f l For your Deck, Cedar Siding, or Log Home... A W ood Finish th a t W orks in A ll K inds o f FROM THE LOWER LEFT CORNER Weather ViaoKia Sroppiello Sunlight and water rub wood uf its natural strength and beauty DEFYs unique water based formula penetrates deeply to keep wood moisture free and has powerful sunscreens to block damaging UV rays Llama Spit By AJ Coyne T he P ro fessio n a l Solution F or Wood Take A Breath Already H ig h lig h ts th e N a tu ra l B e a u ty o f W o o d W ill N o t Flake o r Peel “ I com e to the sea to breathe ” 1 have read th is sentence on t-sh irts, cups, bags, postcard, bathroom w a lls, sides o f b u ild in g s (a lrig h t m aybe not b u ild in g s but the w ay it is headed I am sure it w ill happen soon), every tim e I see it I w o nd er w h a t these pe op le do w h en they are aw ay fro m the sea suffocate0 I f it is here w h ere they fin d th e ir peace w h y w o u ld they w a n t to re tu rn to the c ity ? D oes the a lm ig h ty d o lla r d riv e them back to the jo b s and o b lig a tio n s that seem to take th e ir breath aw ay? A re the y re a lly b re a th in g any better here0 M y guess is no, m y guess is th a t the v a ca tio n they planned is as fu ll o f stress and o v e re x e rtio n as any day w o rk in g in the c ity I suppose they c o n tin u e to th in k about the th in g s back hom e that b rin g knots to th e ir m uscles and a pain to th e ir (o r is it o u r) heads 1 k n o w they con tinu e to treat people as i f they are s till in the c ity , I have fou nd o u t fir s t hand tha t pe op le can s till be rude w h ile they are breathing, I do it a ll the tim e T he th in g that m akes me laugh is that som e ho w to u rists b e lie ve th a t i f they buy a sou ven ir w ith the w o rds, “ I com e to the sea to breath” then they can return to the c ity and sho w a ll the o th e r c ity d w e lle rs h o w great and re la xin g th e ir v a ca tio n was le a v in g o u t that th e ir w a lle t g o t stolen, the dog peed in the car and h o w that rude w o m an at the grocery store w o u ld n ’ t le t them s u c k th e ir s tu ff on the cou nter w h ile they shopped O K , it is tim e to U k e a breath, go ahead, le t it out, n o w d o n ’t w e a ll feel Easy t o A p p ly and M a in ta in Sun Country Log Home Store Timber and McMinnville, Oregon (800)827-1688 www TheLogHomeStore.com Free Sample Available! IL L A M O O k H ^ ao IS o o k ^ ö BOOK5 ^PEC IA L ORDERS be tte r0 150 A ve . U, S e a s id e •MARINER MARKET« W f NOW HAVE A WIDE VARIETY O f OKGANIC PRODUCTS ORGANIC PRODUCE .IM WEATHERS CABPENT-Ky TOFU 4 SOV CHEESE ANTHONY STOPPIELLO ORGANIC CAGE FREE EGGS FREE RANGE CHICKEN ORGANIC MILK FRESH HERBS FANTASTIC SOUPS 4 MLXES ORGANIC CORN CHIPS ... GOLD MEDAL FLOUR ORGANIC CORN MEAL W hole 436*1885. ....AND MUCH MORE CANNON BEAC H Architect Earth friendly architecture Consultant - Educator Passive solar design Conscientious material use Licensed in Oregon and Washington w h ea t flour A LARGE SELECTION FROM BOB'S RED MILL • 1 3 9 N. HEM LO C K — j 310 Lake S t • PO 6 72, Ilwaco, WA 9 6 6 2 4 (3 6 0 ) 6 4 2 -4 2 5 6 4 3 6 -2 4 4 2 » OREGON COAST SUPPORT CROUP R O RTH IR R S T TURES EHGEE » O BOX JO cahhoh IIA C H O R ItO H » J 1 IO SO) 4 1 * O S H • OX 1 * 8 4 8 1 8 FAX 1O 1 1 * 8 7 1 1 8 4^ 4*. NATURÆLF90DS > 1? < ONE MAN SHOW Oh no! Beach driving...oh, yes! If you want controversy, beach driving here on the Ixjng Beach Peninsula certainly has it. Although I can see the ments o f both sides. I never dnve on the beach. I remember too well going clam digging with my mother up near Ocean Park One time we parked next to a long line o f cars, went digging, and on our return, our car was lett all alone, half way up the hubcaps in sand The surf wasn’t even close, but you can imagine the ordeal that ensued I'm not interested in repeating it 1 admit my disinterest in getting stuck keeps me from the more remote sections o f beach for clam digging and it also prevents me from going out in the middle of the night, just when the wind has turned west al ter a gale, to look for Japanese glass floats with a spotlight. My dad had a special vehicle just for this purpose, an old rust-buckel pickup truck. This pickup was in such bad shape, the cab roof was only attached in the rear The other three sides had a quite