Weekly Chemawa American. (Chemawa, Or.) 189?-198?, February 28, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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H. L. Wklace,
Mana'okk, '
I'ul.ltslml Weekly by the I'upils of the
Chemawa Indian School.
SuhBcriptiHH I'ric., 25 Cnt I'm Year.
Clubs of five and omv 20 Cents pr year.
Entered at the Postoffiue at, Chemawa, Or.,
as second-class mail-matter.
Address ul Business CoinniHuicatlonx to
Tub Chemawa American,
Chemawa, Oreoon.
Note. If ih is ppaee is marked
wi'h a red cross . : it mentis that
your subscription haR expired.
Please renew. : ., : Only 2ii cenlB
per year.
Mr. Brewer hit the nail on the head
when he said that the Carlisle Idea and
the Chemawa Idea were one andthc same,
(jo out young man and make a livelihood
for yourself beyond the confines of a reu-
Clitniawa cclehratid her 22nd. hirilidiiy
on ihe Both, whh appropriate txerciwes.
She ib no longer a babe in swaddling
clothes hut hill Hedged, piiHt matur
ity. She has tried to do her part in the
uplifting and the uphuilding of the In.
dians and. where she has failed nan been due
10 errors of the head imt not of the henrt.
Twenty yenrs ago the missionary idea
was rampant in the education of the In
dian. The whole idea used to he ''I'll get
an education and go hack and teach my
people." We still hear some of that kind
of talk yet hut it is fast parting away. We
are now on broader ground. The in
dividual is considered, end hip welfure
is looked after.
A lotifer is a moat contemptible fello.
He is always In hohi body' wiy. a l-y
fellow for whom no one has any tree. Bo
don't be a loafer boys, and girls too for
that inaiter. Don't form the habit of
dawUling your time away. Be energetic;
Bo ambitions to excel. Be doing some
thing that will improve your body or your
minri. Loafing enervates yon and maKux
a ne'er do well of yon.
When any One tells ynti, kindly, to do
HOmethinu do not tulte it for grnnted tliHt
you are being driven, nor take it as doin
them a favor, and do not wait to be told tlie
second time to do anything. Ifyou seer
have a 3lmnce to earn a few dollars, nnri
know you could earn it, you would not wit
for someone to tell yon logo alied hik!
earn it, would you? No, of Cniiicu ..u
wouldn't. It is the same way with y-nr
work; you should not wait to be Lld to il
something that you know should be done.
Grasp yonropportLnitiesand besomebody.
Spread yourself out into the world and do
something for the uprising and civilizing of
your people.
As will be seen on the eighth pageot this
iftme an appeal to Congress is urod to
preserve she game of Alaska and in this
mnnectioit It might he. pertinent to aak;
What, in our dutv lo the IndboiHof Alaska?
The game as we have said before in these
ct'lUmiiK. is to them what the buffalo whs
to the Plains' Indian, he is independeat to
day. Deprive him of it, and we make a
pauper of him and a dependent, just as
governmental control has reunited lo the
detriment of the reservation Indian.
It is all folly to say that the fmlituiR
will destroy the game. It is the same old
hue and cry that we heaid five or
six yeara ago from the H(pi-tters in thp
Jackson Hole comity, who wished ton
left in nndlBt urhed ponsession not only f
Uncle Ham's land, but also of ih abund
ant gamo which was there. They suc
ceeded, and are happy in th ir ri;Tlit?
t. his d-.y, and P .or Lo . xrlud-l i,v
law fV-n though he had In good t'uilli
made; a treaty which gave him the right to
hunt there.