Tommy Potter had a beautiful ChriBt mai tree. Mr. Wtleon took a flash llghtof the X mas tree. Alex. DupuiB acted his part well in the Christmas Cantata. '''Tie'Carpenters are puttlngnew steps In 'ftont ol the commissary. They are giving out uniforms to the boys in the first company. ...Mr. Henderson, P. M. spent Xmas even ing in Salem, with friends. Several of the employes took a flying tt ip to Portland on Xmas day, Mistt'Millftr'sXmaS was made pleasant by tte vibit of her mother and sister. Herbert and Donald Campbell are spend ing the Christmas vacation with their par Donald Campbell dropped in from Cali fornia on Wednesday morning in time for .XmaB. .. 1 Mlse Florence Hutchinson, our stenogra pher, spent Xmas in Seattle, visiting her mother, - Joseph Wallon, '02, timekeeper forSwift and Bruce, of Seattle is visiting friends in Chemawa, Mr. and Mrs. Becker and Mrs. Williams were, guests of Mrs. Cloutler at dinner Xmas day. Miss' Tudle, Laufman of Salem visited Miss Brewer at. the school during Cbiist- Clareoce Cooper liaa been heard to ex press the opinion, that there really is a Santa Claus. . ' Herbert Campbell came up from Kugeno on Saturday to spend the Christinas vaca tion at homeT - Mr. Pambrumand son, Frank, of Athena, Ore., spent the holidays with Minnie and Maggie at the school, Charles Blacketer, Martin Wollan and Henry Contraro were valuable assistants in decorating the Xmas tree. Mr. Potter announced a sociable for to night and a band concert for Saturday. Misses Isadora Wlmns and Mabel St. Pierre, of Salem, spent Christmas Eve as the guests of Miss DotiBe. Richard Harris is doing some very nice ' work over in the McBridt- Hall number ing the girls' clothes presses. It hits been remarked that Jessie Sy mington received more presents Christ inas than any other pupil at the school. Mr. and Mrs. Caisse spent Christmas in Portland as the guests of friends, and re port having bad a very enjoyable time. , Mr. Supervisor Clialcraft left us on Wed nesday after a visit of t wo dsy d arlnS wbicb time he thoroughly inspected the school. Mr. Woodin's excellent taste was shown in the beautiful "Merry Christmas" and . "Happy New Year" which decorated the ' Mrs. Campbell says she owes much ot the succefB of the Christmas Cantata to the teachers who helped the little ones learn the words. Santa Claus failed to bring Dr. Stephen Bun the Ashing rod that he wanted. Jt is supposed that the Doctor didn't start "be ing good" soon enough. Xmas week Is always a merry week at Cbemawa, with Its Sociables, Band Con certs, Cantatas and entertainments. You should have been here. . Mr. Campbell had a beautiful fragrant bunch or roses on his dinner table Christ mus day , wbicb was picked in front of the Superintendent's cottage. The Chemawa stockholders of the Cali fornia Home Mine have "visions" of com ing millions and are already busily plan ' ning bow to Bpend them. Mr. Overman is anxloUB to start I he new Incubator. Winter doeBn't nuttier lha lKtle chicks at Chemiwa. Wa will rai 1000 young chicks this spring, , One of the mBt pleasing entertainment! given for a long time was the Xmas CnU ta, rendered entirely by the little folks un der the direction of Mrs. Campbell.