2 CHEMAWA AMERICAN. IP1? (Ozllpnnivn J&mericaii, H. L. Lovelace, Manager, Published Weekly by the Pupils of the Chemawa Indian School. Subscription Price, 2b Cents Per Year. Cluhs ot five and over 20 Cents pr year Entered at the Postoffice at Chemawa, Or., as second-clasa mail-matter. Address all Business Communications to The Chemawa American, Chemawa, Oregon. Strive to gt a Good Industrial Edu cation. If you are ti'yiug to make a farmer of yourself, let it be a good farmer. If your opportunity lags, go meet it if you are strong, or get ready for it's coming if you are weak. In another column we give a letter from the Philippines from an ex-Indian worker, who is now teaching there. It is quite inter esting reading. '(- You had better not try to be a black ' smith, or anything else for that flatter, unless it is your purpoe to put forth j'Our . best endeavor to learn. On our first page we give a po?m which is a prayer and it would be helpful to any of us to co . umit the same to memory and make It our prayer. Learn to cook girls . Larn to siw; wash ' and iron, and to do general house woik, . If you are a good reader, speller, mathema tician, eve. and a poor cook, etc. your - suc cess in life will not be great. Be Indus trious, be energetic and ambitious to ex cel in all the departments of Domestic Science, which means cooking, sewing, etc Self preservation is the first law of nature. Keep out of the rain! Keep dry! Don't get your feet wet! Don't be foolish about this. It is uot necessary to say why you should remember the above. You know. A gddd keoed. The officers on inpic tion are pleased to find but twosick pupils at the Hospital, and they were not serious ly ill. Such a healthy condition should open the eves of those Indians who are still prejudiced against Chemawa and think because in the early days of the school considerable sickness prevailed that it is still unhealthy. We are thankful to pay we have uot had a death amoug our 500 . pupils during the last six mouths. Last year eleven months passed by withouta death. Out of so large a number of pupils that health record spenks volumes. With an im proved water system, sewerage, drainage, ventilation, and the best equipped hospital in the service under the charge of a skilful physician, these result ar but natural con sequences whare pupils . themselves will obey orders and try to avoid those careless habits which often cause sickness. A SPLENDID EXAMPLE. BoV8 have VOl) seen that m-'in from China at work on his 3 acre onion patch near -the school? He rented the land from Mr. Knight and cleared over $1000 from the six months' work. The Old-Man-In-The-To wer was wondeiing, why some of his bis athletic Indian bovs could uot, do the same thins; next year. They surely could if they would get down to it and work as the Chinaman did. Y'ou could see him at work early in . the morning until Lite in the evening cul tivating his onions. If you would go into the b-uiK to-day you could also see his th' U-smd dollar bank account. That is what brings success at anything hard wirk nnd sticking to it. Now if a poor weakly ignorant looking Chinaman can cler one thousand dollars in six months, why could iiot a strong, athletic football player do the same thing if he tried real hard?