2 CHEMAWA AMERICAN. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. The band stand is near completion. It will be a model of beauty. Mr. Woods, Chas. Cutter, Thos. McKay and John Har ris were the principal workmen, Mr. Campbell arranged plans for the bee house. Robert McCrea did the work. An abundance of vegetables, consisting ot corn, cabbage, and other things come from the school farm. - It is reported that Alfred Kitcoon died August 3, 1901, at his home in Alaska. The garden over on Lake Labish is in a flourishing condition. A large crop of blackberries keep the ta bles well supplied, and are bping preserved for winter use. The apple crop will, not be heavy this season, but there will be an abundance of prunes. Dr. Clark devotes considerable time to the front hospital yard, and as a result of water, and elbow grease, has the best look ing lawn in the school. A new hay presa has arrived for the school. Mrs. Thieze left for Tacoma to spend her vacation and to attend thelnstitute. New pupils for the fall term are begin ning to arrive. Indication are that Mrs. Adair will have a large family. Donald Campbell is spending his vaca tion with his parents. r Mr. DePoe attended the summer school at Newport, and played in the orchestra. Mr. Brewer has built a new barn on his Richland farm. Base ball game every evening. Excite ment intense. ' "Spokane" vs "Portland." Closing game took place Saturday. "Port land" won. Mrs. Campbell is filling the position of outing agent for the girls during vacation. At limes during vacation Mrs. McClard has had a small quota of boarders. For a while it was only six. We ask our readers to overlook the liter ary work of thin issue. The editor has been inclined to be sick which made the pen almost a greater burden than he could bear. Mrs. Mitchell had charge of the small boys' home during Mrs. Adair's absence. She is now in charge of the laundry. Essie Reed returned from Salem for a few days visit among her many friends at Chernawa. Howard Gamier is working as an eleva tor boy in Portland. Good for Howard! Many men who have become great started just under such circumstances. Theresa Chesaw started for her new field of labor Monday evening. She carries with her all the good wishes of her many friends at Chemawa. Abraham Hudson is at his home and from the latest gleanings we learn that he is now engaged in harvesting his grain. Good enough for him, the American surmises that he will soon be able to work his own way. Albert Duke an expupil of Chemawa was one of our visitors during the past week "The Old-Man-In-The-Tower" scents something in the air and thinks Old Che mawa has a promising future for the young man. Among our outing students we learn through Mr. Thompson that Willie Wil liams is working at his trade in Portland. The American would like to see some more of our boys branch out aud fight the battle of life side by side with their pale faced brothers. Thos. McCIoud and Chas, Billy are maintaining the standard of Chemawa bravely and are sowing many good seeds, which will cause the farmers of Polk County to consider the valuable and relia ble help the boys of Chemawa are able to render in the harvest fields. Mr. Bruce, a generous friend of our school has a force of our Chemawa braves at work in the harvest fields on his thresher in the Clear Lake district. The boys are having a nice time and gaining financially. Richard Decker who is looking after the engine is reflecting credit on his school. Thos. Young, Wm. Ingram, and Johnson Chapman are also iu the party.