Dear Uncle Mike, My name is James. I'm 12 years old. Last month, a girl asked how to tell if a boy likes her. I’d like to know how to tell if a girl likes you. There's this girl I think about all the time. We kind of know each other but not really. When we see each other she smiles but I've been too chicken to talk to her. Is there something I can say or do to find out or get her to like me? What do girls like? Thank you. James S., Portland 'The Inner I ndividual , G roup , C ouple C ounseling O rganizational C onsulting • T eaching Ociir T attics The first thing you need to know about girls is that they're human. You know, just like you. The second thing you need to know is that girls are more different than you can imagine. The first thing Uncle Mike would do is find out if she's at all interested in you. You can do this¡in one of two ways: swallow your fear and walk up and say hi, or have someone you both know ask her. It she isn't interested, it's not the end of the world even though it will feel like it. Trust Uncle Mike, you fall in love again. And again and again. If she likes you, she likes you. If she doesn't, she doesn't. It's not a bit more complicated than that. Is there something you can say or do to get her to like you? Yes and no. . . . . . Ask yourself this: who do I like and why do I like them? Most of us like people who like us. They show they like us by being our friend, by treating us with respect, by caring about our feelings, by making us laugh, by listening to us, by helping us, picking us up when we're down, sharing our dreams, and letting us be the best we can be. , There's nothing you can do to make this girl like you. Except to be someone youd like. Be honest and open with your feelings. Treat her like the precious person she is. Every chance you get, do something to make her happy. Do nothing to hurt her. At least once a day, tell her she's pretty. Beyond this little hoss, you're on your own. Give it your best shot. If it happens, it happens. It it doesn't it doesn't. Look at it this way: if a girl this great isn't the one, imagine what the one who is P.O. Box 2485 Gearhart • Oregon 97138 503 • 738-4134 Dana C. Anderson, M.S. HOPE L. HARRIS L IC E N S E D MASSAGE T H E R A P IS T will be like. 5 0 3 / 3 2 5 -2 3 2 3 Dear Uncle Mike, I'm having trouble reconciling fate and free will. Any thoughts. Wrestling in Seaside Living in Seaside would make anyone wonder about fate. Does Uncle Mike have any thougths? Is this a serious question? .................... _ . __ First off, Uncle Mike doesn't believe in fate. Uncle Mike believes in karma. Fate is what Someone else gives you. Karma is what you give yourself. . Karma is the metaphysical application of cause and effect. As opposed to sinners in the hands of an angry God, we're the inescapably interesting result of our actions. What is karma. Karma is whatever you're experiencing. There are no accidents, no quirks of fate. Whatever is, is right. If we bum, our decisions lit the fire. If we dance, our choices wrote the tune. Like you, Uncle Mike lives at the center of a spherical mirror that relentlessly reflects what he does_ Action and reaction isn't a lifestyle, it's a law: a parity principle woven into every chain of events. After years of protest. Uncle Mike was forced to admit all that stuff about reaping and sowing was right on the mark He spends less time spitting into the wind and snivelling now. It's a mistake to dismiss karma as a belief system unsupported by physical data. Perhaps the greatest accomplishment of science has been to transform the blind date of faith and reason, into a workable marriage. Current theory and experiment show that the world behind this one is more like a thought than a thing8 existing only as possibility. Yes, some things are more possible than others (no matter what you believe, it'll take you the rest of forever to strike a match 01. a wet cake of soap), but a simple truth remains what we make of the world is intimately linked to what the world turns out to be. What we see and do, is what we get. The world is a fluid display of our perceptions of it and the result of our responses to it. Our expectations generate our actions, our actions determine