The upper left edge. (Cannon Beach, Or.) 1992-current, February 01, 1994, Page 14, Image 14

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    Next season, the Major league w ill re-align into
three divisions per c irc u it, five times in the
Eastern and Central divisions and four in the
Western divisions This presents some obvious
balance problems for scheduling, traveling, and
so forth The owners w ill do doubt respond w ith
further expansion Assuming no further
re-alignment. this w ill entail granting two new
franchises, one each for each league The
American League might want to make inroads
into the southwest, Phoenix perhaps, while the
National League desires desperately to get a
foothold in the burgeoning and potentially
lucrative Pacific Northwest
Baseball is vulnerable right now The owners
have revealed themselves to be slobbering maws
of avarice, as this whole three division, extended
p la y -o ff boondoggle bears testimony There is no
Commissioner to police these vampires, and their
rapacious lust runs amok Not since 1919 has the
soft w hite underbelly of The Great Game been so
exposed to gra ft, corruption, and greasy back
alley pay-offs This is where we come in
By now you know where this hound is pointing
A Major League Baseball team in Cannon Beach7
Why not7 It could be a cute litt le community-
owned franchise, sim ilar to Green Bay in the NFL
Oregon W ine Connection
by Jim Anderson
A column about wineries I proposed the idee
to Rev Hu its in a season s greetings" card, not
exactly knowing whether he would think thia
was a worthwhile tdaa or not He did I think
my promise of getting him a bottle of wine
from each place I reviewed played a role In
any case he gave it the thumbs up. so thus
begins a column that w ill take you out to
Oregon's W me Country and into some of the
vineyards that dot our state s landscape
First of a ll, this w ill be ecolumn about
winer tes and not really about wine I like to
drink wine Quite simply I enjoy it I know
when a Pi not Noir has a nice peppery flavor or
when a Char donna/ has too strong a grapefr uit
flavor and not enough of a buttery qua! ity I
know that I neither like to, nor can I afford to
pay $ 2 5 for a bottle of wine Oregon has wines
at that price, but it also has highly affordable
high quality wine This is about the extent of
my sophistication about wine, so don't plan on
reeding much more about what a wine w ill do
for your palate, than this
For those of you unaware, Oregon has been
developing its wine industry for some time
now There are over 100 wineries in the
state, from the Coast, to the Rogue and Umpqua
Valleys, all throughout the W illam ette Valley
and Hood River Although these are young
vineyards,generally 2 0 years or less, thev are
producing wine that can be consider ed with the
world's finest and most recognized vintages
Not bad
One of the best things about Oregon s
vineyards is that they are open to the public
Most wineries in the state have a tasting room
where you can go and taste wine Generally
free, sometimes special vintages merit a
nominal charge What I w ill attempt to do is
give you a sense of what separate wineries are
like, what kind of facilities they have, events
they put on, and how enjcryable each one is
I thought for the firs t review I would stert
with something special Not just a tasting
room Not even close Sunday Brunch at the
F o la H i l l s W in e r y in Rickreall All you can
eat I
I know that the phrase "All You Can Eat
inver tably summons up visions of greasy spoon
diners. Skippers, and sim ilar establishments
Many of us have tried to beat the truism that
APR coup, just when th is nest of vipers in the
owners circle needs it If they won t listen to
reason, there are the trad ition al methods,
burglarized ledgers, massive nuisance lawsuits,
photographs from orchestrated motel
indiscretions, etc
If resistance persists, you go to plan B You
take all that sweet real estate south of Ecola,
and condemn it, due to "Eminent Domain*, or
"Public Safety', or "Just Because", or whatever,
it doesn t matter If you really have to explain it
to the city administration, just say, "Look, it s
like the broken license plate light angle, only
bigger, get i t 7"
And then, financed by a hefty surtax on
espresso and fanny packs, you build 20 mondo
condos on the property and present the title s to
each of the owners in a staid and solemn
ceremony involving an out of work dancer
bursting forth from a chocolate bavarian replica
of Haystack Rock
Next. The Ballyard At this very moment, the
Edge has its crack team of broken and discredited
architects hammering out a suitable design to
manifest this glorious vision in steel and
concrete And now
The C ontest
Your ideas on design, location, and, of course,
The Name of this ballpark are needed A ll entries
w ill be judged by an im partial panel of jurors,
and the Grand Prize winner w ill recieve a $5 00
g ift c e rtific a te to Jupiter s Books
Also, you need a name for the team The prize
for the best entry here is a life tim e season pass,
and a plate of hors d'oeuvers from D&J Catering
in Manzanita
Deadline for entries is March 15th, so don t
Addie Joss
Red F aber
Ross Youngs
Stan Musial
Bob Lemon*
Jackie Robinson
Pie Troynor
Mickey Mant le
Whitey Ford
Travis Jackson
Ernie Banks
Lou Gehrig
Al Kaline
B ill Terry
Walter Alston * •
Ted Lyons
Sandy Koufax
Charlie Gehringer
Don Drysdale
Earle Combs
Roberto Clemente
Carl Hubbell
Bob Gibson
B ill Dickey
Carl Yastrzemski
Luke Appling
W illie Stargell
Bob Feller
Jim Palmer
Joe Di Maggio
Johnny Bench
Ted W illiam s
Pee Wee Reese
* elected as player only
* * elected as manager only
Address all entries to either the Edge or
Mr Baseball
PO Box 442
M anzanita, Or 971 JO
there is no free lunch by trying to more than
break even at some "All-You-Can- Eat" buffet
only to realize that there is a definite price to
pa/ for such rash act ions Per haps memor les
of overstuffmg yourself with food that you
would normally flee fro m , and long hours later
in the loo, compliments of a $4 99
clearinghouse special, have turned you, and
your lower intestine off from the possibility
that someone could actually put together a
delicious "All-You-Can-Eat experience
W e ll, allow yourself to be more than
pleasantly surprised by the catering of Chef
Ram one Simbeck Once you have chosen from
three price ranges, $ 12 , $ 15 and $ 17, all of
which allow for the feast and varying amounts
of wine and even fa irly nice take-home wine
glasses, you are prepared to stuff yourself
beyond reason At the $ , 5 / per son level two
people eet all the lood they can, split a full
bottle of wine or sparkling wine, take home
two wine or champagne glasses, and get a
coupon for a dollar off for any bottle you
purchase to take home This is a true deal in
the world outside of Oregon, meets like this go
having it fall to pieces «The omelettes are large
and as stuffed as you can make them The pasta
dishes r iv a l, in quality, size and visual appeal.
