THE CHEMAWA AMERICAN. Pupils' Items, (Left over from last wi'uk.) The turkeys' suffering is now over. Rosa Brigooue is a beautiful alto singer. Three new boyB have entered the tailor shop. James Arquett has been enrolled Id the The farmers are banting in the winter supply of coal. Mis. Sherrard sptnt Thanksgiving with friends, in F rtland. Mr. Cairpbell rt tinned the other day with a party of new pupils. Sidney Will hip; and Margery Hickman have entered the sixth grade. Dr. Stephenson and Mrs. Sherrard look after the patients very carefully, M iaa O' Here is giving drafting lessons to some of her sewing-room girls. John Snrtor, ex-pupil, is visiting with friends and relatives at I he school. Mm. Cloutler and Miss Bowman spent Thanksgiving evening In Hay v tile. The new pupils seem happy, i'hera mut surely be no place like Cheinawa.. George Olny 1ms returned from his sum mer vacutinn and we are glad to see hiru. Vina De Vault went to Salem to spend her Thanksgiving dinner wit b her sisters. Lueinda Davis is an expert housekeeper. She does her work very neatly and cleanly. The,McBiide Hall girls el a id up till half past nine and sewed carpet rags, one even ing last week. Who got that problem that four girls tried to work in the McBride Halt? Why, Susie Hiegaldid. Sidney Willing has entered the school and he says it is tbe best place he has ever been in bis life. All the McBride Hall girls were invited in the patch-room to sew carpet rags, the other evening after study hour. Home boyB from here told me that this WflB a nice place so I thought I would come down and try it for three years. Mr. William Landon of Salem was a vis itor of Mr. Stoudenmeyer'sand several oth ers Tuesday evening and Wednesday. Miss Miller is having some curtains made for her class room, and some of her pupils are hemstitching them. The Tailors are very busy making un derwear, and work of evening" from six to half past' eight, or during study hour. Last Sunday Mi. St. Pierre had an ex cellent meeting with the oovb. Heven new members were enrolled in iheY.M C. A. By some mistake, MiSB Dohse's (teacher mixed grade) name did not appear in the employes' faculty in last week's issue of tbe paper. Mabel McKay Is a good housekeeper. She looks after the cottage and keeps it in good order. Slie is a pleasant girl to have around as she ia always good natured. We beard someone say that those "Christian Bcience" (Domestic science) girls areall O. making biscuits, etc., as well as -other nice eatables. Who are they? Miss Amy Sellers changed the patch room, some time ago, and the patch-room girls work lots hetter than they did before. They mean to get through sewing carpet rags and have some nice carpets made to Use for themselves. Messrs. Simon Booth, Joshua Gibson, Hayues PeWitt, Chan. Newton. Richard Harris, and Manuel K -bles atrended the Bell of New York at the Grand Opera House Monday evening. This morning as we were workinii in the Small Boys' building Miss McFadden looked out of the window and saw the meat wag-in, and saw them taking out the turkeys for our Thanksgiving dinner; An drew Bitiles was In i here and was so triad lie started to jumping around n.vtng, ''Tar key! Turkey ! Tiirky I" lie got po badly excited that the uext thing he knew he fouud himself tumbling backwards .overs box. Now we all like something good to eat, but we must not get so excited about it as be did.