Image provided by: Upper Left Edge; Cannon Beach, OR
About The upper left edge. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1992-current | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1994)
$ ? 2 s Dear Uncle M ike , s I'm e 2 6 year old woman - - single, ? in te llig e n t, w a rm , cenng. reasonably i t — a ttra c tiv e , sensual and often charming s H u « » r « nm* « u A m i Aw»" •*■**»' f c x q u i j i t c and C o f f e e s 7 € a $ Here's my question W here are all the good men? All I yet is w hiners, slackers, and aging adolescents s v tth o u t a c a r, gas money, ambition or a clue s desparota enough to cereteke cynics whose cup is always half em pty, put bendeids on the I don't think I'm ell that picky, but I'm not knees of skateboarders old enough to shave, or support lovers who sleep around Any suggestions. Answer Man? Third and Ivy Streets Tillamook Oregon Selective Shopper in Seattle $ Co ex» ¡ jm ? c^o o o CXJ «■* «\S> e ■ m < vo 0z> s » ex» o*a c o (So <VO «■* * \p Dear Shopper, Uncle M ike always has suggestions His fir s t is that you change your metaphor before he gags One shops for clothing, fresh produce, and the perfect Spanish Coffee UNE CNIROFRACTK PC The idea of stopping for a human being ended, ostensibly at least, w ith the C ivil W ar P a r r u u u j H iM b 2 /4 Since you describe yourself as in tellig en t. Uncle Mike hesitates to suggest the J. KATHLEEN MALIN obvious Chiropractic Fhyvoan Ten tk Stne? You may be stopping in the wrong boutiques m etaphor, fishing in the wrong tolas O r, in a kinder and gentler Lacking knowledge of whet you consider a good man . Uncle Mike Is herd pressed to w hip out e lis t of lik e ly venues O rw n 9 7 » o j v .XkWOA» *ZM>0 ,WIW4X.. • O < J .’ 1______ . L i i _ J J ± 3 _________I Gentle Mobilizing Spiral Manipulation 4 Muscle Work Al*« AvtiiaM Mgr tu Ml Molly StrgmAoit And A,i,nr«3 c C«et«nzDoftt With CM'«* Gooamgn, MA <IS S Ho adiy pr Hls fir s t suggestion is that you stop looking altogether Unlike finding the ideal cellular phone service, finding love is more often a wonderful accident then the climax of consumer research Some of the male traits you d e x rlb e w ith loathing and disdain a re , Uncle M ike c an t help but notice, age specific Poor baby Having been a younger man him self once, Uncle Mike has nothing but sympathy for young women hell bent to make something of .n ir îtfî them Pet rocks are often easier to tra in On the other tond. Uncle M ike Is ceaselessly unamused by the snivelling of women young and old who, in tto ir search for the perfect ►M I C A N N O N BEA CH L IB R A R Y /A J < 1)1 Mari). Haatart po >•■ wr> C w m B««k OH »Tl 10 man they so obviously deserve, price themselves out of the market E«*ar -'w *' '* Dear Uncle M ike, You re a yuy, maybe you can answer me this and doesn't, that's okay • A ir e # > . guy thing? Is there V ? j. a cure? t n k e in Portland (A»n»W ««</ a p t t a ’r d by ib r h b ' a n and It " till (.tub of ( a n n o n Why Is It If a guy says he s going to call But if you don't call him, to lays a guilt t r ip on you? Is thia a Hra< ) Dear Erika, Many facets of the human comedy are gender specific layi ng on of guilt is not one of them In Uncle Mike's experience, the Uncle Mike leer ned guilt on his mother s knee and s till regards it as ore of the great motivators In life , second only to fear VICTOR H. PLUCY. m.fl. H O P E L. H A R R IS Counseling Psychotherapy Individuals. Couples & Families L IC E N S E D MASSAGE T H E R A P IS T 4J6 9225 Wa»n> >xy«xi S lot" mangled his selfesteem But we were talking about you Pegardless of gender, the guilt tr ip is one of the cheaper shots in all of behavioral psychology (see Pavlov s dogs and the plays of tugene 0 N e ill) This is in its e lf no mean feat The idea behind guilt is simple Convince someone who cares that they ve wronged and hurt you ( in some nebulous way which, i f they re a lly loved you, they d understand) lx «« im 503 323 2923 NF 20000400 and they spend the time It takes