Weekly Chemawa American. (Chemawa, Or.) 189?-198?, June 27, 1902, Image 1

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FRIDAY, JUNE 37, iqo2
Commencement at Siletz,
The commencement exercises of the Si
etz Ii dian school wms held on Friday
evening, June 27th, and the program
printed below was excellently rendered
by the, pupil?.
The past vear has been a moat suceees
ful one In connection with the Siletz school
and agency under 1 he able and efficient
management ofSupetintendent MoArthur,
A great many improvements have been
made and the affairs ot the School and
Airency are running io a thorough, syste
111 a tic, aud peaceful manner.
A nine class of pupils graduated frora
the course of study at the School and will
lie transferred to non-reservation fchools
in the future.
Mr. and in. McArthur and their corps
of faithful teachers and employee are to be
congratulated on the excellent work ac
complished during the pant year.
The Amkrican wishes them continued
"What Boys are good for," John Adams.
"A Frog in the Throat," Odell Lane.
"Kitty Knew," AdellaLane.
"Room at the Top," Joseph Lane.
Solo, "I'm a Happy Pickaninny," Delia
"Baby Logie," Rose Rippan.
"The Bite." Cecil Clay.
S njr, "Crooked Spectacles," "Little Flo's
Letter," Eter Reed.
Song "Won't You Be My Sweetheart,"
Esther Logan, Esther Heed, Susie La-
"The City Sportsman," . Arthur Bell.
"An old Story," Martha Adams.
"Oft With Your Hat ftB theFlagGesBy,"
Alfred Lane,
bolo, "Hfihi Central Give me Heaven."
Cecil Clay.
"Maids of Jtipan," -Bertie Jack.
"Our Flag," School.
"Josephine Washington," Rose Rippan
Song, "The Flag of the Tree.
A New Athletic Field For Chemawa.
Friday evening June 27, 1902.
Song, "Hark the Blue Birds," School.
"Five Little Brothers," Bertie Jack.
"The Wonderful Weaver," Guy Chapman.
"M Atfe," Maiy Rippan.
"The Son of the Bee," Little Tote.
"I Didn't Think," Melinda Collins.
'A Fourth of July Record," Buford Spen-
On the spur of th moment when the
Chemawa Base Ball Team was being en
gaged with a fierce Struggle with the Port
land Academy, of Portland, Oregon, the
employes of this school started a subscrip
tion for a new athletic field and grand
stand, the need of which was plainly evi
dent. Tim athletic field and grand stand is a
sure go and the nianagrtneut of the school
intends 10 extend an iiwitatlou to the. mer
chants of S ilem to assist us in this much
needed enterprise.
With a good athletic field aud enclosure
for base bull Chemawa can obtain some of
the best teams in the country, aud will
thereby uE inl a great deal of pleasure to
CCoiitinueu on pageeignt.)