BLxcne ie on Philip Thompson ’ L IB R A (23 Sept-22 O ct) A R IE S (21 M ar-20 A p ril) The calm before the winds o f spring, a time o f eggs as opposed right and you'll be spared the sort o f excitement to chickens you're better o ff without. W ork is the best sanity Prepare the vessel, settle accounts, and undo past blunders. constructing mountains from molehills. An excellent time to shy away from flirtations. architect Personalized custom designs for your unique site. a r c h ite c tu r e & e n v ir o n m e n ta l p la n n in g 25925 N.W. St. Helens Rd., Scappoose, OR 97056 ritual and serving others is the surest path to success. Nothing is furthered by wallowing in Avoid moping and ’ Play your cards (503) 543-2000 feelings o f inferiority, unless you count nega­ Stir the pot slowly and don't court trouble tivity and invoked unpleasant-ness. Tend your Like champions, enemies are made, not bom garden and nourish simple pleasures. S C O R P IO (23 Oct-22 Nov 22) The fam iliar T A U R U S (21 A p ril-2 0 M a y) Energy flows juggling o f love and power. through work and the company o f like-minded A time to remind yourself that every one is a soloist and there's friends. Face your hopes w ith clear vision and only one choir Strengthen the bonds that jo in energies without restraining them, practice self state your goals w ith clear speech. Welcome new allies but check their credentials. While reliance, be the part instead o f the w hole. Focus on the horizon, and don't waste time in idle pleasures Circle your life like a hawk, but you're at it, check your own. I f you must over­ value something, make sure it's not yourself l end to business, show up on time, and avoid leave the mice alone. being snotty. G E M IN I (21 M ay-20 June) Hopes and dreams are one thing, work another. Marry them and the elves o f your karma dance in the streets. Step o S A G IT T A R IU S (23 Nov-21 Dec) A good I month to redefine your notions o f fun. which tomorrow won't be, i f you don't pay attention to today. W ithout preparation, nothing arrives back, reassess your goals, and advance in new but chaos. Provoke nothing, unsettle nothing, directions. Hide from nothing, embrace your­ rise above your feelings o f being above the self. and rub elbows w ith people o f influence. mundane Be in the world but not o f it You are who you are and it’s not chopped liver, unless you lapse into being an irresponsible jerk C A N C E R (21 June-22 J u ly ) Never under­ Dream grand dreams, plant seeds, and do NORTH CORST CONSTRUCTION, INC. the dishes. . NEW C A P R IC O R N (22 Dec-19 Jan) The meta­ estimate the value o f a plan. Tomorrow is the physical sitcom o f your karma focuses on those result o f the magic we work today, and what we want we must w ill into being. Consider a world things closest to you - the foreground o f your home and loved ones. Listen carefully and speak larger than your desires, ignore all stupidity other w ith softness and clarity. Send fears to bed w ith than your own, quarrel with nothing. Dance m ilk and cookies, don't short circuit over business, think twice before promising. Build on naked by the sea and make love with great abandon. The first sin is separation; the second - - r - • MASONRY • REMODEL • HEATING For All Your Construction Needs • LEVELING • PAINTING License // 114007 7 3 8 -7 5 6 3 S A IV I A B S H E R P .O . B o x 2 5 7 7 G e a rh a rt. O R 9 7 1 3 8 foundations, and support what has meaning is not caring. /X Q U A R ILS (20 Jan-18 Feb) Connections L E O (23 July-22 August) Wise Leos w ill tend and honest sweat yield progress and financial to business and clear old accounts before starting gain. The nose must remain on the grindstone, new ones. The same principle applies to the but other noses jo in you, and make the work go heart. Matters need to solidify, a process com­ plicated by issues o f freedom. Every act either faster. Don't be shy about asking for help, the project is worthy o f investment and returns are increases or decreases options. Practice stability certain, l ake notice o f new opportunities but inside change, honor agreements, reinvent your leap at nothing. You shine more brightly than you know. goals. Build it, and they w ill come. PISCES (19 Feb-20 M a rch ) Yes. time to take V IR G O (23 August-22 Sept) A wake up call fo r those who imagine they work alone Energy flows from the outside in. Seek out good company, listen to sound advice, meditate on the nature o f partnership. Resist your nitw it urge to fuss, walk away gracefully from all fights. Come to grips with money matters, and discard habits charge. The reins are dangling, the buggy o f your life has momentum, but needs direction Nothing to it but to do it. A ll things are illuminated, especially matters o f the heart Behave w ith integrity, invoke beginnings and change. Command only by example and rule your emotions w ith your mind. Light candles, that have overstayed their welcome. and smile at darkness. (DON’T BE A VICTIM OF INFERIOR FRAMING) AWARNING HAYSTACK VIDEO . Rentals . VCR’s . Games J287 Commercial Sr, Altona, OR 97103 • Phone (503)325-5221 • Sales • Music • Snacks HAMLET BUILDERS, INC. 436-0679 P.O. Box 174 Tolovana Park, OR 97145 CCB # 41095 P.O. Box 1266 • Cannon Beach, OR 97110 1235 S. Hemlock • Midtown at Haystack Square COMPLETE To control the American market is to own America. Robert La Follette 4 Tim Davis Chris Beckman (5 0 3 )4 3 6 -0 4 3 6 * CON8CIEWTKXJ8 * CLEAN 47 N. HOLLADAY DR. SEASIDE, OR 97138 738-8877 UNIVERSAL-* VIDEO. ^ " A u fwe U jwsv C har Awe L ots of S ood S tuff STEVE HAUGEN JIM HAUGEN T1 loo. ** 0 O xy BANK OF ASTORIA Tranfforrn&tion Member FDIC Massage B01 S. Deckif H a rt e.s.. u m . t .. 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