Image provided by: Upper Left Edge; Cannon Beach, OR
About The upper left edge. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1992-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1994)
ViLbcirc • • • I rom Vashon Inland LDGC The W M * A good (toy to you, Rev It sure w«? • pleasure to spend some time emonq the Oregomer» especially with old friends I think gatherings like The Country Fair, with their im plicit emphasis on the endurance of the extended family (and attendant values) are my cultural equivalent of a religious retreat It did me good I recall making« brief mention of my latest pre-occupation, and thought to take th u opportunity to expand, expound and expose myself a bit There may be something here for every taste It all started with the replacement weather seal for a Honda hatchback, a little piece of hi-tech molded rubber that sat me back around $ 1 7 When I got home it was too dork to install the seal, so (for some strange reason) I weighed it before I went to bed 5 1 Z2 ounces about IS O a pound* (Maybe it actually goes back to apples and bananas The »<$ C o w it apples always cost more, even though they come from someplace about a three hour drive from here or just b io w .d j ¡n f l y 5 I« * « 5 o * it+ .> ie s u p river, in your case So, maybe years of festering about apples and benenas finally produced the sperk that Itt up the brain cell that prodded me to deposit that seal on the scale ) W ell, B illy, it's just a hoot' I get all these catalogs out and figure out how much ever ything costs per pound, now And it is 3 rd SdPM M M ^ surprising what the real luxuries and real 'bargains’ are Like book matches I 0< an ounce, or ebout 85 fires for a nickel A new Manne Band harmonica, $ 2 3 a pop, works out to $ 18 0 /lb Another German product, a new Mercedes Berv, w ill run you around $ I 3 - $ I 4/1 b, including shipping The real eye openers so fa r, though, are my new eyeglass frames These fine fashion statements, fine hinges and fine metal earhangers, and even finer plastic (plus, mine have pieces of monoflllament flshline that hold the lenses up) retailed at $1 19 95 without lenses (that's another $ 4 0 ) , and weighed in at half an ounce That puts them up there around 4 grand, by the pound I mean FINE hinges1 Most of these fancy little dudes are imported, too from France, Italy, Japan, etc How many other imported fashion statements ere covered by Health Insurance? But now, for the really boggling pert, is whet is Qhegpl Like Arcadia ht CdAdda Geese art 4o 1 * }Vrtii»i<r S o u l* 'To€u«M'tw»l y ja rm e < rcatouas naca js 4 sas j I » 01 811 A* i ‘ f <£¿*34« I , UttMECMttD IGH3 MGb? fo lleu '.n j Vfl? h a a K lM , c h t W y. U f l a P J M t j ¿ (./« s s o u r s k . e s , id 1 /o tk .5 U 'H i I 2nd s p i 9sVi-fi(j To 5 fl in d when my local purveyor of "Western Family* brands is selling bottom line ice creem for 99< e helf-gellon, thet e lees then 4 0 t / l b 1 (about half the price of cottage cheese) 2% acidophilus by the 112 gallon costs about the same, here 3 8 < /lb That s also about how much Weyer heeuser is paying for good Hr second-growth export grade saw logs about $ I 10O/thousand board feet They must be gettinq about 60</1b from our Asian trading partners for those lovely sticks pity OK, so what's a reel good deal? Used brick ( 4 < /lb ) Field c o r n u 5 < /lb And crude oil? about 5 1 / 2 t / l b That's right, at $ 18 50 a barrel, crude is $ 055/1 b But the really CANNON BEACH SHUTTLE SCHEDULE 10-6 Friday - Tuesday OLYMPIC BOOK EXCHANGE INC We Buy Books • TIMES MAY VARY SUGW TtY DEPENDINQ OH CO N D ITIO N S • . '»» . SOUTH ea V ie to , Par« •nay K4e*4R C44444T Msflyen IwHcrWl T<too«4A« *e»»«3a * d * 4 ¿.rat Uarv* astonishing part is that wholesale unleaded gas is only about 8 t / l b , and you and I are getting stuck Tor closer to 1 B t/lb ouch" Just think about the efficiency here, though (but not for too long it may turn you into a Republican'), and you’ll see that despite getting pumped out of the bowels (o r some other bodily o rifice) of the earth about 1 1 Time Zones from here, refined ( ' ) , freight added ( I I ) , you've got a local product of incredible potential, wholesaling for 9< a pound, and the government is charging 2 9 t an ounce just to freight your birthday cards a mile