The upper left edge. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1992-current, September 01, 1996, Page 2, Image 2

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    Mo stuff,
Much to your Beloved Editor’s delight and
amazement, the Edge has become something ol it’s
own, in spite of incompetence, and sloth, silly
periods, and general stuff, this paper you hold in
your hand has managed to become something that
people read. Thanks As our constant readers
know, the Edge spin off. The Left Coast Group (a
non-profit corporation in Oregon) has been working
on publishing some books, well, we arc almost
*ready to print one.
We must thank, at this point, Ms. Brown, Mr.
Absher, Mr. Hummel, Mrs. Osburne, and Mr. Mrs.
Love-Linquist for their support on this project.
Well, we’ve spent most of their money and we
still need a few grand to print and distribute our first
book. This is a lax right-off for those of our readers
who make enough to need right-olfs. Manzanita
Creative Arts Council is handling our 501c3,
donations, so make out your check to them and put
“Left Coast Group” on the Memo line.
For our more numerous readers, folks who use
the 1040EZ form for their taxes; if you like the
Edge, and the writing in it, and the art in it, send us a
check for twenty bucks, and w hen we get the txxik
in our hands we will send you an autographed first
edition. Cool, huh? We’ll also put you on our
mailing list and let you know w hat comes next.
Also for all of our computer friendly readers we
are planning to go “on the net”. Yes, yes, we’ve
heard the screams, we scream often ourselves, but
the hammer is the tool, the home is the inh
basically be doing the bookstore business, but we
also plan to tell folks about the books being built by
the Left Coast Group and we’ll probably eventually
put some Edge stuff out too. So stay tuned and we’ll
let you know what our
“dot com #” is.
Now & Then
Yes, time and tempers have gotten short here in
Cannon Beach. The other evening while observing
vespers at the local public house, we happen to
glance out the “window of a thousand wonders”, ( as TSy
the chamber of commerce refuses to call it.). We
were reminded that August, locally, is the ‘crudest
month’. Not only is it the dog days, but the political
conventions are committing cruel and unusual
punishment on those of us who actually care.
Sausage and law, two things you do not want to
watch being made, has been expanded to include the
political meatmarket.
Politics. The time has also come to speak ol politics,
and what our government will look like by this time
next year. Will we pick Mr. Clinton, who shook
K ennedy’s hand as a boy or Mr. Dole who wept at
N ixon’s funeral as a grown man? My, but it is a
strange dance.
Okav, so did we watch, what was laughingly
called,'the Republican Convention, ..yes., one
evening, the festivities ended with a rendition ol J m
a Soul M an” with the obvious insertion ol “Dole lor
soul, which, of course doesn’t work, on any level.
Considering that Kemp is calling himselt “Dole’s
right hand man.”, we suggest perhaps ‘Coming in on
a wing and a prayer’ would be, more appropriate, it
not politically correct.
This must be the 90’s, Hunter S. Thompson
sounds like the voice of reason. When the going
gets weird, indeed!
Well that’s entertainment. Ol course it is not
government, or governing. One must in taimess say
that for the Democrat's, Kenny G was the choice.
So, who do we vote for? Well, Ralph Nader does
come to mind.
The world is proof that God is a committee.
Bob Stokes
Whitewater (strangely, one word.) has apparently
‘t to die, and the other various “gates” (how did that
»come a suffix?) appear with regulanty on the
formation horizon. Well, ‘we watched Watergate,
id Whitewater is no Watergate.’ Watergate was the
hole country, even Congress, coming to realize that
ie sitting President of the United States was m fact
i crook' he extorted money from industry and sold
ambassadorships, plotted to kidnap folks, and on
nd on. Whitew ater hearings proved beyond a doubt
mat folks that have done business and politics with
me Clinton’s were crooks. It would be belaboring
ie obvious to prove that the Clintons are
ipportunist. So, now Whitewater shows up on
Jnsolved Mysteries, the day alter the Republican
'onvention ends. It was mostly a story about a guy
hat worked for the Clintons committing suicide, and
lid he really? We think if we worked lor the
"lintons suicide would always be a v iable option,
rile right will say the ‘liberal media’ refuses to cover
Whitewater after two years and $4 million dollars
¡pent, so, all we can do is ask Robert (Untouchable)
Stack to associate the Clintons Iricnd with folks
Aho kill their folks, on a television show that shows
the most dangerous and tragic aspects life today, or
money. Isn’t it strange that the folks who pay the
most attention to other folks values, seldom show
many of their own. The President is still on h.s first
marriage, has been President for four years and
things seem to, slowly, be getting better. B Y
Dole” says “If you want Bob Dole to be Ronald
Reagan, Bob Dole will be Ronald Reagan. And
Jack Kemp will help. Been there, done that,... still
hurt, ...any questions? At the Old Grand Party
Convention half the old white guys were
millionaires, the others believe they will be, in
Now, on a silly note, we will relate some bumper
stickers we have heard of; “Dope & Hemp in ‘96” (it
might have been a typo.). And the most by-partisan
and insensative; “Lefty for President!!” And finally a
local woman submitted, “It takes a village to raise an
There is one way for a newspaperman
to look at a politician and that's down.
Frank Simonds
6345 SW C ap itol
H ig h w a y
(in Hillsdale)
P ortlarid
on’t burn the flag, wash it.
Norman Thomas
N E W P O R T , O R 97365
Myma Uhlig
B ass Player: Bill Uhlig
G r a p h ic s E ditor: The Humble Ms.
