IH 7 Street roots Education♦ Dialogue ♦ Independence REVIEW Simple People’s eloquent absurdity BY JAY THIEMEYER mago is such a treasure. C onsider its latest production, this one w ritten by Carol Triffle. T he concept couldn’t be m ore tim ely o r m ore rudely entertaining. In it, Amy, a form er accountant with Lehm an B rothers,, timidly e n te rs the sanctuary of a hom eless shelter. She looks "Simple People," a traum atized. On the new play by Carol Stage she is alone. Triffle, runs at She dum ps h e r stuff Imago Theater on . th e creaky bunk through June 13. All and g o e s to g e t a tray seats reserved. For from the kitchen. She reaches up to a mic ticket, information, to m ake h e r o rder call the Imago and says som ething Theatre Box Office th a t sounds like “one at 503-231-9581 or m ore day,” though TicketsWest at 503- th e plastic flat she picks up with the 224-8499 or 800- anonymous m eal and 992r8499 th e prom inent Coca- You can also Cola can tells us, like purchase tickets the tray, all h e r days through the link a t ; are barely digestible www.imagotheatre. and equally nondescript and com lacking flavor. - Amy once lived in He seem s eternally bloodless and on the make. Milo, on the oth er hand, is near hysteria as he describes how cold the darkness is outside, alone on the pav em en t A fourth m em ber is Amy’s form er assistant, B ob; Bob is under the covers o n a nearby bunk, both oblivious to th e re s t and ignored.' H e rouses in th e middle of.the piece and w anders in his rum pled, dirty su it to g et his tray th en take h is s e a t, th en not am ount to much. Just as before. Just m ore bereft. if T rips to the john behind a screen provide flushes for punctuation. , This work is com posed of little parts, not surprising given Carol Triffle’s re ce n t plays, very nearly not th e a te r at all. In th e notes th e influence of h e r m entor Jacque LeCog is recognized, along with playwright R obert Maxwell. I heard som e Brecht-like lines, maybe because I w anted to, and a Beckett- like strain. T he characters w ere all Pozzo’s. / A nondescript, eloquent depiction of the absurdity of Am erica’s securitization. Trading in financial nothings, an econom y driven by securitized debt, landing th e , giants together in th eir little sh e lte r hell. T he piece is unadorned and to the point. L ost people who once w ere som ebodies in a society going down th e drain, making ch aracters like th ese inevitable. I thought it was very moving in its vulnerability and light statem en t of com euppance. T he m orality overlooking th e g reat city. Now, she guards h e r skirts on the pavem ent w here she had been sleeping. . Slowly— th e whole play is practically mim ed, every m otion is so slow — sh e is joined by o th er refugees of th e subprim e m ortgage implosion. T here is Nathan, a.k.a. “Odd Job,” whom she insists on calling “Odd Ball” as though they still inhabited th e fraternity of th e ir office lives in th e financial tower. “Odd” is indeed extraordinarily good a t assim ilating him self to. his environm ent. T he p oetry w as c le a ra n d in a well-measured dose._ E loquence could seem really inappropriate but in this piece, it added savor. It was all about the acting and the acting w asw ell tuned and effortless. As is to be expected from Imago. Sitting w ith a nother friend, herself hom eless a t this m om ent, we both inhaled it. She thought it was reasonably accurate. An a rtist herself, s h e assum ed the actors had also experienced w hat th e play C O N T R IB U T IN G W R IT E R I ... P H O T O B Y JER R Y M O U A W A D Danielle Permette a n d Kyle Delamarter in Imago Theater's original production “Simple People. ” The play, by Carol Triffle, runs through June 13. portrayed,: It seem ed th a t way. As serious artists, ra th e r than greedheads,.they presum ably knew w hat it was like to be on the margin, living on a very small income, or less. T heyjseem ed to have skin in the game. AU in all, an affecting production, an eloquent draft, fit for consum ption. I say draft because they seem to b e endlessly improving on th eir work. So, th o u g h th e re , w ere instances w here things m ight be tightened, it was an hour very well spent on M em orial Day. NEW Multnomah County Health Department syringe exchange & disposal * condoms & supplies 8 referrals • health Info • someone to talk to rwrcrfrfiiffi P rewitt. Promote. Preterì. Call for times and locations. 503-280-16 1 t f ngfish • 503-988-6333 Español 2 Ì i /irifo ! 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