'JUNES GARDEN' 1 r D U A N E TCHNSOM K L M ESTATE R a ’ny D a y A r t i s t r y wholesale ©creenprintlng:, t-shlrt©, sweats. jacket©, hate, & bumper ©ticker© SINCE 1976 The mnemonic process can play tricks on,you! Once you associate a person’s name, a plant’s name or anything you want to remember with a more familiar phrase or word, may be all you can ever remember. A dear friend of mine who is an avid gardener whom I’ve written about before still calls Geodetia G o tc h a , and Lavatoria L avatory. The other day she came up with a new one, H am and C heese. “Pat,” I asked, “what’ s H am and C h eese ?” “You know ,” she said, “D e li.” “D eli ? H am and C h eese? ” 1 questioned. “June, those tall blue flowers growing over there against the fence. See where all the Scram b led E ggs are blooming from the seeds you gave me last year. ” Looking in the direction she had pointed, 1 saw several plants of delphinium. Under them in lull bloom was a patch of Lumnanthus that’s usually called by its common name, P oached Egg. I decided to forget the most commonly used names or even the Latin names I should be memorizing; it’s more fun to share gardening conversations with Pat. I laughed and said “Pat, where’s dinner?” We spent the rest of the day gathering hydrangea and Lunana to dry for winter bouquets. To pick hydrangeas for drying, wait until the blossoms are mature. The petals will have a leather­ like feeling, but retain their color. Pick them on a day when the air is dry, as dampness will cause the petals to become discolored. Choose a bucket large enough to hold the cut flowers loosely, and fill to about one-third with water. Strip off any leaves that would be immersed in the w ater and leave the bouquet in the bucket until the water evaporates. Some of the flowers may wilt, but if picked at the proper time then the petals should hold their shape. Lunaria ( H o n e sty or m on ey p lan t ) branches are gathered for drying after the oval seed pods are formed. When completely mature the outer skins can be easily stripped, releasing the seeds, leaving a silvery-colored shell. That day we also picked a few branches of Lunana while the seed pods were still a greenish color, not fully mature, to use in a bouquet of chartreuse- colored Alchemilla mollis ( L ad y's M antle ) we had dried earlier in the summer. 1 save seeds from many of the plants that grow in my garden. Wait until seed pods have completed their cycle on the plant belore gathering. Lunaria, Calendula and many different types of poppies, to name only a few, can be sown in fall and spring. I sow these at both times so that I have plants that mature next year at staggered times. I’ll be visiting Pat again this week. She called and laughingly said, “1 found dinner! My beefsteaks are ripe.” 1 envisioned a plate of sliced, ripe, red tomatoes sprinkled with the fresh basil I’d seen growing in her yard. She interrupted my thoughts, saying, “My b e e fste a k s have never been so big and red. 1 alw ays add nutmeg and cinnamon to them. Oh! Stop at the store and bring a quart of vanilla ice cream to go with the cobbler.” “Pat,” I said, “are you talking about your tomatoes?” “No, J a n u a ry . ” (She sometimes calls me.) “You know '... my apple tree!” For unique 3 FAX 3 6 0 - 4 * 4 - really coo locally owned garment© & operated In printed with Naselle, WA /o rig in a l design© 300-4*4-30*1 from Coasta natural resource© ©It our retail store & "downtown light" In » 0 0 -2 2 1 -5 3 4 0 LONG »EACH. WA 3 0 0 -6 4 2 - 3 9 5 9 catalog© - mail orders - size© 6 month© to 5X Rainy Day T-Shirt Gallery "l//< F or A l l V our R eal E state N eeds COMPUTER CONSULTING CHETH ROWE CONSULTING P.O. 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Please write Ju n e's G a rd en , P.O.Box 74, Cannon Beach OR 97110 Available free at garden centers and bookstores from Seattle to Ashland, Warrenton to Florence Or bv subscription at the incredible value o f$ ! 2 a year. T i subscribe: Send check for $12 (for 12 issues a year), witj, name and address, to. c $teve's POBox 19638 Portland. OR 97280 g J ffc e n s e d S p e c i a l i z i n g in : Environmentally .friendly W indow Cleaning -W- t P acific N orthw est G ardener -* -S’f r r p 4 JfaMoritagne Box (Hi!) P.O. Cannon A u ch , OR, Q7I10 Pacific Northwest Gardener: (5 0 3 ) 4 3 6 - 0 9 4 2 l . ¿ l The Rest News Yet about Gardening in the Northwest ■l.-l ■ ! .1 •! -I »I ■» ■» .1.1 .1 .1.1 .1 pacific picnics Organic Produce, Nancy's Yogurt, Bulk Grains, Cereals, Flours, Herbs, Snacks, Organic Coffee Beans, Healthful Snacks, Nutritional Supplements, Health & Beauty Products, Special Orders Welcome. L u x u r y Y ou C an A ffo r d . A W o r ld o f C h e e s e O u r O w n I ta lia n S p e c ia lt y B r e a d s F r e sh S o u p s a n d S a la d s D a ily O p en at 11 AM C heck us o u t, w e’re w o rth th e drive. 312 H o w e l l P laz M a n z a n it a O p e n IO S u n d a y 12 30 30 P a c ific Ilw y S. L on g B e a c h , WA 1 (3 6 0 )6 4 2 -2 5 3 5 368 5316 : UfTEUtHtD&t AUGUST 1TK, 3 I