CHEMAWA AMERICAN. in The School Of Work. Charles A.Dana, of the New York Sun, was a man of extensive learning, and at tached great importance to college train ing, but was quick to recognize the value of the practical education that a man of good parts may pick up in this work-a-day world outside of the university walls. The young man went to the Sun office one day and asked to see the editor-in-chief. He would not be rebuffed by the subordinates, and after some delay was adrnited. He stated his buisness without a moment's loss of time. "Mr. Dana," he said, I believe I could be of some use on this paper, and I want you to give me a trial. If you don't find me of any use you needn't pay me auy sal ary. If I don't find my proper groove in a month you can drop me out." Mr. Dana looked him over. "Young man," he said, "I like your looks. Have you ever attended any in-! stition of learning. "Yes Sir. I am a graduate of two news paper offices one a country weekly and the other a daily paper in city of one hun died thousand inhabitants." "I'll take you. Go and report to the managing editor." And Mr. Pana turned again to his work. Sel. Service News. Whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do well whatever I have devoted myself to com pletely; in great aims and in small, I have always been thoroughly in earnest. "Mamma," said four-year-old Willie, "that mean little Smith girl called me a monkey today." "Then what happened?" asked his mother. "Well," replied Willie, you see I couldn't slap a girl, so I gave an other little girl half of my candy to scratch her." Ex. It is the desire of the American to be a publication worthy of the school it repre sents and a helpful factor in the,, work of educating the Indians. To this end, we beg the hearty support of pupils, employes and friends, and at the same time thank them tor the kindly aid given us during the past year. In this connection we wish to call the attention of our readers to our advertising patrons. Without their help, the American could not pay its living. They have responded promptly to our soliciting and in return we have tried to induce you to give them your patronage. Those who assist us are worthy of our as sistance aud you will favor us by bearing this little favor in mind. We regret to learn that Ex-Gov., Mc Oonnell has ben relieved from Indian, In spector, his term having expired. Gov. Mc Connell wasuntirir.g in his efforts to serve the Indian and Indian service. The Indian Iustitute held at Detroit was a great success as is shown by the reports of thedifferent sessions. Many prominent Indian educators were present and discuss ed questions of vital importance to the Indian and the Service. Be eareful in your work. Take just as much pains in making a plain articles as you would in making a fancy one. Put conscience into everything you do and don't form the habit of doing things in a slovenly und haphazzard manner. Be the best or be nothing. The person who inherits a cheerful un complaining disposition instead of acranky disagreeable one, is more to be envied than the person who inherits beauty or millions. One is always surrounded by an atmos phere ot joy, the other would grumble and find fault at a funeral. A student should be frugal of his time as a miser of his money, should save it with as much care, and spend it with as much caution That white cow, said the waggish old farmer, is the one that gives milk. Ah, exclaimed the city girl, and those brown ones I suppose, give beeftea. , -Ex-