CEBEBRÄT1W© Ä 10 street r o o ta lB Education ♦ Dialogue ♦ Independence INTERNATIONAL The Latino Obama? Rafael Correa won a landslide second term a s president o f E cuador in a “citizens’ revolution, ” but he faces huge challenges in realizing his election manifesto a n d placating ja dem anding electorate B Y HENRY MANCE Occidental Petroleum and the phone allies have been his very opponents, those grave for some time. network Porta, for environmental offenses traditional politicians who keep doing # When Chavez compared George Bush to Quito/ Ecuador politics in the same outdated ways.” Satan, Correa chimed inthat it was unfair to and tax evasion'respectively. “The party’s over,” he told Porta. “If you don’t like it, s this what hope looks like after two Change and slick advertising, yes, but the the devil. Yet most of thq time Correa is years in power? Rafael Correa - a little we’ll use another company.” The moves . Ecuadorian president is not a conciliator like happy to leaye the humor to the Venezuelan stockier, greyer and hoarser - bounces were “a boost to national self-esteem,” Obama. If there’s an opportunity to insult president; he is more boffm than buffoon. opto the stage, hugging just about anyone . someone, he’ll probably take it. according to analyst Paulina Recalde. He earned a master’s degree in Belgium, an he can get his arms around. . ‘ - The president then announced Ecuador Environmentalists and indigenous groups economics doctorate in Illinois, and speaks The rally is meant to mark the end of his are “imbeciles”. One of his rivals in the would default on $3.4 billion of its national Spanish, French, English and Quechua. re-election campaign. In fact, the president election, Ecuador’s richest man isa “big- debt, claiming it had been contracted Before being elected.president, his only of Ecuador is already celebrating. He starts bellied oligarch.” The press are “part of the “illegally and illegitimately” by past political experience was a few months as off with some group karaoke - one number about Che Guevara, another proclaiming that "the people united will never be defeated” and finally, “Tropical Banana,” a bizarre song about Ecuador’s role as a commodities exporter. C Only when the-president starts to speak does something resembling decorum set in. “We've kept our word!” he bellows at the ecstatic crowd. “The citizens’ revolution is happening and nothing can stop it!” Next to me, a star-struck old man chokes, “a great president, a great president.” Around us, hundreds of supporters wave lime-green flags bearing prints of Correa’s face, the striking image he first used in 20Q6 as an affront to the traditional political colors and,mug shots. It was Barack Obama- style advertising, before Obama entered our consciousness. Four days after the rally, Correa’s celebrations were proven right. He was re-elected on April 26 in the first ■'■Fot md -of voting -'•th e 'firs t “ time1 m^t hre g’ decades a candidate has won without having to go to a second round - in an unprecedented feat of popularity in Ecuador. Ecuador is a dreamy world of turtles, jungles, beer for breakfast, and H e earn ed a m aster's d eg ree indigenous women carrying babies in B elg iu m , an ec o n o m ic s across their backs - doctorate in Illin o is , an d ’ as any bus-beaten sp e a k s S p an ish , F rench, backpackers will tell E n g lish an d Q uech ua. H is you. However, it is also o n ly p o litic a l exp erien ce a political volcano. w as a few m on th s a s fin a n ce Since 1997, P H O T O B Y R E U T E R S /G U IL L E R M O G R A N J A m inister; oth erw ise, h e w as economic crisis and Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa addresses a n enthusiastic crowd a t the end o f his re-election cam paign. He was massive corruption | a u n iv ersity professor an d re-elected A pril 2 6 in the first round o f voting, the fir st tim e in three decades a president has won with such support. have led to three c o n su lta n t. T h is is the presidents being in te llig e n t fa ce o f" 2 1 st ousted from office: structure of finance minister; otherwise, he was a governments. Last week he said Ecuador cen tu ry so cia lism ." The first victim, now corruption and university professor and consultant. This is would in fact repay it, but at a 70 per cent exiled in Panama, _____ __________ accomplices of the intelligent face of “21st century discount Nonetheless, the government won the nickname the national socialism.” claims that for the first time Ecuador is “El Loco” when as • disaster.” Correa’s first move as president was. to spending more on social services than debt president he released an album titled “El But insults are not a bad* tactic* in a declare the need for a blank slate, a new set repayments. Correa still lacks the money for Loco que Ama” (The Madman who Loves) country fed up with its politics. Then there’s of politicians to allow real change. Like Chavez-style missions, but his supporters So, in a country where the tourists Rafael Correa’saffinity with Hugo Chavez. Chavez, he introduced a new national attribute virtual miracles to the new social sometimes stay longer than the presidents, Gordon Brown et al may have declared the constitution and then won a healthy majority programs. . what makes Correa different? “There’s a Washington consensus dead, but the two in the resulting Assembly. “Before, there were three social classes: yearning for change and Correa has Bolivarians (supporters of a political However, while Chavez now launches upper, middle and lower. Now there are just ideology named after Simon Bolivar, the j presented himself as someone who is wave after wave of nationalization,' Correa ; sincere, whatever mistakes he may make,” 19th century general and liberator of much has steered a moderate economic course. See LATINO OBAMA page 11 says the pollster Santiago Perez. “His best He has cracked down on big companies, of South America) have been dancing on its S T R E E T 'N E W S S E R V IC E _____ I Tune in to - We The People on KBOO, 90.7 fm 6-7 p.m. the fourth When it comes to your civil liberties, you should hear what you're missing; Thursday of every month Linda Olson-Osterlund and Patrik Angstrom VENDOR WORK ADS Bruce Heino: Available for yard work, general assistance, four-hour minimum, wage negotiable. Please call the Street Roots office or contact New Seasons at 33rd and Killlngsworth. Bill Atkinson Yard work, moving, misc. Four-hour minimum, $10 an hour. Call Street Roots office at 503-228-5657. Vicki Sittinghawk: House cleaning, very thorough. References. Call 503-287-4174; Dan & Donna: Need odd jobs? Can do painting, yardwork, miscellaneous labor. Very dependable. Call the Street Roots office at 503-228-5657,503 267-4794. 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