Image provided by: Cape Blanco Heritage Society; Port Orford, OR
About Port Orford news. (Port Orford, Curry County, Oregon) 1958-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1961)
O r fo r d N e w s Volume Four, Number One Thursday, April 6, 1961 i'on Urford, Curry County, Oregon — Price, Ten Cents N esika Beach Ffee .s' æ O f 4 Children ! An early morning fire Wednes- 1 iff Ross Bates left immediately Jay claimed the lives of four Ne- for the scene, followed by a ilca Beach children and com Coos Curry forest patrol fire pletely consumed the family home located across from the truck. Mrs. Turnow had left the Richfield sen Ice station, and north of the Gold Beach Gun house for a few moments, re- 1 club building turnng when the flames wen. ..o- Dead are: Ricky, age 5, Lynn, tjcea bld couid not enter the Rusty Crutcher, 17, was hos pitalized Monday night with se tge 4: Vicki, age 3; and Jimmy, j bome because of extreme raging tge 10 months, children of R ich-, t|ame5 near the entrance. vere facial lacerations and un Three File For ,d and Sharon Turnow. determined injuries resulting children were playing in a back from a one-car accident involv Curry county police radio op- j bedroom when the fire started School Board Posts ator Pat Bates said she re ing a horse on Highway 1 >1 Though not definitely deter ceived the fire call at 7:53 from mined, the blaze is thought to There will be three names on just south of the Rocl.y Point 1 West Coast Telephone opera- have started from a wood heater the May 1 ballot for school di bridge. or. Her husband, deputy sher- or electrical trouble. rector for District 2-CJ, accord A senior at Pacific hlg. school, ing to Helen Slocum, district Rus’y v.’. s returning to his Mid- ; All efforts to save the children cleric. til, Elk home from the show or any part of the home were In Joe Zook, incumbent who is about 10:40 pm. when he came vain, reports said. serving as an appointee for A. upon a car parked on the right Bodies of the children were W. Sweet, resigned, will be un side of the highway. Swinging 'recovered about 10 a.m. by De opposed for a three-year term into the left lane to pass, Crut puty Bates, State Police Sgt. to complete Sweet’s original five- cher saw a horse and swerved j „ „ „ „ . , .. ! James Joy and Curry county de- Rep. E. R. Durno of the fourth assessoi. B,u Gauntlet( and year term. into the bank to avoid hitting it. congressional district will be 1.. were taken ,0 the c mor. Leslie R. (Jiggs) King, former The impact reportedly threw Coos Bay Thursday to discuss L Gold 3each ^ ndlnK fu teacher, coach and vice principal him into the windshield caus- problems with port authorities, nera, arrangements. of the Battle Rock school in inv the lacerations, and demol-| county courts and others, it w a s _______________ Port Orford, is opposing Mrs. ished the car. announced today by William Mabel Kight, incumbent, for the Tugman, Durno’s representative. Elk Rver zone’s five-year term Starting with a no-host lunch Vote will be district-wide, with eon at noon at the Courtel Coos nominations made within the Bay, the meeting will last until residential zone of the nominees. Work on the high steel of 4 p.m., Tugman said. All port Voters will also ballot on the '1 lionras ci eek bridge south of bodies from Brookings to Flor rural school district budget for A California school teacher, Gold Beach in Curry county ence are invited to hear Durno Jack Rice, district superin the coming year at the May 1 Mrs. Bernice Allinger, 601 Mill tendent of district 2 CJ schools, election. Following World War II, a to fill, though, is the gaping continued throughout the win report what he has done and is announced this week th at the Ukiah, discovered a suitcase ter despite 80 mile per hour trying to do for port improve Thomas creek canyon near the As the rural budget includes St., following teaching positions were In brush along the highway about journey from Astoria to the Cal 50 per cent of the budget as will two miles north of Langlois Sat ifornia state line over U.S. 101 middle of the present construc winds and ocean-born storms. ments. yet to be filled in the district: tion project. More than 900 Construction workers prefabri Also on the agenda will be A man for the Port Orford be voted on April 11, the amount urday which contained an ac to be used as “equalization” cordion. according to police chief took at least 11 