sumere ic on cr>e scxp-s* ARIES (21 Mar-19 April): It's about you, dummy. A personal power month. Feel free to shape reality with your dreams and to pitch wom-out plans into the dumpster of inappropriate decisions. Your light shines brightly Deal with the truth honestly but avoid beating anyone over the head with it. Remember that the definition of power is force unexercised. LIBRA (23 Sept-23 Oct): Clean your closets and be where you are. Emotional and financial matters sort themselves to completion and gain. It's not just what you do, it’s who you do it with. Your energy field can be trusted. Balance your own interests with the dreams and desires of others. Difference is the source of all energy. Avoid competition in all forms. TAURUS (20 April-20 May): You have the universe's permission to feel lucky. You're attracting the right people, both personally and professionally, and unless you indulge your tendency to sulk, real progress is possible. Be enthusiastic, throw your heart into something and do what needs doing to make yourself a better person and the world a better place. SCORPIO (24 Oct-22 Nov): A month for building on strengths. Partnerships carry more weight than solo flying, hard work is better than no work at all. Whatever you do, focus on doing it better. Wait for matters to conclude before concluding them, rush into nothing and come to a deeper understanding of yourself. Be humble in the face of questions that lack simple answers. GEMINI (21 May-21 June): There's nothing like being in the right place working with the right people. There's nothing like believing in what you're doing and working like a beaver on lattds to make your beliefs cast a bright shadow in the world. There's nothing more successful than compassion and nothing that furthers more than walking your talk. SAGITTARIUS (23 Nov-21 Dec): Take time to tell those you love why you love them. Listen to yourself when you do. The world is your reflection, look into the mirror. Your image may be distorted; if so, correct it. Speak the truth with charm and grace; put a cork in it when there's a chance for misunderstanding and pain. Work hard and the rewards come without effort. CANCER (22 June-22 July): Open the gates and set your chickens loose. Ignore limitations, expand the sphere of your ambitions and flex the muscles of change. Consider new thoughts and set new priorities. Question authority and wait patiently and politely for the answers. Peaceful transformation is the best investment in the future, faith is always rewarded. CAPRICORN (22 Dec-19 Jan): A better month than you'll think it is. You're worrying too much about money again. It's as stupid now as it was before. Expect new developments and engage them. Get out of your head and speak your heart, you'll never do either any younger. Accept yourself, cut your fellow humans some slack and strangle all grudges. L«n« UitiTt bunsiMû P a S T M L S 1 D l SSLKTS S ouf AQUARIUS (20 Jan-18 Feb): Wanting more is fine as long as you know what you need and can tell when enough is enough. Money costs responsibility and time and the question is always, can I afford it? Well, can you? Put yourself in motion. Places to go, people to do, things to consider. Be open and caring and sit in the back seat. If you would be first, be last. S w o rn M iotoun CANNON BEACH WC-M20 r fin ely selected w om en’s (£/ ' 5 Portland (503) 239-4605 Cannon Beach (503) 436-1572 work hard dross easy 47 N. HOLLADAY DR. SEASIDE, OR 97138 738-8877 UNIVERSAL-# VIDEO " A u LEO (23 July-22 August): Another powerful month. Your stock continues to rise at work, you're rewarded for who you are. Your power comes from your passion. In matters of the heart, root out superficiality and settle for nothing that doesn't nourish you. In one way or another, love will transform you this month. Free yourself and everyone else. 406V tttntocK U sual C k m > Awb L ots of G ooo S tuff Too." STEVE HAUGEN JIM HAUGEN §teve'$ > VIRGO (23 August-22 Sept): Grant yourself permission to be dissatisfied. If your expectations of others are consistent with what you need and deserve and they're not being met, either do something to change matters or get to stepping. Flog no dead horses. Work on what is firm. Use your powers of persuasion to advance your work and stop with the worrying. J C ip e n se e l V S p e c ia l iz i n g in : Environmentally .friendly Window Cleaning PISCES (19 Feb-20 Mar): Doors open into very interesting rooms. There's nothing more attractive than a Pisces on top of their game. Dream surprising dreams, be larger than yourself, walk with confidence. We make the world as we go along and anything less than our best shot isn't worth the bother. Find something to do that helps, throw out anything that doesn't. Steve JRaMontagrie PX). fi,u- 669 Cannon Peach, Oil, 9711(1 (503) 436-0942 S am A bsher cA C o n s // A dditions G eneral C ontracting Q uality C onstruction R emodel L evel - S tabilize MAMZAMitA "NCVVS O 8 ESPRESSO C ell: 440-0278 P .O .B o x 2577 C z . "* Fax: 717-0389 Gearhart, OR 97138 738-7563 ccb # C3 O 114007 A Cheerful Presence in Manzanita P O R T L A N D R O A ST IN G Coffee & Espresso D rinks T E M P T A T IO N S H om em ade Pastries, Sandwiches & Soup 3 5 0 M a g a z in e T itle s O regon C oast and Local M aps, Local N ew spapers like M/keV k/kc Suxr S kate S now t K ayak G iak R entals K emim t lAont 171 SUNSET RLYS --------- '<3fc-?726 WdlY O pen Daily 7:30am — 5:00 pm 500 Laneda Ave. M anzanita 368-7450 * Philip Thompson 1 r ■ V y a rch ite ct Personalized custom designs for your unique site. a r c h ite c tu r e & e n v ir o n m e n ta l p la n n in g Bob apd ^dsaQQ p e d a le , Ou/pers 25925 N.W. St. Helens Rd., Scappoose, OR 97056 (503) 543-2000 fietv Otupere, 5ame Old people 0 tote o f fieu/ Old Books 2 4 4 fiord; ^pruae pOBox 1096 ÇapQOQ Beaal; Mike’s Bike Shop orç 9 7 1 1 0 4U sej > & (503) 436-0549 M4D E-mail: jupiter@paoifier.aom U/eb pa<$e: u/UAU.jupiterbooks eom (o UFFER LEFT EDGE MA.R.CH 2000 THE OSBORNE WORKING STUDIO & GALLERY FINE ART, SPECIAL EDITION PRINTS, a COMMERCIAL RENDERINGS 6 3 5 MANZANITA AVENUE P.O.BOX 301 MANZANITA, OREGON 0 7 1 3 0 PHONE OR FACSIMILE 503 368 7518 Rentals • Repairs • Sales 2d years downtown, on Spruce Street 436-1266 (Out id state inquiries, 800-497-1766)