effective crack that allowed you to check the weather ahead and to each side without craning your neck to look out the window The flapping at 40 mph was audible, but my dad didn't even try to hold the thing down with "hippie chrome" (my husband's name for duct tape) Of course my dad was far from a hippie, he just knew when he had the proper tool for a given situation When his wife suggested he get nd o f that disgraceful truck, my dad responded that he (and she) should feel lucky they didn’t have to walk. Our household has two vehicles, neither o f which is good enough, or bad enough, to drive on the beach Neither of them is new, but we’re Fighting rust as it is, without taking them out where salt and sand can get the upper hand. Besides—there's nothing to see on that long flat beach anyway The dunes are pretty much the same all along, low risers with scattered pines on the uplands and some driftwood on the ocean side. The driftwood isn't very interesting anymore either, because there just isn't much good stuff coming down the Columbia—it's all been cut down. What remains, people keep hauling away for firewood or burning in bonfires right there on the beach. Most o f the flotsam and jetsam nowadays is made o f plastic, not the interesting glass and corroded metal objects that used to float to shore. In fact, the detritus looks to me like a container ship o f recycling plastic must have jettisoned a load, because that's all 1 see— and 1 see enough of that walking around town without going to the beach to see more. No, I don't drive on the beach to get to some remote spot to see the same old thing—too chicken, too careful with my aging vehicles. But I ain't against riding I did appreciate it when one o f my neighbors took me in his truck to sec how much o f the beach had fallen in down by Beard's Hollow. I stood next to the scarp and the dune was at eye level, plus those little erosion study stakes were leaning and dropping toward the surf. No, I don't drive on the beach, I walk. My favorite is Benson Beach in Fort Canby State I’ark. The view there is defined by the grandeur o f north 1 lead and its lighthouse on the north and the ruggedness of the Columbia River jetty on the south. The eraggy outlines o f the original basalt shore backing the dunes and covered with old forest is the most beautiful part o f the southwest Washington coast in my opinion. The giant logs backed up from the jetty northward are spectacular and ever changing, given the ocean's recent incursions onto the beach. Clambering up on the jetty, we have a good v iew o f boats and ships crossing the bar and a great view o f C,ape Disappointment and its light. Plus, I'm sentimental I always think o f my dad and his dad when I'm there This is where my grandfather was injured while helping build the jetty, leading to a lifelong disability This is also where we scattered my dad's ashes on a Mastery November day on an outgoing tide. You see why I don't drive on the beach There's too much to see, to touch, to feel, without being distracted by a car Victoria Stoppiello is a writer living in Ilwaco at the lower left comer o f Washington State. G ourmet P izz A A selection of OREGON WINES & fine BEERS always on hand. Come join us for dinner near the pounding surf at Laneda & Carmel in Manzanita 503/368-5593- Philip Thompson ■ * a r c h ite c t Personalized custom designs for your unique site. a r c h ite c tu r e & e n v ir o n m e n ta l p la n n in g 25925 N.W. St. Helens Rd., Scappoose, OR 97056 M an is forbidden to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and eviL He acts against God’s command....From the standpoint of the Church, which represents authority this is essentially sin. From the standpoint o f man, however, this is the begining of human freedom. Erich Fromm (503) 543-2000 DUAML JOHNSON KLM tJT A T t O p e n in g R e c e p t io n FRIDAY, JULY 7™, 5 - 7 PM A r t is t in A t t e n d a n c e J u l y 7™ - 9™ A t F in e A r t G a l l e r y 2 3 1 N. H e m l o c k , S u it e 2 0 2 V il la g e C e n t e r , C a n n o n B e a c h , OR T e l . 5 0 3 . « 4 3 6 . 9 3 7 7 4 I zooo 47 N . H O L L A D A Y D R . S E A S ID E , OR 97138 7 3 8-8877 UNIVERSAL-* VIDEO] " Au U sual C raw , A Mb L fffs OF Sooo SvxjFF T»O. STEVE HAUGEN JIM HAUGEN Foi». A l l Y our R em E state N eecs