CHEttAWA, OREQON, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1902. The Brake man's Story, Thaukngivio' Day, wbeu I was young, the schedule was revised; An' us kids got an order thatwecer tainly despised. You Bee, the preacher always come, a a1, half a dozen more, An' ho they sidetracked all the kids behind the bedroom door. The meal was ruu iq sections, an' us children had to wait Until the ol folks finished, 'fore we got to pull our freight. But talk to rue! I tell you now, that each one of us smiled As soon as mother handeoTus the orders to run wild; . , The turkey an' thedressin' was the horots cuoked kind, ao' rich, An' when we wanted any more we made a runnln', switch. We got impatient waitin' just like any other crew But we was always mighty glad to takeout "section two." We never run no sleepers on the section we took out, j , Stie was made up of diners an' you ought to 'heard us shout When mother brought the pumpkin pie an inoh thick, ton, yon bet An' give uh all the high sign Gee! tha' Pie' I tusie it yet; A 1' when we run old "section two" I'm tellio' voua fac'- They never calleil the wreokhr crw )i dp clear uptLe track. Engineers' Ko- ELKSTsifHEMAWA. And Present their Minstrel at the School, T ib Axtmcrkd Hehd Banqukttkd And Rnc:mu With A Royal Welcome-A Gen uine Livi- Introduced TolDJtfi JtM CoNTIKGKNT. The Elks' Minstrels went to Oheuiawa on the overland yesterday afternoon, gave their performance before the pupils and employes of the Indian Training School mid returned on the , overland last night. They were received quite royally at the institution and escorted to the large dining IihII where a munificent banquet had been spread in their honor. Tue dining room was gorgeously festooned aod dec orated for the occasion in purple nd white crepe tissue, over to the table and the walls, and the hands of the massive clock in the dining room pointed to the hour of "tl," the emblematic hour of the order, when a toast was drank toall absent members. A great suprise was in store for the visitors, when all had been Beated, Superintendent V. W. Patter announced that there was one prominent Elk who had uot airived yet, and at that moment the double door swung open and a teal live Elk stalked in bedecked wlib the colors of the lodge, and a tremendous cheer aroe. An elaborate bill of fare had been pre pared and printed in an appropriate dsign by the force of printers at the school. . The dt-cortuiou were all very tastefully arranged under the supervision ofbuperiu tendeot Potter and Mr.-Calla .Westfall, the widow of an Elk, Assistant Sup rinten-. dent Campbell and Dr. Clark. The per formance, which was witnessed by over . 600 pMiplf, was a pronounced success far superior to anything of its class ever p-i-duced by a local cat or amateur troupe, and quite equal to the majority of the profes. sional troupes, and the boys ai every turn were giveu a tremendous ovation signiri cnt of the appreciation of their auditors. They will produce their preform nee in the New Grand Opera Huse this eve ning tor which occasion almost, all the seat have been sold, statesman. '