The upper left edge. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1992-current, March 01, 1996, Page 2, Image 2

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And another thing. . . W hat’s the deal with
Clatsop County Commissioners? Back in 1948, they
sold a piece of land to the Cannon Beach Volunteer
Fire Department (or Rural Fire Protection District)
for $1. It was to build a firehouse, which they did,
and have served the south county area bravely and
w ell since. Recently having wisely decided to move
to higher ground, they purchased for several
hundreds of thousands of dollars new land and are
building a new firehouse. To do this they wish to
sell the old firehouse and the land it sits on. But the
county now says if the land w hich it sold for $1 is
not used for fire protection sen ices, it reverts to the
county and they get to sell the land again for several
hundreds of thousands of dollars. We assume the
firemen at least get their dollar back.
Would it perhaps, as gentler minds have
suggested, be better to let the buck nde, transfer the
new deed to the county with same deal, and get on
with our lives? Considering how the Emerald
Heights deal came dow n, another $1 deal. We
suggest keeping it simple, a one lawyer thing.
Just a thought.
Now & Then
May 2 7 th, 1971, the clerk at the Oregon State
Legislature in Salem called out the list of bills
th a t had been passed th a t session. W hen he
announced HB 1036, a gentlem an nam ed Richard
C ham bers rose to his feet, and w ent hom e to the
Oregon Coast he loved. Most people, even in
Oregon, have never heard of Richard Cham bers.
Why should they; he w asn't rich o r fam ous, he
w asn't a powerful d o e r and mover, he was just an
Oregon Citizen w ho loved his state's beauty, and
hated seeing folks trash it. Some political
junkies will know th a t HB 1036 was w hat is
called the "Bottle Bill”. Most w ould tell you that
it was Tom McCall's idea, som e w ould say it was
Paul H annen's idea; he in tro d u ced the original
version. But it was really Richard Cham bers'
And on the tw enty-fifth anniversary of this
ev en t is seem s like a little cred it could be given
to th a t strange and w onderful creature, the
Citizen. There is a petition circulating for an
extension o f the Bottle Bill to include things like
Snapple © bottles, and bottled water. You know,
the stuff you have begun to notice on the roads,
the trails, an d the beach, m ore and more. It's not
really a b o u t recycling, o r litter, it's about who
m akes the rules. Is it Coke © and Budweiser ©
a n d Snapple © a n d th eir lawyers and their
lobbyists, and th e ir legislators, o r is it citizens?
We w onder if, as he has in the past, Senator
Hatfield m ight sub m it a National Bottle Bill and
use his final vote for the citizens of not just
Oregon, b u t America. But anyw ay you could call
him up and at least say good-bye and thanks for
his w ork for Peace.
C oast R ange
A ssociation
P.O. BOX 148
Jim Fraser’s
Ocean View
Fine Coffee
Tempting Sweets
Will Come To Your
Office o r Home
(P h o n e/M a il o p tio n )
Licensed A cco u n tan t
20 y e a rs' Experience
(5 4 1 ) 3 9 2 -4 2 8 8
r I t w n t t w n Oceanside, Ofc.
11 d i k l i i f . d course!
I < c t is l e . i i l l n a e v e is
lix - s d .t s a t 8 : 0 0 i t . n i .
When You Stop To Think About It, We’re All Dwarfs
O ur quotes this m onth are from a book by Walt
Crowley, called "rites o f passage; A m em oir of
the Sixties in Seattle", U niversity of W ashington
Press, 1995.
W alter is a long lost friend, who draws and
w rites a n d thinks and acts, and understands the
statu e o f lim atations.
Beneath the expensive beach house a pack
Of antic raccoons paw through the rich garbage.
Larger and stronger eat the choice morsels.
Weaker and smaller scrap for what's left over.
1235 S. H E M L O C K
Cannon Beach
Upstairs bare legs and shoulders, Freudian tans,
Oversized watercolors of make-believe flowers.
E x trem ism in th e d e fe n se ol lib e rty is no vice, a n d
m o d e ra tio n in th e defen se o f ju stic e is no v irtu e .
