Image provided by: Upper Left Edge; Cannon Beach, OR
About The upper left edge. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1992-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1994)
ftae isso« L> m ? 3 * x P6 I ro lle rs sweeping the Peach have a c a th a rtic e ffe c t, scouring rubbish and human d e tritu s deposited during the summer from our sands 4 Kelp Fly propagation and demise Those troublesom e, elongate re la tiv e s of the common house f ly sw arm ing the beachside are kelp flie s P e stife ro u s and logy, these coastal n a tive s besiege late summer tanners Their a n cestra l manor, Tillam ook Lighthouse, teems w ith these »5» beasts Easily sw a tte d , th e ir a rriv a l signals summer s end w ith o u t question 5 Garden Spider P icnic J u st as the fa ll season salmon g iIIn e tte rs once set ■ ■ I I I 2 J Ì M. HLMUOCX th e ir nets across the Columbia R iver, so the s trip e d garden spiders cast th e ir w e irs and web across the fa ll a ir, h a rvestin g the ric h bounty of the September insect hatch Gorged on gnats, m osquitoes, and flie s , th e ir gossamer nets g lis te n in blackberry th ic k e ts and hedgerows 6 F irs t ram s, w arm and te n ta tiv e , nudge and waken C hantrelles, B oletes, and sundry fungi Please avoid my p riv a te understory haunts, thank you are sacred These s ite s 7 East Wind /C arpen ter Ant Hatch An uncontestable seasonal signal l w ould term the East W ind/C arpenter A n t/G u ll Feeding Syndrome T y p ic a lly , east w inds stream across the su m m its of the Coast Range in e a rly Autumn Dried by the Wes Law son Organic Gardening <& Maintenance 4BS-O54W P O B om MOO ToJovma Park, OR 97145 Licensed A Bonded »H9IM W illa m e tte V alley heat, these fa ll w inds breathe hot against green waves of the September s w e ll S p in d rift arcs seaward 30 to SO fee t from wave c re s ts in s ta r tlin g plumes of sym m etry Borne on these w inds, carpenter ants and d ra g o n flie s sw im through the hot a ir, drive n to The Edge from fie ld and fo re st Look a lo ft High above you g u lls wheel and s p ira l, th e ir w h ite bodies lik e m in isc u le ashes w h irlin g skyw ard fro m a paper fir e Barely d is c e rn ib le w ith the naked eye, these g u lls w i l l s tu tte r m o m e n ta rily , snapping a winged ant - - a sure sign of fa ll 8 A re tu rn to sa n ity, peace, and p ro p o rtio n Those of you who liv e here know w hat I mean The P rofessor w ill see you in the fa ll /\LL p H A Z t ’¡¡C: ¿ P iJ T e M T " t a S ervice RESTAURANT ~A Very Spn uil Dining Experience' frunina • P<mow«! Dinner Sralingt Sunday Thursday - 7 OU p m Friday and Saturday 6tW p m and A V) p m m klsfkvatkjn OPEN ûtunp • Loi U ic a n rj L ook fo r o u r NEW LOCATION NEAR THE OCEAN ^ 5 .5 4 « *,J.J** M «O’ J « M W ON LANEDA A CARMEL (MANZANITA OF COURSE) ’0 ¡5»! ««»' ! (Ml »Ml I I CM «M l I V«t «M k M «01 «»I I I M B W» < M B KW M M l « M iim m c i ¡m I u«ci kw so m i « b i 19 1 ut» Il HT MM! « M M «0’ »AI 'S MU «Ml ' CAMNOK&fktH 368-5593 KojJunK • Cfrîifitfli ArV^riat J OCCB* 8 3 U ? I I I » »«0 ’ M l 1$ M f l C t l l I U l t »M KW IMBUCHI IMII «tin FEATURING KID SIEGEL, BLUES, FRIDAY NIGHTS fine jewelry" custom designing q u a lity handm ade je w e lry 1235 S. HEMLOCK Cannon Beach 7 AM — 2 PM Breakfast 4c Lunch Closed Mon. 4c Tues. SANDPIPER SQUARE l*o B om 101 • ( UPSTAIRS ,n Be* h OK 97110 • r»OJ -I R» 14'M im itrilD&t SLPTLtlO 1W 7