hours driving feet in length, the steel and con cate sections of the span on talks with county courts and eighth grade who will also have time. crete Thomas creek bridge under t h e south approach, fore others interested in access road within the county, and as district Switzer. Today, the previous 389 miles construction there'll now be the ground, then swing the parts problems, flood control, clear boys P.E. and coach football; a 2 CJ will receive back slightly Bud Mrs. Allinger was travelling of 1945's Oregon coast highway state’s highest bridge when com 1 into place by means of the ing of log jams and debris, etc. man for the sixth or seventh more money than they will pay grade at Langlois, who will also on lo l when she stopped have been trimmed to 364 with pleted, measuring 345 feet from boom hanging precariously Rep. Durno will be at the teach boys P.E. and do the into this fund, district 2-CJ su south along the highway Saturday af over the 350 foot chasm. This construction underway or con the deck to the streambed below. Reedsport union high school li coaching: a second grade posi perintendent Jack Rice urges ternoon about 5:45 to pick some voter« to vote in favor of the wild flowers. She found the suit tracts being let this season to Total cost of this section, with connecting link of relocated brary at 7:30 p.m. Thursday to tion at Langlois; a third grade chop another 18 miles and nearly US lo l will be state's highest bridge, will be $10,817,000, not discuss his new bill to set up a , at L ,oi a combin rural budget. case lying in some brush and an hour’s driving time. More including right of way. biidge when completed. national seashore r e c r e a tio n a l,- ^ ---------- brought it in to Chief Switzer than 165 miles, nearly half the A few miles to the north in the —Highway Depl. Photo area under the jurisdiction of ation instrumental-vocal music person for Langlois and Pacific for examination. It contained distance from border to border Buena Vista-Myers creek section the Siuslaw National tne eiusiaw n a u u .m . Forest ru .eo v in pducatlon teach- the accordion, C. Pelosce & Sons, —will have been rebuilt to mod is another 6.4-mile portion of the stead of the proposed sand dunes | er«for thp dlstl.ict; a home manufacturers. ern standards by next year, and same general project, running BAKE AND RUMMAGE park under the national I onomlcs teacher ar Pacific; a Switzer said a plate in the the average motorist will take through terrain almost as diffi 1 service. j junior senior English teacher at case bore the name of Janice Al just seven hours to drive the cult as th at on both sides of SALE TODAY. FRIDAY 'Pacific; a social science-boys' burn, with no address, but she length of this modern highway. Thomas creek. Costing $3,125. You can browse or buy and en- P.E. position at Pacific; and an is reportedly a student of Charlie First contract to be let on the 000, this section is scheduled for joy free coffee today and tomor- * xr * elementary principal at Lang A gala public dance, complete Jensen, who is contacting the coast route by the state highway completion in 1962 by the con row during the bake goods and School B udget V OtC lois. with door prize, is on top for girl's father. commission was a 1917 project of tractor, Peter Kiewit & Sons rummage sale being sponsored . Numerous applications are on this coming Saturday night, Chief Switzer commented five miles of grading and paving Grading is presently about 85 by the Port Orford Jay-C-Ettes. IS N e x t l u e s d a y hand, according to Rice, for all when tlie volunteer fire depart about the "eturn of"the instru s south pro per cent o u u i of Ui Tillamook. IIUKIHUUR.. Early « .¡iiu p.v- a-n i P o r t O r f o r d - 1 ■ ’ '/ " A .--------- . " ent completed on tne the soutn south I Held in the Coos-Curry Elec! ment host their revived annual ment, saying he is continuously gress was slow on building other po,.tion and clearing work is ¡nitric building, hours are from 9 T ,,ntorQ' L m t h e ,bU‘ th e ’ P°sition surprised, and thankful, of peo portions, though, as the pick. ball. , Langlois, voters win go to tn pick, p,.ogress progress on the northern 3.2' a m. to 4 p.m. daily. l polls next Tuesday to vote on ; The popular western swing ple’s honesty. shove',, and horse-drawn fresno p-pes whether to exceed the 6 per cent stars, the Western Hits, featur construction methods were noj In Coos