Barry G oldw ater
7 A M — 2 PM
The chat is much less targeted than in town,
Fewer sparks from undersexed axes being ground.
Breakfast & Lunch
Closed Mon. k Tues.
AW «
A sign we are attending the sound of our own voices,
Not much of the evening’s booze has been spilled yet.
Uncle Mike's b u m p e r sticker for '96: "Vote For
C linton." "At least he's not nuts!"
Meanwhile, the forest climbs the mountain for a seat
And the ocean vista unlooses heroics of applause.
|>~ u p p e r - l e f t - edg TÜ1
John Buckley
We are looking forw ard to the Democratic
C onvention in Chicago. In 1968 the Democratic
Party collapsed in Chicago. The Yippies (no, not
the Yuppies) bro u g h t dow n the powers that be,
when the whole w orld was watching. Tom Hay den
(form erly o f the Chicago Seven and husband of
Hanoi Jane Fonda) w ill be a delegate rather than a
d e fe n d a n t in Chicago this year. He will, no doubt,
vote to re-elect a d ra ft dodging, dope smoking,
liberal. W e wish the D em ocrats would let us
p ro d u ce this convention. We see having Crosby,
Stills an d Nash, doing "W on't you please come to
Chicago" as the them e song. "We can change the
w orld, re a rra n g e th e w orld, if you believe in
justice, if you believe in freedom . . ." Mayor Daley
Jr. w ould lead p arad es th rough the Parks.
O vernight cam p-outs an d a pig roast. Fun, huh?
The policeman isn’t there to create disorder.
He’s there to preserve disorder.
Mayor Richard J. Daley
rr k :,
The hippies are acting out what the Beats
Gregory Corso
E d i to r /P u b li s h e r / J a n i to n The Beloved Reverend
Billy Lloyd Hults
A s s is ta n t
E d ito r /P u b lis h e r /G r a p h ic s
Editor; The H um ble Ms. Sally Louise Lackaff
C o p y E d ito r /S c ie n c e E d ito r/V o ic e o f
R e a s o n /l n d ia n C o u n tr y /U n c le M ik e /e tc .:
M ichael Burgess
W ild life I n fo r m a n t/M u s ic R e p o rte r a t Large:
Peter "Spud" Siegel
E d u c a tio n E d ito r Peter Lindsey
I m p r o v is a tio n a l E n g in e e r: Dr. Karkeys
W ine Expert: Jim A n d e rso n
P o litic a l C o n s u lta n t; K athleen K rushas
E n v iro n m e n ta l News: Kim Bossé
M ovies, Food, a n d M usic: Rob M illiron
M r. B aseball: Jeff Larson
l/jc a l C olour: Ron Logan
J u n e 's G ard en : J u n e K roft
Ad Sales: K atherine Mace
M ajor D istrib u tio n : A m bling Bear D istribution
E conom ics E d ito r K athie W ern er
A nd A C ast O f T housands!!
(503) 436-2761
° vster t
“H o m e o f th e W ild O y s te r“
on W illapa Bay
N ahrotla, W ashington 98637
2 8 s .w . i st A v e n u e
O regon 9 7 2 0 4
(503) 2 2 3 - 4 0 2 7
P o r tla n d
For Rnspivalions or Information
(360, 665-4543 - Fax (360, 665-6087
JoAnn Honeyman
a jowiNAk or *«▼ *•••
n u r W«
Arthur Honeyman
The Upper Left Edge is a monthly Broadsheet
(approximately I2"x 21") publication with a
current distribution of 5,000. It is circulated
throughout the Oregon and Washington
coastal communities and many larger
metropolitan areas. As stated in the upper
left comer of the Edge flag, it is Free to the
vast majority of its readership; though there
is a rapidly increasing number of subscribers
worldwide. Now in its third year o f continual
growth, The Upper Left Edge relies on
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Is to appear Camera ready art is requested.
We are usually on the streets by the first
weekend of the month.
Please call (503) 436-2915 for further
information: ask for Billy or Sally.