you to forgive them (generally the rest of th e ir natural lita ) playing catch up and feeding you bonbons Is there a cure? Only if there's a w illin g patient categories O T 131 S u n s e t B lvd People into guilt trip s fall into two those who know wtot they're doing and those who don't Those who don t, w hile often more responsive to reasoning and naked threats, are usually so oblivious to W life in general as to make them scarcely worth the effort involved in retrain in g them Those who know gu ilt when they're shovelling it a re, for the most p art, not about to Î W inneh fDotf This Is , by the way, a philosophy stored by many of the women who have bunnytoppod into his life and stop W hy should they, given schmucks lik e yourself who are w illin g to ro ll over and put their paws in the a ir? T r a n s p e r s o n a l C o u n s e lin g As w ith most of the hopeless messes people make of t t o ir lives, the solution only f o r C o n s c io u s L iv in g W om en M en seems to involve someone else Pepe«’ after Uncle Mike C o u p le * option the swamp w ater, do this C a n n o n Beads Disengagement is always an That you not wallow in g u ilt, w o rn n g you might be throwing the baby out w ith Tell the mindless je rk as sweetly as possible you're up to here w ith this neurotic crap and. If he wants to play the victim he 11 have to find a new 136 0410 sandbox D a n a C. A n d o ro o n . M S • D ire c to r • I saatat M e d ita tio n I 2-1 p .m . every W e d A Frl T h e Q u ie t R oom 1-3 p .m . every W e d A Frl il Then walk your talk '■'-» *** Dear Uncle M ike, My 10 year old daughter tos developed an interest in spiders C o m p assio n ate C o m m u n ic a tio n W o rk s h o p R o b e rt G onzales, Sat, June 4, 9-6 p .m ., »60 D ances o f U n iversal Peace F rl, June 10, 7:30 p.m ., 12 O p e n H o use (6 p .m .) A Film (7:30 p .m .) ‘T h e E ld e r B ro th e rs ' W a rn in g " , Sat, June IS, M e m b e r» F re e, N o n -m e m b e rs 15 S to ry m a k e rs G a th e rin g (fo r w o m e n A m e n ) Sun, June 26, 6:30 p .m ., 15 project Now she wants a tarantula It started as a school Is this normal? Squeamish in Astoria Dear Squeamish, In a word, no Spiders are the nightmares of the w ild kingdom and those who do anything but avoid them a re, in Uncle Mike's humble opinion, one cltck this side of Irre trie v a b le Under no circumstance should you buy your little munchkin e tarantula Hava you seen these things? Good g rie f, n itw it, use your toad Your daughter w ill promise you s h e ll keep it in a te rra riu m w ith a b rick on the lid S t o ll be lying K & D MAIN STREET BOOKS USED • RARE • UNUSUAL Eventually s h e ll confuse to r large mandibled arachnid w ith a pat who knows which side its bread is buttered on Or cares Trust me, the morning w ill come when, before you've had your coffee, your eight-legged wooly horror w ill s cu rry out from under the re frig erato r and leap onto S ut lflo n v r (503) 648-9216 Dawn DeBernardi your face At this point squooshing it w ill be out of the question b o o k s . e tc . x * -j if e 211 E Main Street, Hillsboro, OR 97123 E v e ry s iaco o u r lova fo r a a c b ia e s re p la c e d th e love we used ta have fo r o u r fe lo w a t a catas tro p h e s proceed la i b crease Idaa Say RECYCLING MEANS NOTHING II Y O U D O N ’ T C L O S E T H E LO O P ! IIH U L u h i t t ^ t s k i S t iv e r L j G r a i k b .O tv q p n 97S5O " I 5 0 3 -9t>3 5242 kl Open 0:30-5 50 M on.-S at. You need to ta u vcled prudu. n madr Ir a n the paper you » e k m » the in u r» We II help you M Utfy your paper need» bawd an .u * i a^J cn.inm m ental tenuuvity (V ty tlc A l P c a e trw Call us fur a latalog at hnuvhufcl. office and packaging pnalucO ( » uup by • * » nfhee M /W /T h 12 4 pm Ui We yourself' BOX io n MAHDI OS *71)« I« o r c a n iz P e acrlree Recycled Paper 50.V2M2-7266 5 2 3 NE D a v i s PDX 0 -2 3 2 t M t ; »23} 5521 ayiONAt c h a n c i c i o s a i r im îw a i r i v i t a i i z a t io n V P ftR L E T T EDG E T U I Ï It V f ?