CHEIIAWA, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL, 4, 903- An F vening Cloud. Bl ight -evening cloud of golden hue, That lianas against the. Wear, And glorifies the dying blue, Abu' he 1 1 tain reet llm dark, The niht bird Co A soothing power r.i mt-n. Tlteurinketsfliiip. The light-winned lark Otnes down lo earth iigaln. With ilKrlni M rnfnti on her way, And hermit eve, care-f..e, A revelatin. , dy by day, Thv g'spel brings tome. burden of sorrows, but his mind and heart are lifted high. He may know nothing of ' he eclence of labrntoritiH, nothing of the philosophies of the schools, but he knows wt at the experinit tits of the text books have 1 ever taught, the practical science of right-doing, the sound philosophy of righi -thinking, Ami right-feeling, even though he discovers these things late.-but never loo late in life to be of great value to hiui and to others Exchange. Experience Is the Best Teacher. The most tlin HKh'y disciplined, as well as hi ten-Ht school, la the acli' ol 'if experi ence. There are no short cuts through the vast fields of knowledge, no short terms and lonif vacation, no high-sounding di plomas conferring pretentious decrees and titles as rewards for a few years of superfi cial skimminir. What experience teaches, she teaches thoroughly, from the root, up, without the aid of crutches and text-books, but with many a sharp rp over the knuckle, during sessions that Beera inter tninnbl, and that Ftretch through many sleepless nights and tear-dimmed days. When she pr-paiea to teach, she doi-s not stop at half measures. Like a well digger, bent on reaching an unfailing spring of water, she digs through mud and sand, Drills through clay and clone, until, Anally, deep down, the crystal is reached, and the sparkling water bubhles up. When she graduates a pupil, she has every reason to be proud of him. He miy be old, wrinkled -white, but he is wise. His head may be bowed low by the weight of years and the Chapel Exercises. The chapel exeicises on Thursday after neon were of a rather more elaborate char acter than usual. Sonus were sw-g by Peter LaFlumboia ud (Jhnrhs Cutter, a piano solo was playnl by Lottie Lane a recitation w given by EMM Parr hit, Charh-s Alexis lav red us again with Ids excellent oration and Hie school sunir i-ev-eral songs. This whs all in hot or of In spector Jenkins and his m ther who were preent. After the exercise- the Inspector gave us words ( commendation and en. cnurageincnt which seemed lo come from his heart and which made us all feel stronger and anxious to be worthy of what he considers our nanitest destiny. It is a tieat to our boys and jrtrts to hear some one speak to them as Inspector Jenkins doeB not a Indian boys and girls, hut asyouog meu and young women who are to be cit izens of this great country and on whose shoulder rests an equal responsibility with the ycui'g people in the making of a great Quest ion Why is a letter Ilk a lazy do? Answer A letosr Is an ink-lined plan. Aoii(lind planets a slope Up. A slow pup is a . .ssy dog.