CHEHAWA, OREGON, FRIDAY AUGUST 16, fpoi. H. L. Lovelace, E. Brown, Manager, ' Editor Published Weekly by the Pupils of the Chemawa Indian School. SubwvHn Price, 25 Cents Per Year. Cluhs ot five and over 20 Cents per year Entered at the Postoffiee at Chemawa, Or., as second-class mail-matter. Address all Business Communications to The Chemawa American, Chemawa, Oregon. The boy who quits a job because the work is too hard and makes him tired is no good, and will some day be hitting the road making occasional stopovers at kitch en doors, askiug foa a "bite to eat" and permission to sleep in somedody's barn. Life beyond the school grounds is not made up of sociables and easy half-day jobs, and the young man who would suc ceed must prepare for a hard all-day strug gle with.Mr. Toil. The- Young-Man-Afraid-of-the-Pitchfork will not do. The Old-Man-in-tbe-Tower saw an example that will illustrate the case, a few days ago. Two strong, able boddied youug men, known as tramps, called at two different places on the school grounds for something to eat. Probably they told pitiful tales of their search for employment, but at the sameJime, there is a big demand for men all thiough the valley. The truth of the matter was that they were too lszy to freeze on to the business end of a pitchfork. Haskell Insilute is enjoying a period of prosperity as far as new buildings are con cerned. Haskell is the most favorably lo cated of any school in the service, being in the midst of several Indian reservations, and under the al le management of Supt. Peairs has accomplished and will continue to accomplish great good for the Indian. Intelligence has been received of the death of Mathiew Seattle, grandson of Chief Seattle after whom the city of Seattle was named. He was a young man of abil ity and intelligence and would have some day made a mark in the world bad death not called him hence. From present indications the Indian Institute to he held atTacoma will be well attended. Chemawa will be represented by a large delegation if all go who Lave signified their intention of attending. A good live program has been provided and those who pay heed and go with the inten tion of study as well as pleasure, will derive good'from the gatheing. The Carlisle Indian school band is filling an engagement at the Pan-American Ex position. The band is in excellent shape and among its members are some cf the leading musicians of the United States. Among others we notice Mr. Moses Shongo a cornetist of ability who was a few years since an employe at Chemawa. , Several complaints by letter has been received from subscribers as to why they have not reciyed their pper. The fact that we have not been publishing for two months we trust will be an acceptable ex cuse. In the future if you do not receive your paper regularly, drop us a postal card and the over-sight will be remedied. For almost two months the American has been having a vacation and it will now again make its apprarance at weekly in tervals. At the close of the school year, it fwas announced that its appearance would be in a new form and we have en deavored to make the improvement which will be added from time to time, in quali ty and quantity,