c0U11ty, the Bandon- limitation for next year’s opera-j ing vocalist Ken Gauthier, will match for jumbled mountains Gav,;s slough cutoff was opened ' tloti of the district schools. play for the affair from 9:30 that reach to the water’s e d g c to traffic this winter, cutting , Voting will be at the Langlois p.m. until 1:30 a.m. along much of the coast. With driving time between Bandon A highlight of the festivities Around $35 in coins was re the depression came a boom in and Coos Bay by some 25 min Bert Kleiner, the elementary I upper elementary and the Port j will be a door prize drawing of portedly stolen from Johnny’s coastwise highway building, how utes. A portion cf the new 17.3- j principal of the Langlois schools, Orford elementary school build-, A special election oi the Lang cemetery Maintenance Dis- a barbecue and electric rotisserie, cafe in a Sunday burglary, ac ever, and the entire route was niile road iuiis th ough a coastal I has submitted his resignation to 1 ings, with polls open from 2 3 ' irlct will be held Tuesday, April complete with a ham. cording to police chief Bud completed with an oiled surface, bog involving a whole new set of ¡the district 2-CJ board, cffcct- p.m. Admission will be one dollar Switzer. Switzer said he was or better, by 1934. Most of the engineering difficulties, b u t ive at the end of the currenll Although there will be a W 'N 'ia at the Langlois Sportsman's slderable decrease In lmllagi t.|Ub ¡n Langlois horn 2 to 7 p.m. te r person. Proceeds will go called about 6:15 p.m. by Mrs. last gaps tvere filled with the trims 12 miles from old US 101. contract vear into the department’s “turn-out” Johnson, who reported hearing opening in 1936 and 1937 of five The older highway follows the Mr. Kleiner, who came pj urxt year fro m th ec u ric n l bud-j lor the purpose of three vniform fund. someone in the back room of the bridges across the large water Coquille river east from Bandon Langlois In 1957, has been con-j, ■ school administrators and i jnectors. Petitions have been Ira Delamarter heads the building. She reportedly said barriers at Ne»7>ort, Waldport, to Coquille, and the narrow, I traded by the Winston-Dillard , the budget committee urge all fded {or placing on tile ballots — - ■ --------------- John M. (Jackie) Donaldson. dance committee, assisted by Jim she found nothing missing at Florence, Reedsport and Coos curving route had proved inadc j system nt. a considerable raise i Everett Isenhart, Luis Smith and Peterson, Monty Montgomery that time. After a further Bay. Before thes“ spans were quate for modern day heavy in salary over his salary at ¡Arthur Strain. and John Hansen. check by her husband, the mon completed, the motorist had to traffic. Some minor work on j Langlois Qualifications lor voters are ey shortage was discovered about choose between waiting on an the Davis slough section will be Teachers in district 2-CJ that they be un elector in the antiquated ferry or detouring completed this summer. Paving j schools who were offered con 10:10. state of Oregon, a resident of the Sen. Morse Asks inland around the bays and In also will be completed on the tracts and who have re ’ ted i cemetery maintenance district 15.4-mile Davis slough Bullards j the offer include Mrs E . j nie lets. Timber Price Revision | Secretary Of State Permits to bum trash or debris I for not less than 9e days last Following World War II when bridge section this year. Burger, Lewis Wampler Mr ¡attention could once more be The U S. bureau of public roads1 Pernie e Scott and Mis Ma' i: the city limits are new re preceding the eleiiion. and must Senator Wayne Morse (D- i Invites Art Group c died, according to fire chief be record owner of real property Cre.) said Thursday that he an d , Howaril Appling, secretary of shifted from military matters to plans to open in 1962 the 7.5-mile ■ Jo Scott. Paul Peterson. in the district o. the holder of -------------------- four other northwest area sena state, has invited the Port Or domestic affairs. It became ap Otis Junction-Ncsknwln section' Permits may be obtained from n duly recorded contra't of pur- tors had urged the secretary of j ford Art association to take part parent that Oi-cgon’s ever-in new under construction as a fed- BABY SHOE FOUND the fire chief or police chief Bud (hasp of real property within the agriculture and the secretary of in an art exhibit to be held at creasing number of automobiles “i ally-financed forest highway Switzer. They arc not required district. Registrations of course, the interior to revise timber the capitol biulding. The date and trucks coupled with mechan project. Contractors are expect A babv shoe v.