down the road1 See, Isn't the private sector INCREDIBLE??'" AND, here's a product that you never touch (or even smell. In Oregon someone else pumps tt for you) Can you Imagine giving s guy $ 1 0 and he gives you a bag with 55 pounds of •eCHTH U « h * A HaiMoct ’ oterarva * iy « *fa M y P«r« Wtafloten With a heart full of yo u -all, I remain John H Browne, Jr PS They're paying 3 « /lb for recycled cardboard around here •gain and it s about tim e' PPS If you feel a burning yearning to start a conversation (say about Cultural Stereotypes, o r? ? ) at your Ix e l grocery, just head on over to the produce scale with a random, representative assortment of paper products I guarantee ye ZSTOP\ «haa 9»d ie iie ri Loa Vtwtory Pari 2500 ftftf ’ Ik.K-'CC» OO0FM1 (5031 M 2 i«4d 14 » ’ 0 42 •0 04 14 oe 10 04 IO I t 14 12 10 i t l«a IherWy P«r« MxarWtxxrwj «0 •0 it 10 10 to 10 10 » 33 » » » «0 «2 41 11 It 11 It 11 11 11 11 It » » 42 1 , 33 4 t 11 Jt H Ì4 » 44 11 34 14 11 «0 12 11 4 ) I t 11 45 12 » 12 02 12 31 12 04 12 » 12 I t 12 12 12 i t 12 » 1 00 — 2. » 2 » 12 22 1 42 — 2 22 > 42 12 31 ' 5 — 2 31 3.71 » —» 2 04 2 » 3 04 12 34 — 7 04 2 3t 3 » 12 44 — 2 14 2 44 2 I t 12 <3 — 2 12 2 43 2 12 12 45 — M l 2 »5 t i t 10 2 4 to 21 ’ 0 24 ’O 2 t 10 34 to 41 11 1 1 I1 «4 10 h i I I i t I t 44 tO M I I 24 11 M to At 11 i f t t i t 10 M I I » 11 14 tO M I I M 11 M II» 113412» Public ShuRl« «, *a> ION 'Coastal Landscape Specialist' 8 6 1 -1 4 6 8 « U *e 1 c e n s e 1 M 7 • I k r t o e and * e w e d 4 04 4 43 4 01 2 24 3 32 3 31 3 34 3 31 J. 44 3 «3 3 4t 4 J4 4 34 4 > « 1 3 « It 4 » d. 23 4 3t < 34 4 31 4 44 4 43 4 41 I I I t I 1 s 1 J4 03 01 » 04 it 13 H 1 » to c 1 33 1 0 3 1 31 t o t «• • » 1 31 t 40 1 42 — 1 41 — sarta *u<ti Mar'* A H«mAoch Sovtbpo«*) ’O H 10 I t 12 I f 12*11 12 24 12 2« 17 .4 12 2t 12» i s «A — tJ < 1 12 M 12 i t — ’ 2 54 ’2 i t »» J II 1 tt 2 24 IT I 224 7 21 2 » — — — — — i as 2 M 2 A4 III 2 54 2 it 3 » J 2 3 3 IS It 24 21 3 74 3Jt 3 » 14« 1 <t J »4 J it i 54 ) U 4 » 4 if 4 ’t 4 24 4 71 4 24 4JI 4 » « o 4 4 4 4 4 I 44 14 IS 54 it 00 I 'I I I 'I I M t 24 I A4 Ì 21 I i t 174154 I 21 I i t 5 » 4 » Ocnitiona App»«ciil«d - No Sar.ic« on W tdnatoay S Thursday Oth«r Slop» on n«f]uo&l V E L O C IP É D IQ U E S Serving All Of Clatsop County Since 1976 gasoline in it. and you lug it home a couple of miles on foot, and it's hot out, and the bag is herd to pour into that dammed funnel, and then it won't all go into the tank, and you heve to tie it shut and put tt in the shed, and hope the rats don t get it Hey, but it only cost I 8< a pound, and it'll get you and the fam ily to The Fair and back SMILEI So, you see, anybody with an eye for bargains and value, why, they d be fools not to buy tons of this gesoline stuff, just to heve fun with Like, you could moke great big circles in a stubble field by pouring gas out on the ground, and then lighting it up, and see whose fire gets around the circle firs t kind of like s tx k car racing without the cars and drivers and the extra stuff I bet you can think of even funner things to do with something as wonderfully powerful and gloriously cheap as this gasoline, the Boon of the Bargain Hunters" Hay, Rev . gotta go Thera's some pretty weighty etuff goinq down, and I don't want to miss it Tell folks that a scale and a calculator can be as much fun as TY They w ill thank you for it Muoro PAUL SKEEFER iM v a i • Design • Construction • Irrigation • Rockeries • Sod & Saad Lawns • FTatainmg Walls • Water Faatures • Nativa and Ornamental Planting • Tractor Services MIKE'S KIKE SHOP < CANNON ItKACII M 1 I m I21MI H ik i. TAI.«: rU M i-4iiz-|2iut •’ I» M ilt SIR I AVM IV »H Al li. HR U 7 II1 I I l s easy to be in d e p e n d e n t w h en you we got M oney Hui la he in d e p e n d e n t w hen you h a v e n ’t got a t h in g th a t s th e l ord s test M a h a lle Jackson & 1 s PRESSO • FE A TU R IN G STA R BU C K S COFFEE • WIDE SELECTION OE M AC AZIN 1 • H E A L T H F U L SNACKS HOURS E V E R Y D A Y 8 :0 0 -4 :0 0 368-7450 500 LANEDA AVE. I have came to th e c o n c lu s ie n a f te r a a i y y e a rs o f seaetiaees sad e t p e r ie n c a . th a t you c a n n e t c a s e to a a y c o n c lu s ie n a t a ll V ita S a c k v tlle V e st P O BOX 698 M A N Z A N IT A , OR 97130 H it t iin FÖ6L S tP M U W 5