Now Located on the Coast: 3rt lvestoration R epair a n d R estoration o f Fine A rt O b je c ts O "*rt*l Sn**n* Scrota «e U*«W* tad* and Vary Scuttas* • 4 r ie * ï z s z s z s z < z t s z s e z < z < z s z s z .• s ? s z s z < z s • z s Z s z > s z s s z • s z • s Z s ■ s Z s Z. s < s Z s Z s Z s Z s Z Z s Z s s Z s Z s Z. A good month to put 8 cork in the o jj and speak from the he» t Don't w o rry over much about more/ and leap only at something that w ill catch you Though it's more important to understand than to be under stood, the same goas for others C larify your positions. dw:l» e /our intent, check for motives If you don t like whet you're reaping ( and there s a g<xl chance you won t) , tr y sowing something new k ick up your heels but boar in mind the difference between hormone! imbalance and love Mistakes made this month could be spectacular l ib r a T ime to come out from under the bushel basket In matters of fin»»oe, think things through and expect what s yours The world being whet it is, you won t get it al, at once * * The w ill pond» this, along w ith the m uttering mob of conflicts and loose ends in your relationships A ll ponder and no action, of course, makes ones dud Get out of /our care » k J mix it up Nothing momentous w ill come of it but it beats moping and defending your options, not all of which » e worth it ktep a smile on your face and avoid suck» punches Cerf Robert Yost; greeter than se lf-g ra tificatio n Stop whining Take car a of business, remember tng that being human is a fu ll time job and we re all lust apprentices The solar eclipse in your sign is a gentle tap on your forehead Whatever is taken from you. you re better off without The winds of change are blowing in your ear Snorting »id pawing the ground w ill get you nowhere (ierouu Yes, cupcake, it's fin a lly your month Venus » m J Mercury ploy a frie n dly game of badminton w ith the shuttlecock of your k » me Big fun unless you exercise your option to behave like a n itw it V isu al,» serious play Confront nothing and lighten loads, starting w ith your own Find what s clinking In the machinery and replace It Flex your dual nature and step outsidB yourself Look et the m »nc chaos of spr ing w ith new eyes and impose order gently Dance w ith strangers wid say yes to graceful dalliances You owe it to yourself Comer For better or worse, your plate is more than fu ll The sap that s t» ted r ising last month is at flood stage There 3 a good chance you 11 fall in love There so good chance you'll skin your knee ,n the process Trust your gut feelings, but only as far as you can throw them w ith rational thought Recognize the distinction between habit » id conviction and stop letting old insecurities play you like a harp The universe may be asymmetric, but there's a lot to be said for balance between tieart and mind Leap slowly z s z s z s z z s z Leo The r o ll that started last month continues A ffa irs of the heert take a back seat to work Stup snivelling Sincere effort now can lake you over the top, making this no time for sm elling roses Oiven temptations to s o c ia li» past all lim its of reason, this can be tres tric k y Time to dive once again to your metaphysical ( as opposed to existential) core Remind yourself who you » e and what you re doing Slop back ing into life Only those who stand up cast a shadow, booblah What comes to you ts yours Accept it w ith h u m ility Pvrcpo You might want to sit down Whatever smooth sail ing you ve beer enjoying turns into white water ra ftin g On the bright sidB, you have e paddle Use it as a brake Cop to the fact that the change originates in you the captain of your bobsled T he Greet Work involves communtcat mg your ideas in ways that don't make loved ones dash shr tek trig into the night Bounce your dreams off observed re a lity and don't push whet needs to be coaxed If possible, get out of town, at least mentally If you don t go, yo u'll have beer, n o w h e re Dtg'> 1 6 UPPLR LET T EO&E PtftY I W • Tobacco a Pipes 91 £ pm «m 7 232-3EYE 3950 S E Hawthorne Blvd • Portland. OR 97214 47 N H O LLA D A Y DR SEASID E. OR 97138 73aae77 UNIVERSAL-* YIDEO $ z s ? s z • s z STEVE H A U G E N J IM H A U G E N ta z s • z s z 5 z s z • s z • s z • s z s z s Do your best to ignore it You have the ? universe s permission to play Just remem b » no game s worth ploying that asks you to wag» your in teg rity This seid, sey yes to comely strang»s • who o it » shelter from the storm They be» greet gifts As usual, love ts • the answ» to w h a ler» questions you hove Loving o th » s is easy , loving s yourself is the real challenge And recognizing that love is not a noun, It's a v » b Take a good h » d look at what s Important to you, th » i get out of your head and do something z s z. s z z 5 z (503) 436 2832 I U5 A ___________________ 7 239 N HL M l OCK • P O BOX 906 CANNON BF ACH. OR 97110 s z No sense mincing words This month you spend wand» ing through the storm with a lantern looking for the faith those wound you have lost It's a lovely job for you, the melancholy poet of the zodiac Dwkness and fog become you, babycakes. and the long» you labor for tru th , the w a rm » home w ill be when you get back You'll be painfu lly ew»e of the d,ff»ence between talk mg and saying something It w ill be more obvious m others than in yourself ( Those w ith the brains the u m v » » s z s z gave a cro w b » w ill not be lulled Into complacency • Essential O H A Incense • Beartx • Poalerx M om f t Sun z Capricorn Piaon • Herbal Smoking Matures GRATEFUL DEAD HEADQUARTERS s A time for endings ra th e r than b e g in n in g s Do that which is undone » k J seek out the comp»ry of like minded travelers Disagreements left untended lead to confrontation Walk away or get down to essentials Under no circumstances, believe that o tte rs know who you » e or why Be honest , but let your honesty heel wounds r at hw t h»i mak e th»n T txne around -you re ly on your vision and your a b ility to turn a d v » s ity into grand aNenture Accept c ritic is m at face value, praise the good that remains, and take long naps Work calls this month • Global imports • Cryslfth I .tawtary z SaqUtux u*e ApMuuM • Tie Oy*<1 CkMhrxj $ Time to take off the gngglea you didn t k now you had on Whet you -w in o th » s ( both level ¡ness and w » ts ) is a product of your vision le t your power s of per suasion take a break and listen Examine the myth of control and compute the pain and salness in demands of true b e lie v » s Theo focus on bringing work to completion S trip aw »/the flu ff and come to terms w ith your value system Right thought and right action are the most p o w » fu l prayers And, in the midst of the sturm and drang. you'll need them Your work could stand a little attention now A p ity since you'll be busy putting out fire s et home Yes. flu ffy , discord You II be tempted to be self-righteous It w ill be a horr ible mistake Tend y o u rg » den diligent by and recogni» half of the weeds » e yours It is foolish to expect « re p lance from thuse you dun I « re p I Avoid power struggles like the plagues the y'll become if you pursue them When things hit bottom. instead of moping, blame it on the eclipse T h e T h ir d ¿ y e s z Srewpw Happy solar re tu rn , bull people Celebr ate by banishing the word I from your vocabulary What comes to you this month w ill not be pr ptty unless you're work mg for goals 392 4445 NtfcKOu* OR s z s s z s H A TH A YOGA * o ffe re d in C a n n o n B each and S e as id e F o r m ore info c a ll Suki 436-0930 T a t U re m L ift IS P ru a rtO S V . z Tuttofiti -Yamhill Fresi, Inc. •ont srraxste A lso A n n u o .