which of the many possible events is the one that actually occurs. Fate is unmoving and mysterious. Karma is a creative act For thousands of years, teachers have recommended seeing the world through the eyes of a child, to be at one with its unspeakable loveliness and to love every bit of it as if it were ourself. For thousands of years they've told us that the universe is alive and that all of life is holy. Walk around with an attitude like that for awhile and you'll pick up the subtle difference between fate and karma. As someone has pointed out: the only possessions we have are those we’ve given away. r k«-«a^ I CLATSOP COUNTY WOMEN S CRISIS SERVICE 325-5735 ^jsyjxru. Wind River Herbal Salve p a rt, skin-soothing salve made in the Columbia Gorge available at Mother Nature's in Manzanita Union Steam Baths in Astoria People's Food Store in Portland and other locations WA 98623 Wind River Botanicals. PO Box 241, Husiim. ^ y g o ^ s ^ w a r t s on my hands. They don't bother me that much but people get grossed out by them. Got a sure cure? . Newly Selfconscious in Astoria D Unde M^erc^ommends you rub garlic over your body and wear a toad around your neck. While this C ASC AD E A ID S has no effect on warts, it's a sure cure for people noticing and obsessing over them. z P R O JE C T C O A S T E R T H E A T E R U S H E R S IN S E P T E M B E R W IT H A H O S T O F E V E N T S E lita Brand 92% Cotton, 8% Lycra bras, panties & bodysuits. In black, white and undyed cotton. The Coaster it proud to host one of the Pacific Northwest s best known musical instrumentalist». Tow G rant, in a special Labor Day Ueehend cancers. Performances are scheduled for 4 p m and 8 p m Tickets, which benefit the Cannon Beach Chamber of Commerce, are $20 and can be purchased at the Coaster Box Office All seats are retened Call Saturday. September 2 Allison Rhea cotton nightgowns with Battenburg lace trim . In short and long styles. 31 scents o f p erfu m e o il- also used to scent our lotion, bath & shower gel and massage oil. Bring your bottle back for a refill and youT1 get a discountl 436-1242 Fridat fit Saturday September • A 9 The annual Coaster Tbeater “ Big" Art Show featuring artists Carol Riley. Tom Hughes, Dee Anderson. Pam Paine.lint Kingwell A Suzanne Kmdland. M an arme R admit her-Hershey. Mike Dillon. June Krofl and Gary Calloway The show opens with a Fnday evening reception from 6 p m ■ 9 pm and continues Saturday from Kama S u tra sensual massage and body products. I f you haven't visited us lately, you're missing a loti! 1 p m- 4 p m Sa(wr4ay, September * Saturday. September 16 Friday A Saturday September 29 A JO Sometimes A Great Lotion Oregon M « « 1 n -y e r.. tugore ■ ch*m to orchestra. returns to the Comer for a cUsstol mine concert at 8 pm Tickets ere $12 239 N. Hemlock #3 » Cannon Beach « »36-0129__________ J ) John N t b e itM .» « W m gC M Cert. Coniempwan instrumentil music which showcases piano synthesizer, and guitar Performance » al I p m Tickets are 11* "Bawih ««</ .fie Beast" a beloved magical fable directed by Jerry Rai I too opens Fnday at S p m with the opening night special of tw o admissions for the price of one Tickets are $12 The show runs Fridays and Saturdays through November 4 ^ c«co All seats reserved Cookies • Cinnamon Rolls • Muffins • Espresso • Pizza by the Slice , hi C o .u a Theater EUyhouK « footed in downlown C.nnon B e l t ' « l » N Hemlock The Bo. Office » open from 1-5 p m Wednesday through S a urdiy and Mie hour before each perfornmnee Call « 6 -1 2 4 2 for more mformanon Fa» numba » 50}- Cheri Lerma 4 3 o -9 6 « The Chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to break. Samuel Johnson 239 N. Hemlock P.O. Box 825 Cannon Beach, OR 97110 (503) 436-1129 „ 'Acupuncture — Chinese Herbs **»< Massage ’ ■>-• ■’ b Chrlitina Stanley RN, IBCLC Lactation Contulunt Breaat Feeding Agttannce Medela Bteait Pump Rental Station P.O. Box 201 l79Coolidfe Cannon Beach, O R 97110 "F ’[»..'ti''*? - i- - . S?«n <¿t t yá¡ h í i t!.h. « -a/niri » li ."w Why should society feel responsible only for the education of children, and not for the education of all adults of every age? Erich Fromm (503)436-016^ vraiixntwtstntitttt hw || * — VT» >■ er »