8 CHEMAWA PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MATERIAL, etc., Department Of" The Interior, , U. S. Indian School Ser vice. Ciiemawa Ore gon Nov. 29, '01 PEALED PROPOSALS endorsnd "pro posals for building materials, etc." and pd dressed to the undersigned, atChemawa, Oregon, will be received at this school un 1 i 1 two o'clock, P. M of ; Dec. 21, 1901, for furnishing and delivering at (he school as required ...during the fiscal year ending June 30th, 190.2, about 112,000 ft. assorted lumber,, 2Q doors, 23, windows, '44,500 shin gles, . 100. barrels Portland cement, 100 loads gravel, brick, lime etc., a full list and description of which may be obtained at the School, . Bidders will state specifically the price of tach' arlicle to be offered under contract. All articles go offered will be subject to a rigid inspection The right is reserved to reject any and all bids or any part of any bid if deemed for the best interest of the service. Eich bid must be accrmpanied by a certified check or draft upon some U. S. depository or solvent national bank, made payable to the order of the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs, for at least five per cent of the amount of the proposal, said check or draft to be forfeited to the United. States in case a bidder receiving an award hall tail to execute promp tly a satisfac tory contract, otherwise to be returned to the bidder. Bids accompanied by cash in lieu of certified check will not be con sidered. For further information apply to- Tnos. W. Potter, Superintendent. Program. The Fifth Division entertained one an-, other on Friday. Each class gotup a pro gram without the aid of their teacher. They di 1 very well and it is encouraging to AMERICAN. . see the amount of interest manifested. The morning clas gavp the. following program. Song,' "God Guard Columbia." Class. Read'ng, ' 4 ' Mary. Decker. Riddles, " ' Willie Bedford. Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech, Foster Under wood. Solo, "For You." -Winnie Stoddard. Pen Picture, David Miko. Vocal Duet, Edna Baldwin, Lucretia Hp.nl. Blading of Pudding River Journal, Ch:is. Hilhurn. Pen Picture, , . Eva Woods. Original Speech, . John Hrris. Song The "Wild Rose" Claw. The Afternoon class rendered the follow- 'ing program, Selection from XCII Psalm, Class. Recitation "At Bed Time" Minnie Pamb rum. Reading "Patches" . Liwrencn Toby. Recitation, "Our President." Viulet Du puis. Sonz! "Don't forget the girl that lows you.'" Silas Ho ill). Riddles, ' Angels Jefferson. Recitation, "The Gingerbread Tree." Delia Poland. Bong, "The Dark Faced Oibin Bv " Violet Du bis. Song, "Robin Redbreast." (!. A cloudless sky, greenest of grass, sweet est of flowers, songs of birds and on.nur handsome new band stand one of the best bands in Oregon discoursing sweet itiusic for the benefit of happy boys and girls and more sedate, JDUt we hope not less happy, men and women, made a ecene on Sunday afternoon difficult to match or approach in any other Indian school in America. This is November, "the dull gray days of November" and here we are enjoying matchlessly beautiful weather and cur rcundings not be found outside of the Willamette Valley. Two, Pendleton Indians, Toy Toy ami Columbia George were found guilty of murdering Anna Edna, an Indian wjinan, whom they suspected of being a witch. They will go to jail fur life.