The upper left edge. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1992-current, March 01, 1999, Page 8, Image 8

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A R IE S (21 Mar-20 April) Time thal could be
spent more creatively is bound up thinking
about money Necessity is the mother of work.
A dandy month to reacquaint yourself with
patience and persistence, the roots of all
Prime new pumps, kickstart old
projects, plant beans rather than count them
Love may arrive cloaked in mystery.
Strangeness and adventure are afoot
U B R A (23 Sept-22 Oct) Much of your inner
life still centers around romance. Reality keeps
falling short of what you had in mind. Only a
nitwit would react by lowering standards.
Settle for nothing that doesn’ t play your spirit
like a harp. When you’re not dancing in the
moonlight, you might pay attention to your
Your budget process may have
become too permissive.
T A U R U S (21 April-20 May) Y ou’re feeling
restless, unfulfilled and underloved. Back your
nose away from the grindstone and take a nap.
The best way to find a soul mate is to not look',
the best way to get ahead is to not stand still;
the best time to leap boldly is after you’ ve
taken a look over the edge. Open your mind,
your heart and your eyes. While you’re at it,
live up to your ideals.
SC O R PIO (23 Oct-22 Nov)
The balance
between work and love, busyness on every
Promising ideas, heavy schedules,
satisfying pressures. Dynamic Scorpio stuff.
A s is your relationship with your mate. If close
and intense is good, closer and more intense is
better. Your heart is good, you're not power
tripping. You just need to close the space
between you. It may or may not work.
¿Photograph the Oregon Coasts
spectacular beaches, rainforests,
tidepools and -wildlife at these
nature photography -workshops
-with professional photographer
C)ary ¿Hayes
G EM IN I (21 May-20 June) Old lovers, new
horizons, second thoughts. Nothing is less
real than what might have been, nothing less
productive than wanting what isn't yours. A
good time to get out of town and confuse
business with pleasure. Do some emotional
recycling, throw out old containers, set your
chickens free Think of nothing smaller than
the world and your place in it.
S A G IT T A R IU S (23 Nov-21 Dec)
Given a
chance, work will bury you.
Rise to the
challenge, charm the opposition, rub elbows
with allies.
Cut and run when you can,
remembering the real work is learning to be
human. Charge your batteries, invent romance,
court the stimulating. Expect the unexpected
contact that could be a serious bond Life is n ’ t
an excursion, it’s an adventure.
C A N C E R (21 June-22 July) Demands are high,
so is your ability to satisfy them. A clearer
vision of what you’re working for brings
energies into focus. Matters are im proving,
order from chaos, more sunlight than shadows.
Trust your gut and count on yourself. Someone
comes to you for comfort. Give all that you
have. It may occur to you to sleep with a
friend. You could wake up without one.
C A P R IC O R N (22 Dec-19 Jan) Playing mixed
doubles with love and money.
perhaps not your own, need sorting out.
Priorities, contingencies and a real chance for
subterfuge. Look closely. In love, your search
for a pearl continues. You suspect it takes more
than deep chemistry to make an enduring
partnership. Birds of your feather are rare and
well worth waiting for.
L E O (23 July-22 August) Significant change i s
afoot. Your work may have bottomed out. If
so, it’s either no longer your work or it needs
to be taken to the next level. An important
time to play your cards well.
People of
influence, mutual benefit, compatible goals.
You r ongoing search for perfect love could lead
to a rose with too many thorns. Being a fool
for love is still being a fool.
A Q U A R IU S (20 Jan-18 Feb) Much time spent
reviewing, rethinking, taking stock.
there for those you love doesn’ t mean you're
not free. It means you’re responsible. Your
first responsibility is to celebrate your life.
Stop laughing.
K ic k up your heels, flirt
shamelessly, dance with strangers. There are
no meaningless flings. There are, however,
flings you’ll regret in the morning.
V IR G O (23 August-22 Sept) Making sense of
large matters is the only game in town. From
sound first principles comes appropriate
action, from firm belief comes clarity of mind.
Disturbance patterns related to work are minor
unless you decide to be gullible or paranoid.
The same with love.
Someone interesting,
random, unexpected, unimagined.
Wait for
excitement to become pleasure.
P IS C E S (19 Feb-20 March)
Working with
others, for others; making the campsite cleaner
than you found it. New work mates become new
friends. Your mind swarms with plans for
better mousetraps, you decide you’re worth
more than you’re making. Or would be, given
half a chance. Getting out of town might be a
good idea. Run toward something rather than
away from it
the Oregon Coast
W in te r /
I, 1999
S p r in t ! y tp r il 16-19, 1999
C a ll f o r information: (503) 436-0376
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Northwest by Northwest Gallery
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Sartor Restartus is simply unreadable, and for me
that always sort of spoils a book. Will Cuppy
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The worst thing about new books is that they keep us
from reading the old ones. Joseph Joubert
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