OUR MISSION Street Roots creates income opportunities for people experiencing homelessness and poverty by publishing a newspaper that is a catalyst for individual and social change. CONTACT US BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHERE YOUR DOLLAR GOES Chairperson: Bruce-Anderson Treasurer: Heather Stadick § Secretary: Chelsea Clark-James When you buy Street Roots, 75 cents of the cost goes to the homeless or low-income vendor who works to distribute the paper. 25 cen ts' — the cost to the vendor — pays for printing. Our operating expenses receive additional.support from donations and in-kind contributions. ? Members: Ruth Kovacs Eddy Barbosa Brad Taylor Rich Rodgers Stephanie Potter Michael Anderson ADVISORY PANEL Adam Arms attorney Monica Goracke Oregon Law Center Artis the Spoonman musician Jay Thiemeyer writer, activist , Geqny Nelson SistersQfTheRoad i Amy Dudley Rural Organizing Project Bryan Pollard. Cherokee Nation Michael Anderson Oregon ON Chris Lydgate Reed College Martha Gies Author, journalist Keith Vann Homeless Activist Street Roots welcomes comments and contributions from the public I 7 5 25< 9 °es ^ rect^ t0 vend °rs who sell you the paper pays for printing costs PHONE 503-228-5657 FAX ’ 503-227-3117.. E-MAIL streetroots@ernail.com OFFICE LOCATION 211 NWDavis .Portland, OR 97209 OUR VENDORS A t the heart o f Street Roots' mission are its hard working and dedicated vendors. Vendors buy Street Roots fo r 25 cents and sell the paper for $1. More than 50 vendors sell Street Roots in the Portland metro area and Vancouver. Each, vendor can be identified by a vendor badi i€j&a«€k | each is assigned to a specific territory. Vendors are empowered not only in their work to sell the paper, h u t many also contribute as writers and production assistants. The money they earn helps them meet basic housing, food and healthcare needs. Molly Ziegler . V olunteers. o f America GET published ; VINCENT ASHER Volunteer writers are always welcome to subm it letters to the editor,; commentaries and news items. If you would like to have something that you've written published in. our pages, or would like to get involved as a member o f our reporting staff, contact Joanne Zuhl at 503-228-5657. We ask that,all submissions include the author's name and contact information, if available. VANCE SCHWEIGERT i p ■ e» » 0 o fe kJ L/ - t ’ wi K m C A S S ID Y M O RSE V IC K Y S1TTINGHAW K JOHN LISIFKA F > ¿ BRIAN LETIECQ a LEO RHODES r r i " J 1 *2 a y ’ JAM IE MCDERMOTT DAVID ARM ITAGE BOB ECKERSON i • L M JA N E L L E J E F F R IE S l_ J S ili RICHARD FALCONER DONNA BACON DAVID TESTOWICH MILLARD GULLEDGE VAN D ER HEIDEN FRANK COBB WISHLIST 1 L J GERALD LEACH L L " J 1 VIKTORIA LEACH VOLUNTEERS THIS ISSUE STREET ROOTS STAFF ISRA EL BAYER KATE COX MARA GRUNBAUM ART GARCIA CASSANDRA KOSLEN JAY THIEMEYER RUTH KOVACS MARY PACIOS CHELSEA CLARK-JAMES REBECCA ROBINSON STOOP Director . Grant Writer CASSANDRA KOSLEN JOANNE ZUHL HEATHER STADICK Reporters Managing fditor Accountant ART GARCIA KELLY BRYAN LEAH NASH Vendor Coordinator Web Designer KEN HAWKINS Photographers EDDY BARBOSA ■ First-aid supplies ■ Prepaid Office Depot cards - ■ TriMet bus tickets/passes; - ■ Sun screen ■ Printer paper ■ Toilet paper ELIZABETH SCHWARTZ CARL WELCH KEN HAWKINS Resource Specialist INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATION Street Roots is a proud member o f the North American Street Newspaper Association and the International Network o f Street Papers. The mission of NASNA is to support a street newspaper * movement that creates and upholds journalistic and ethical standards while promoting self-help a n d ' . empowerment among people living in poverty. INSP is an umbrella organization that provides a consultancy- service for its partner papers and. advises on the.setting up of new street papers and supports initiatives for marginalized people. Visit NASNA online-at www.nasna.drg or the INSP at www.street-papers.org for more information. , ADVERTISE IN STREET ROOTS PLEDGE YOUR SUPPORT Street Roots is a 501 (c)3, nonprofit organization. AH donations are greatly appreciated and tax deductible. I would like to contribute: $10 $20 $50 $100 $250$ : Advertisement and sponsorships are available at low rates, with electronic transfer and in-house production options available to buyers. TO SUBSCRIBE Please add me, to your subscription list fo r24 issues. I have enclosed a check dr money order payable to Street Roots for $35. Two issues are mailed once a month. Address: : 'k .k r r - :. \ • -* • • Send to: Street Roots, 211 NW Davis, Portland, OR 97209 Now donate online at www.streetroots.org Rates begin at $25fo r sma,ll ads and continue up fo r larger display ads. We also,offer price breaks fo r tw o- and six- month commitments. Prices may vary on custom-sized ads. If you are interested inplacing an ad or sponsoring a section of the newspaper, please call our office at 503-228-5657 or e-mail us at streetroots@email.com.