DUANt JOHNSON R tM Ü T A T L expose yourself to our reuben sandwich! Tk * N o rth w e st Examiner \1 9 9 7 - »S E LE C TE D . * <32135^ REUB EN SAND W IC H Goose Hollow Inn 1927 SW Jefferson 228-7010 o ift* .... 4/..r«. X v ix . .- SlINFlRE " N o Sane m an w ill dance. - C ic e ro (1 0 6 -4 3 B .C .) G A L L E R Y ...... r f T * * ¿y- central coast glass artists' gallery 2289 Main Street Cambria, C A 93428 80S • 927 • 1800 F or A ll V our R eal E state N eeds "S h o w m e a sane m an and 1 w ill cure h im f o r yo u - C a rl G ustav Jung (1 8 7 5 -1 9 6 1 ) G Ln ta r Performance & Instruction (503) 325-4150 ctudio— 74 W. Exchange, Astoria, OR 97103 'T h e re is m o re s tu p id ity than h y d ro g e n in the un ive rse , and it has a lo n g e r s h e lf lif e ." - F ra n k Zappa Come join us for dinner near the i pounding surf at I Laneda & Carmel ] in Manzanita G ourmet P izz A A selection of OREGON WINES & fine BEERS always on hand. 503/368-5593. " I t ’s k in d o f fu n to d o the im p o s s ib le ." - W a lt D is n e y (1 9 0 1 -1 9 6 6 ) CANNON BEACH AMERICAN LEGION 1216 South Hemlock Cannon Beach, Oregon 436-2973 SejT o f the, fffo r fh w c s t Maggie’s Birthday BILL’S Saturday Jan. 22nd Tavern & Brewhouse with The Bond St. Blues Band Donation« at the Door Proceeds to Benefit Community ^Phoiopraphy ‘Workshops 188 N. HEMLOCK CANNON BEACH, OR 97110 436-2202 Bill says, “If you’re in a hurry, you don’t belong here.” Free Pool & Darts Monday Night Jam 7pm until 9pm Philip Thompson ■ 1 a rc h ite c t Personalized custom designs for your unique site. Like Mike’i kike '. * a r c h ite c tu r e & e n v ir o n m e n ta l p la n n in g 25925 N.W. St. Helens Rd., Scappoose, OR 97056 10 * ‘ \ (503) 543-2000 & - H, \ ftr ’’ ¿¡Sf Photograph the Northwest's spectacular rainforests, beaches & mountains at these weekend nature photography workshops’. , J y ,. . •x;.» ■■■•»■■ C» frothers M A L w is t l u n Columbia River Gorge May 19-22, 2 0 0 0 Long Beach Peninsula January 28-31, 2 0 0 0 1 Toll free information: (88K) 6Û9-6051 Pelican Productions • PO Box 27» • ( annon Beach, Ott 97110 OREGON COAST SUPPORT GROUP • a Mike’s Bike Shop P O BOX s o CAN N O N REACH OREGON 77« to Rentals • Repairs • Sales 24 years downtown, on Spruce Street 436-1266 SO I 4 1 4 O S27 902 148 4 89 8 FA X 9 0 1 > 4 8 7 9 1 » (Outi>f state inquiries, 800-492-1286) " I f y o u w a n t to m ake an apple pie fro m scratch, yo u m u st fir s t create the universe. (o u?rtn i t r r edge S ftw m i 2.000 - C a rl Sagan I F /M T A fu x ic D 4 v r grafe ï SUPPORTED BY KODAK PROFESSIONAL North Oregon Coast March 17-20, 2 0 0 0 »-.■’’y ».pdaaudlo.com/loTlnbrotlwra -f* S' 'f* '