Sally Louise Laekaff
C o p y E d ito r /S c ie n c e E d ito r /V o ic e
o f R e a s o n /I n d ia n C o u n tr y /U n c le
M ik e/etc.: Michael Burgess
W ild life I n fo r m a n t/M u s ic R e p o r te r
at Large: Peter "Spud" Siegel
E d u ca tio n Editor: Peter Lindsey
I m p r o v is a tio n a l E n g in eer: Dr.
W in e E xpert: Jim Anderson
P o litic a l C on su ltan t: Kathleen
E n v ir o n m e n ta l N ew s: Kim Bossé
M r. B aseball: Jeff Larson
L ocal C olour: Ron Logan
J u n e 's G a rd en : June Kroft
Ad Sales: Katherine Mace
M a jo r D istribution : Ambling Bear
A s s ista n t W h ite S p a c e
C o o r d in a to r : Karen Brown
A n d A C a st O f T h o u sa n d s!!
A d v ertisin g rates:
Business C ard Size Ad
1 / 1 6th approx. 3 x 5
1/8 th ap p ro x 4 x 7
l/4 t h approx. 6 1 / 2 x 9 $100.
1/2 page
S I 50.
Full page
Back page
. . . p e r m o n th . Paym ent is due
th e 15th o f th e m o n th p rio r to
th e issue in w hich th e ad is to
a p p e a r. C am era re a d y a rt is
re q u e ste d . We are usually on
th e stre e ts by th e first
w eekend o f th e m o n th .
Beach Toys
Things That Fly
Nature Observation Kits
Sunprint Kits
Bubble Toys
...and a large selection of indoor toys
and activities to entertain children
while traveling and for stormy days
Cannon Beach Jupiter's Rare and l sed Books,
Osburn's Grocery, Hie Cookie Co., Coffee Cabaña, Bill's
Tavern, Cannon Beach Book Co., Hane's Bakerie, The
Bistro, Midtown Café. Once Upon a Breeze, Knoodlz,
Copies & Fax, Heather's.The Homegrown Cafe, Hay stack
Video, Mariner Market, & Cleanline Suri
Manzanita: Mother's Nature Juice Bar, Bayside Gardens,
Cassandra's, Pacific Coast Books & Coffee, & Nehalem
P .O . B O X 148
Keith V. Orr
Janitor, Winemaker, President
9342 N.E. Hancock Drive
Portland, Oregon 97220
P a s t e /P r o d u c t io n /P r o o f R eader:
Please call (503) 436-2915 for
f u r th e r in fo rm a tio n ; ask for
C oast R ange
A ssociation
Every government is run by liars
and nothing they say should be believed
I. F. Stone
I he
Beloved Reverend Billy Lloyd Hulls
E d ito r /P u b lis h e r /J a n ito r :
Bay Video
Rockaway: Sharkey's
Tillam ook Rainy Day Books
Pacific City: The River House
Oceanside: Ocean Side Espresso
Lincoln City: Trillium Natural Foods, Driftwood
Library, & Eats 'n' Stuff
Newport Oceana Naturiti Foods, Don Petrie's Italian
Food Co., Café DIVA, Cosmo Café, Bookmark Café,
Newport Bay Coffee Co., Cuppatunes, Bay Latté, Ocean
Pulse Surf Shop, Coastal Coffee Co., & Canyon Way
Eugene: Book Mark, Café Navarra, Eugene Public
Library , Friendly St. Market, Happy Trails, Keystone
Café, Kiva Foods, Lane C.C., Light For Music, New
Frontier Market, Nineteenth Street Brew Pub, Oasis
Market, Perry's, Red Bam Grocery, Sundance Natural
Foods, U ol O, & WOW 1 fall
Corvallis Not Necessarily the News, & The
Environmental Center
Salem Heliotrope, Salem Library , & The Peace Store
Astoria KMUN, Columbian Cale, The C ommunity
Store, The Wet Dog Cafe& Cale Uniontown
Seaside Buck's Book Bam, Universal Video, & Cale
Portland Act III, Barnes & Noble, Belmonts Inn,
Bibelot Art Gallery, Bijou Café, Borders, Bridgeport Brew
Pub, Capt'n Beans (two locations). Center lor the I lealing
Eight, Coffee People (three locations), Common Grounds
Coffee, East Avenue Tavern, Food Front, Goose Hollow
Inn Hot Lips Pizza, Java Bay Café, Key Largo, Li
Pattisserie, Lewis & Clark College, Locals Only, Marco's
Pizza, Marylhurst College, Mt Hood CC, Music
Millenium, Nature's (two locations), NW Natural Gas,
OHSU Medical School, Old Wives J ales, Ozone Records,
Papa I laydn, PCC (four locations), PSU (two locations),
Reed College, Third Eye. TransCentral Library , & YWCA
The Dalles: Klindts Bookseller
Hood River: Ihirplc Rocks .Art Bar & ( afe
Ashland: Garo's Java House, The Black Sheep, & Blue
Mt Cafe
(Out of Oregon)
Long Beach, WA Paeilic Picnics
Naselle, WA Rainy Day Artisty
Nahcotta, WA Moby Dick Hotel
Duvall, WA Duvall Books
Bainbridge Island, WA: Eagle Harbor Book Co.
Seattle, WA Elliot Bay Book Co., Honey Bear
Bakery , New Orleans Restaurant, Still File in Fremont,
Allegro Coffeehouse, 1 he List Exit Coffee House, &
Bulldog News
San Francisco, CA City Eights Bookstore
Denver, Co Denver Folklore Center
New York, NY: The Strand Book Company
W ashington. D.C.: Hotel Tabard Inn