-as found on t, for burning in an Incinerator closed 3o days before the elec- ical advances in these machines cd to finish a 6.4 mile, two-and- beach near Paradise Point. pricing policies on the national is to be announced later. witli a dosed top. Peterson add- tion. had caused highways considered forests, the Oregon and Californ (Continued on Page 4i Lioyd Read has It Anyone wshing to exhibit his cd that permits will not be is- T ie LCMD take in all of Flor- ia lands, I; -.- public domain for oi- her talents are invited to par adequate for pre war conditions sned on extremely windy days, as Creek precinct and a portion to become outdated. In bring esta, and Indian forests admin ticipate in this display. and that all burning by permit of the northern end of Sixes ing these roads up to modern istered by the department of the requires a fire-watch and avail- precinct. Il is bounded on the standards some have been re interior. Joining with Morse in FIRE DEPARTMENT able water. west by the ocean, on the north built by improving the older the letter were Senators Neuber- I For burning outside the city, by the northern Curry boundary. roadbed and many have been ger. Migu.'-xin, Jackson and MEETS TOMORROW ! permits must be obtined from on the east by the eastern county entirely relocated along a new Engle. The fire department will hold 1 the forest patrol at Fourmile or boundary, and on the south by The proposal they recommend their regular meeting tomorrow alignment. The Gold Beach- the southern boundaries of the Oold Beach ed was the adoption of a system night, Friday, at the Jensen Brookings portion of US 101 in the following townships: T31S: of interim adjustments based on Music store. All members are southern Curry county Is an In Port Orford Baseball associa- sackcr or Bob Stolz at Pacific ranges 16. 15, 14. 13 and 12 high; A1 Johnson at Port Orford stance where the entire highway, tloa re-organizcd last Wcdnes- the use of indices for timber sold urged to attend to complete west. in the Douglas fir legion. This plans for training and the an- between the two towns is being | rf everdng at a meeting held and Beit Kleiner at Langlois. Members of the election bonrd Post 73 of Port Orlord will Is an extension of a pricing pol rual firemen's dance. The meet replaced by 27.7 miles of nett at the Port Orford elementary will be Eulla Mastropollto, Dolly sponsor a Legion nine for the highway, much of it along a new icy put into effect in the pine ing will be at 7:3n pm. C. Foster, Lola Rypher. Mary O. school, and completed plans for first time, with Bob Stolz as alignment, at a cost of nppiox- region under the Truman admin Britton, Jean B Stratton and imately $16,391,000. The new ¿he kids summer baseball pro- coach and Jack Rice as manager istration in 1949. The result The call for local talent was Neonta Hall. representing the post. ¡route will reduce the distance gram. would be that as the price of A1 Johnson was asked by Grib issued today by Rotarían Red Andy Gribble was re elected ¡between the towns 8.5 miles and forest products varied, the price president, with Red McWilliams ble to draw np a nine-week sum-' McWilliams, chairman of the ¡will save 25 minutes time. paid for stumpage would also Most spectacular of the Curry as vice president; Lloyd Bates as mer schedule or the Llttl“ League Rotary club’s talent show set fo vary, reflecting changes in mar county projects currently under secretary-treasurer; a n d Bill ¡group. The Babe Ruth group April 28 ket conditions. At the Battle Rock school H A. “Mac” McGarrey, own construction Is t h e 15-mile Krlck, Bialne Marsh and Har- will play in a league, as they did The senators pointed out: “For last year, and the Legion nine gym, the show, featuring talent section. old Dunn as directors. the last several months the lum er and operator of South Coast Rurnt Hill The group, with representa- , will play in a league set up by In three divisions, will be at 8 ber market has been severly cur Agency, was elected president of Being in the worst part of the p.m. Adults, intermediates and The county unit of the Oregon tailed, particularly that of the the Port