Image provided by: Upper Left Edge; Cannon Beach, OR
About The upper left edge. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1992-current | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1994)
Lxzid I «tUrtMn »» OuoUO n st/tnq IhM 9 Hrlt«*i by boat. look t ( ha lo ChK«9O «nd b»et Uw Cubs 6 lo 3 TMr*t. (>tv» r . > ♦ • Î 2 T T . . . . & I 4 ■ J,- ' • _ i »Z» ~ ■ » T .r - I he C o lis e u m , I A - 4 ¿ * r 1 -j/4 " 4 .-y -r-r-~ ■ fc ’ ■ 'r . • { v * ■ t . - The foul t e r r ito r y was enormous on the th ird base side, and a mere s liv e r on the firs t In the photo, you can see the 4 2 foot screen er ected to keep pop- flys in the park in left field A lodged fly ball and um pire indecision cost the Braves e pennan’ here in 1 9 5 9 cozy 7 0 0 feet fraom the plate Demolition, Blasphemy and Hyperbole Part 2 The furthest seats w ere a Note the crushing attendance Mansfield Club ©rounds, M idlletown, Conn Demolished, and later the site of the Connecticut Hospital for the insane Just wonder mg South Sid« B a m Ball ta ik Chtca<u S u lp h u r D a l i , Nashville field The home of the three tiered n ^ i t located next to the fragrant burning c ity dump, hence its name Overflow crowds wer e parked behind the rope on the th ird t ie r , shortening the right field dimensions to 2 3 5 feet Stengel once said he parked one here on a bunt attempt The nearby Cumberland River wan a constant flood throe«, and catcher Del Ballinger once mart» a successful catch of a foul fly after diving into a fr igid dugout pond * C o « Is k e y P e rk ,C h ic a g o (iK b ili Ga —• «1 I* « » •,» G’ ou-aa aa aaan »»am ir ««««• V i n The home of fluctuating v isito rs bull p«n mounds, axplodinq aooreboerdb. Bavar ian and Moxican restaurants, Diamond Vision, bleacher showers, beer halts, and Disco rio ts Just what place this ancient stadium occupied in the hearts of p u rists rem ains unclear Polo (Rounds N Y - Oh. the lore The site of Snodgrass m u ff. M a rk le ’s honehead p la y , Mays catch off W e rtz , and marry others S till this park would be sum m arily laughed off the OLYMPIC BOOK EXCHANGE. INC agenda if applying for a franchise today O rig in ally bu ilt to provide a playground for the polomg New York ar istocrats, II We Buv Books fell to the s tra e t-c a r hoi -po llo i hardball set in the ear ty 1 8 8 0 ’s Probably more people hove welched a bollgame on this plot than anywhere At one point, it housed two fields con cu rren tly, resulting in fa ir play balls and fran tic fielders scurrying w il ly - n ill y onto adjacent tu r f One incarnation of this park had a right field embankment so steep George Oore oouldn t clim b tt. allowing Cap Anson to gleefully stretch a double into an inside - the-par k homer The lines R ig h t- 2 5 7 , Center - 5 0 0 * / - , l e f t - 2 8 0 But, ther e was a second deck overhang in left that offered a chip shot home run of 2 5 0 feet Crosley F te Id C incinnati - Another park w ith a steep incline Dexter Park N Y - This yard featured a huge incline in right In front of the fences, this in a ll fields, most pronounced in left 2509 r *V S” ®e* Tlttamook 0 0 97,4, ■503) M2 3MÔ field caused try the internm ent of a large, unknown horse The center field fence was concrete for 13 5 feet, w ith 9 5 feet of plywood on top that was out of p i e / f o r two years Thus, many hom eruns w ere judged by the um pires on the quality of MWKWfiy P e n d le to n P a r k . Pendleton, Ohio - And as if a ll this isn I enough, the e n tire Louisville and Cincinnati teems were the sound they made hlttinQ the w all arrested here in 1891 for p le y ioq Sunday baseball I eague P a rk , Cleveland - An outfielder s nightm are Steel Next - P art 3 beams in the walls caused b iz a rre caroms which w ere m ainly unpredictable Many a lin e cfrive to one corner ended up In the other There was also a good sized gap under the center flaid rBRCAKFAST ONLY •j »««> scoreboard that allowed b alls in play to ro ll under it Imagine the Indignity of watchinQ T ris Speaker craw ling in the d irt like •** © a mongoose in p u rsu it of the elusive horsehide LoteBreokNewsFlosh— Mar ge ( sheottabe) Schott has spoken age in A pparently, the 'm u lti-n a tio n a l awareness s en s itiv ity tra in in g program she was forced to endure as a condition of dimensions w ere defined by poplar trees, a scoreboard, tennis r e - Instatement didn't take hold Her antipathy towards A frican -A m erican s, the subjects of the Greeter East Asia Co-prosper ity Sphere, and the International courts, and a 4 -fa o t-h ig h water fountain Zionest Conspiracy are w ell know and documented C o lt S ta d iu m athlete Orove Straet Oval, East Orange, NJ Theoutfteld a I Ï . . w -------- Margie's Farm has got to be an awkward place to work if you re a black Houston - Routine maintenance chores here Included heavily spraying the e n tire field w ith insecticide to But now. she's gone too far suppress the mosquito population Some of these were so hefty that, by some accounts, they resembled winged hamsters M unicipal Stadium ( now Satchel Paige M em orial Stadium ), Kansas C ity - Left center light standard was In the field of play, In fro n t of the w arning track It Is the best of a ll gomes for me It frequently escapes from the pattern of sport end assumes the form of a v ir ile ballet . . The movement Is natural end unrehearsed and controlled only by the unexpected flig h t of the ball J im m y Cannon 12 the members of the Cincinnati Reds, she said to the Ohio County Treasurers Association the reason was 'o n ly fru its wear THE JOCA e a rrin g s ' W e ll, thanks Marge, but I am neither a member of the vegetable kingdom nor am I unsure of my sexual or lent at ion or gender Astoria's Best Kept Secret After proscribing oar rings on U nlike you, who looks lik e a failed gBnetic experim ent from the 19 6 0 Soviet Shot Put Lab and Tractor Wor ks E f P R £ f f O nil U N I M IN I Marge, why don t you sell the Reds, get your Cro-Magnon bigot self out of baseball, buy an island f a r , far away, and take Lon Mabon w ith you Into eternal torment Yes. and your m iserable little dog, too We've had about enough out of you N o one c o n rnufcv ifxu Jed in fe r io r w id io u l ifour coneenk. 1 le a n e r R o o s e v d i VffERUFTlMt JVkt IW * i l ■«>»•> -, • »••••- »M IU« lU IP «« •» Pees an< *«••• A1» fry a.