Weekly Chemawa American. (Chemawa, Or.) 189?-198?, November 08, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Pen Picture,
Pen Picture,
Jennie Downie.
Annie Hayes.
Sadie Davis.
Carrie Radcliff.
Fannie Sisk,
HunR, Ollie Downie and Tillie Souvegner.
Question for debate,
Resolved: That country life is better
than the city life. '
" - Neg.
MaryJurhs Jennie Downie
Fannie Sisk Irene Sorter'
The Excelsior Literary Society met at
the usual hour in room No. 4, on Oct. 3T,
1901. The meeting was called to order by
the president. The program committee
made their report. New business was
next in order. There being nothing under
that head, unfinished business was next
in order. The president appointed mem
henship committee as follows: Messrs, Fer
rU, Payne and Hicks. A motion- was
made and carried that we choose colors for
the society. The colors chosen were blue
nnd gold. Messrs. Ferris, Lrsen and
Plodnrf-tt were appointed as a committee
to select the shade of blue. The society
then proceeded with the program. The
program wns as follows:
Opsins Address, Charles Lars'en.
Comic, Reading, " William Bnldgett.
Historical Rending,- Tims. Downie.
Recitation,. , ., . , Wm. Ingram.
. ' Question . for debate, Resolved: that
the Excelsior Literary, Society, will have,
hetter success without the young ladies.
After a lively debate the, , question was
decided in favor of the affirmative.. There
liMns: no further business the. society ad
journed., Nicholas Lewis, Secretary,
some engagements the rest of the even
ing. Miss Downie the Vice President
then took the Chair. The program was
rendered as follows: 1st An Opening address
by Miss Campbell the President, which
was very interesting, and encouraging to
each member. 2nd a Piano Solo rendered
by Miss Emma Williams, 3rd Comic Read
ing, by lilaucb Davis; to be sure it was
comical, every member appreciated the
preparation of it with hearty laughs. 4th.
Vocal Solo, Miss Edna Baldwin; 5th,, Rec
itation, Violet Dupuis; 6th: Vocal Duet
L. Smith and E. Williams; 7th. and last
Remarks, Josefa Maria; which we were
all glad to hear and was very encouraging.
'Question for debate, Resolved: That
Observation is of more benefit to man than
reading. '
The Principal and Colleagues all ready
to talk made the debate very lively, every
member was ready to give their opinions,
but before they knew it the first bell had
r-ung for readiness to retire or adjourn.
The principals made their final speeches
after which the judges were making their
decision, while the Critic made her report
tho judges decided three for the negative.
The name of the Society was chosen
Nonpariel Literary Society. The Constitu-;
tion was adopted and signed by every
member of the society. .-'
A motion was madp and seconded that
we adjourn, in J which we did at 9 o'clock
P. M.
Things for Boys to Think About.
Nonpariel Literary Society.
The young Indies Seiety, held their,
second meptiusr in-their appointed Asse.m-v
i.lyinthechapelat 7:30 P. M. Miss Camp-l-elLthe.
President, presided the buins
part of tt)3 tmetinsj, theU she retired for
You cannot afford to do a thing poorly. (
You are more injured in shirking your
work or half doing a job than the man for
whom you are working. ,'..
Do not think that life consists of , dress
and show. Remember that one's life is
measured by he power that that individu
al T)as to make the world better.
Ly hold on something that will help
you, and then use it tolnlp somebody else.
- Show me n person who mprely dors a a
duty What he is askd to do and I will