Orford Rotary club at rugged country between Brook tlves of several Port Orford or- the Legion four area, Babe Ruth and Legion games Juniors, will entertain ns they Coast association met at the ings and Gold Beach, this is, ganizations and Harry Strain Douglas fir Industry—the recent a meeting last week decline, with attendant and sub Other officers are Joe Zook, mile for mile, some of the most end Bob Stolz from Langlois, will be played at Pacific high compete for top prizes in the Frl- courthouse in Oold Beach 'l ues day night for election of officers stantial unemployment, has been rice president; Dr. L. R. Pugh, difficult 2-lane construction un voted to sponsor the following end the Little Leaguers will play day follies. Admission prices arc: Adults and to make final arrangements An American Legion at Langlois and Port Orford dia a cause of real economic dis- secretary; Charles Haines, treas dertagen in the United Stat s teams 50c and children 25c, the club for the April 9. 10, II associa- urer; and directors named are Cutting through a wild lend of team for boys aged 16-18; a monds, as they did last vear. tress. Itlon convention hi Coos Buj. "We are confident that the use Ionnle Abston, A1 Johnson and high, steep bluffs and deep can Babe Ruth team for boys aged Fans may look forward to a sa|d ________________ Elected for the coming year yons. the new route will take mo 13 15; and three Port Orford good season, as the Port Orford of Indices to reflect the wider Paul Austin. ¡were: Ernie Nelson, vice pres.; torists past bays and beaches and one Langlois Little League Langlois all-stars were Curry fluctuations in forest products directors, Paul Fauerso, Brook- county champions last year and MRS. LUELLA WALDIE formerly visited only by a rare teams for boys aged 9 12 prices would help achieve not PACIFIC PROM Persons intere t“d in coaching most of the player: will return | SCHOOL SECRET KRY County Coniinr,'ioneis Ken and hardy f‘*w who hiked In on only greater production stability DATE SET Thompson and Bill Campbell, foot from the present highway should contact Gribble as soon for the coming season in the nation’s most important Mrs. Luella Waldle has been and County Judge Fernley Long. as possible, as the league will Boys who do not reach their timber producing region, but also Dates for the junior-senior farther inland. ¡13th birthday prior to June 1 namçd aa secretary at Pacific The 31st annual OCA conven in low market periods It would prom have been set for April 15. In a series of mour.taln-movine begin the last week In May. Boys playing must turn in an will be eligible for Little League high school, replacing Mrs Lu tion will open with a social hour. tend to reduce unemployment 8 3q p.m., according to Pacific xcavations. contractors Petei 6 to 7 p.m., followed by a no-host and the economic hardships it high principal Prank Heesacker Kiewit * Sons, Darkenwald- application signed by their par- play. Those who reach their cille Ellis, who resigned. Frank Heesacker. Pacific high dinner at the Courtel Coos Bay. The prom will be held at the Harms companv erd Morrison- ent together with $2.00 to cover 13th birthday but not their 16th produces " Election and Installation of of The senators called upon the Sixes grange hall and will last Knudson company are turning insurance for the season These by this date will play Babe Ruth principal, stated that he had ficers and the president's lunch two secretaries to act in concert until 2 am. under plans com the sawtooth landscape into a may be picked up and should be ball, and those who were born several excellent applicants and eon will close the convention on to institute devices which will pleted last week by sponsors and leveled roadbed by means of tre f -rned to their principals at the after January 1. 1943, will play that the final decision was a Tuesday. hard one mendous cuts and fills, Too blgschool they attend Frank Hee- Legion ball a class committee promote economic health. Rusty Crutcher injured In M onday Night Accident Durno To Speak In Coos Bay California Teacher Finds Suit Case School Teacher Vacancies Told Highway 101 Progresses Annual Firemen's Ball Is Saturday Burglary Reported Langlo's Cemetery District To Elect Principal Quits City Fire Permits Now Required Coaches, Player Sign-up Is Open For Summer Baseball Rotary Dates Talent Show McGarvey Heads Local Rotary County OCA Officers Elected