The upper left edge. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1992-current, August 01, 1995, Page 2, Image 2

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    More Stuff
A slight but im portant point was brought to our
attention about our story on the Bull Run
W atershed by Dr. Joseph M iller. What the good
doctor is trying to do is get and keep people out of
the W atershed and designate it a Research N atural
Area, ", . . real protection would retain an existing
option for all Bull Run and Little Sandy inhabited
w atersheds to be designated as Research Natural
Areas. . ." "It should be uninhabited", he states.
"Bull Run and 4/5th o f the Little Sandy
w atersheds were uninhabited and had been, in
fact, scarcely even entered by white men, when
President H arrison, in 1892, declared the Bull Run
Reserve closed to entry. A study of Research
N atural Area needs in the Pacific Northw est found
that w hat is really needed is one that will include
an e n tire w atersh ed ."
Let there be no doubt. Dr. M iller wants to keep
people out of the purest drinking water in the
country, and to study how a really good watershed
works, so we will know what it takes to restore
dam aged ones, and at the same time ensure safe,
pure drinking w ater for our grandchildren, as
our grandparents were wise enough to do for us.
Please join The Edge in supporting Dr. M iller's
fight to save Bull Run.
Now & Then
W ell, let's start right off with the tough stuff.
As our constant readers will recall, last month we
asked for our readers' thoughts on Real Estate Ads.
And yes, they do have thoughts!!
And being our
readers they are not what you m ight have
guessed. Several locals here at "The Beach of a
T housand W onders" encouraged us to take the
m oney, we w ould rather have Edge readers than
O regonian or L A. Tim es readers move here.” And
we receiv ed a rather interesting letter from a
fo rm er real estate person who flatly states, It
w ould be wrong." D on't you just love these folks;
not a stereotype in the crow d. So, who calls about
an ad but a real estate com pany located on the
L ong Beach Peninsula.
They had just seen The
Edge for the first tim e in July, and didn’t happen
to read the editorial, but loved the paper and
w anted to take an ad. Is it a flaw in your
c h a ra c te r if moral dilem m as make you giggle?
we decided, let's do it and see what it's like. (See
results below .) We can rationalize, if we must,
that the ads are for som eplace other than here,
and they seem like nice folks. But as the ex-earth
salesperson asked, "W hat about our stand on
S ahallie?"
W ell, even people in the real estate
p ro fessio n have agreed that they believe Sahallie
is a bit much.
Finally, what it com es down to is whether we as
"true believers" will live or die on our principals;
or will we sell out for the first handful of silver
that is offered?
O ur answer, unlike the question,
is not black or white, yes or no, or them and us.
The letter w riter who said, "it would be wrong"
also m entioned that on first sight he was ready to
"hate" The Edge, but found that we were not what
he thought we were and he now thinks we have a
su p erio r product, one that serves the com m unity
as well as the region. And if a form er real estate
person can change his mind about us, it would be
sm all indeed o f us to not give a current real estate
person the opportunity to change our m inds about
them .
And, o f course (the other shoe), the money
helps; but the survival o f the Edge doesn't depend
on it. So, keep those cards and letters coming,
dialogue is the only thing that is going to work.
Philip Thompson
Personalized custom designs tor your unique site.
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A nother correction; It was pointed out by our
friend Phil Thom pson that we referred to him as a
Landscape A rchitect in a previous issue. We do
know that he is also a "real architect" (m eaning
he designs houses, does rem odeling, etc.) and is
very good at it. We must be forgiven because
though very intelligen t, well educated, and
successful, he ju st doesn't look or act like the
typical yuppie architect we tend to expect.
wears cow boy boots, alm ost constantly, and even
suits fresh from the dry cleaners seem to rumple
up im m ediately upon contact with his body. He is
also the co-author of one of our favourite books,
an out of print guide to small out-of-the-w ay
taverns in Oregon. So we tend to forget he is a
Sorry, Phil.
The Upper Left Edge is a monthly Broadsheet
(approximately 12"x 21") publication with a
current distribution o f 5,000. It is circulated
throughout the Oregon and Washington
coastal communities and many larger
metropolitan areas. As stated in the upper
left comer o f the Edge flag, it is Free to the
vast m ajority o f its readership; though there
is a rapidly increasing number o f subscribers
worldwide. Now in its third year o f continual
growth. The Upper Left Edge relies on
advertising funds to keep it in print.
The policies and content of the Edge will not be
dictated by the advertisers, or the readers; as
alw ays, "It's our paper, and we will do whatever
we want. If you don't like it start your own damn
But, we like hearing from you anyway.
Love & Kisses. Rev. Billy
1 architect
A woman came in the bookstore last month; she
asked how we get our subjects for the editorials.
We flippantly explained that we tended to drink
first and write editorials later. As usual it was the
wrong thing to say. She wanted to talk about
M easure 11. You've seen the com m ercial, if you
have television.
A police officer saying that there
will harsh penalties for juvenial offenders.
gloves are off." And the m ind's eye conjures up
visions o f young punks, flashing gang signs,
being disarm ed, busted and locked up for more
than the w eek-end.
Start show ing the kids that if
you act like an adult crim inal you will be
punished as one. Good idea? Sure, to a point. It
seem s the wom an's seventeen year old son was
fatally stupid one evening; he had been drinking,
he got behind the wheel and someone died. He is
facing 10 years. To get a good lawyer the mother
is facing ten grand, up front.
We, as our readers may know, do not support
p ro h ib itio n , and abhore the autom obile, and agree
that drinking and driving is possibly the greatest
danger our population faces.
That being said, we
w ould take the young m an's driver's license away,
for life . We would sentence him to a boot camp,
and put several years of com m unity service on his
dance card. But 10 years m anditory for a
seventeen year old with a clean record who will
rem em ber that night for the rest of his life; in
O regon State Prison, which houses m ore gang
m em bers than it can hold? No, we don't think that
is going to do much for the juvenile crim e
problem , the prison problem , the budget problem ,
or any other problem s you can name.
we have found that sounder m inds such as
M ultnom ah C ounty D istrict A ttorney Schrunk,
who has the ability to decline to prosecute a m inor
as an adult if circum stances w arrant it, will be
able to prevail.
Advertising rates are as follows:
Business Card Size Ad
1Z16th approx. 3 x 5
1 /8th approx 4 x 7
l/4 th approx. 6 1 /2 x 9
1/2 page
Full page
Back page
. . . per month. Payment is due the 15th o f
the month prior to the issue in which the ad
is to appear. Camera ready art is requested.
We are usually on the streets by the first
weekend o f the month.
Immediate Delivery
(503) 368-6457
When Possible Burn Dry Wood
The Wood you bought last year, Burn this year.
The Wood you buy this year, Burn next year.
C liff E rdman
A mao can live without air for a few
minutes, without water for about two
weeks, without food about two
months - and without a new thought
for years on end.
Lent Ruth
|>~U P P E R - L E F T E D G Ë Ü 1
Please call (503) 436-2915 for further
inform ation; ask for B illy or Sally.
P a c if ic
E d ito r /P u b lis h e r /J a n ito r :
The Beloved
R everend Billy Lloyd Hults
A s s is t a n t
E d it o r /P u b lis h e r /G r a p h ic s
E d ito r : The Humble Ms. Sally Louise
L a c k aff
C op y E d ito r /S c ie n c e E d ito r /V o ic c o f
R e a s o n /I n d ia n
C o u n t r y /L n c le
M ik e / e t c .:
M ichael B urgess
W ild life
I n fo r m a n t/M u s ic
R e p o r te r at
L arge:
Peter "Spud" Siegel
E d u c a tio n E d itor:
Peter Lindsey
I m p r o v is a t io n a l
E n g in e e r :
Dr. Karkeys
W ine E xpert: Jim A nderson
P o lit ic a l
C o n su lta n t:
K athleen K rushas
E n viron m en tal N ew s:
Kim B ossé
Rob M illiron
M ovies, F ood, and M usic:
M r, B aseb all: Jeff Larson
Ron Logan
L ocal C olour:
June K roft
Ju n e's G arden
Am bling Bear
M a jo r D istr ib u tio n :
D i s tr i b u ti o n
E c o n o m ic s E d itor:
G eraldine Rock
And A Cast O f Thousands!!
* IN V E S T M E N T
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