any restaurant prepw ed pasta
In the middle of the table Chef Remone tends
to a var iety of lar ge pans On this day he had
three things in the works Fried oysters,
bouillabaisse, and octopus stew ( cooked in its
own ink, no less) Even my last six years of
mostly meet less ex istance nad to lake a back
seat to 3 - 4 fried oysters, dipped in a bit of
spicy tomato sauce I'll repent later
Down toward the end are piles of ro lls,
sticky buns, glazed cream puffs, muffins,
I can personally vouch for the
obscenely delicious cream puffs Had ther e not
been mounds of other eye popping fond around I
easily could have shot my blood sugar level
through the roof with a dozen or so of these
At the very end (okay, just before the juice
bar which is hard to get too excited about in
comparison to everything else going on) is a
waffle bar Normal shaped waffles and ones
with a boot-like configuration (fo r realty
for $ 5 0 - $ 1 0 0
You are dining inside the winery so there are
oak and stainless steel kegs throughout the
room You are surrounded by thousands of
gallons of wine For some people this alone
m a/ fu lfill some fantasy, that perhaps you
should be w riting to Uncle Mike about For
loading up on the toppings) are cooked to order
This table is a kid’s dream come true and not
others, the interest may be in getting to see
how a winery operates In any case you are
immediately caught up in the sp irit of the
crepe, however, my suggestion is the warm
apple and cinnamon filling/topping combined
with the sweet rum sauce topped with a flaming
You don't have to wait long to see and smell
sugar cube Ecstacy
It took me and my partner about 2 hours to
the fare that is ahead A 40 foot table, covered
with freshly prepared food, is just past the
entrance to the dining area The mam entrees
are omelettes and pasta dishes T he beauty of
this meal is that you choose the ingredients and
they whip it up for you, before your eyes You
can choose from about 40 different ingredients
including, most veggies under the sun. a
handful of cheeses .several different types of
sausage and ham. salsa, sour cream. and many
types of fresh pasta that can be topped with a
stuff ourselves s illy In the background jazz
pianist Michael Harrison played Apparently
he's not there every Sunday but they book him
var iety of sauces
This process takes surprisingly little time
Two cooks work four frying pans apiece and
each dish takes them less than 5 minutes to
prepare Watching the culinary gymnastics
these cooks handled routinety made me wince as
thought of the trials and tribulations I have
had just to fold one omelette over without
Local raconteur and Man About Town D
Bartholet faxes in,
"Dear Mr Baseball
I've been wondering -- Just how many
members of the Hall of Fame played for only one
team the ir entire career7 Thanks, and by the
way. I love your column Whatever they re paying
you isn t enough
Thanks for the kind words. Dave, and heres
your answer
These are players and managers that served
one team only In the event a man played for one
team only but managed another, he is not lis te d
bad for adults either Toppings including
numerous fru it compotes, melted chooolete,
peanut b u tter. jams and preserves, whipped
cream and more abound I hey also mnk e
crepes You can put anything you want in vour
every now and then R e s e rv a tio n s a re
d e f in it e ly recom m ended This place just
won the award for the Best Brunch in Salem ,
and while I am not certain whether that is an
honor or a dubious distinction, the point is that
this place is not a big secret The number is
( 5 0 3 ) 6 2 3 - 2 4 0 5 The doors open at 10am
and close around 2pm, although their tasting
room and gift shop stay open until 5pm The
winery is located on Hwy 9 9 just south of Hwy
While most wineries do a variety of events
during the course of the year Eola Hills does
more of this stuff than most They have a long
list of events, including a Steak, Wine and
Casino night, a Super bowl p a rty , and a Civil
(5 0 3 ) 436 1266
p o . t*> \
s it
K UH 97110
w ar Brunch for you Duck and Beaver football
fans Even if you can't make the brunch or
another event I recommend going to the winery
to do a tasting The tasting room isopen daily
noon to 5pm
Eola H ills’ w in e --th e y produce
Chardonnay Cabernet Sauvignon, Pmot Noir,
Oemay Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, White Reasling,
Oewurztrammer and Sparkling B r u t - - is as
reasonably priced as you w ill find Their most
common price range is from $ 4 -$ 9 a n d y o u
w ill find that you are getting more than your
money s worth
If you are new to buying Oregon wines you
w ill find that you don't necessarily have to
spend $ 2 0 to get an excellent, flavorful wine
Oregon s climate is ideal, even more so than
C alifornias. for growings wide range of
grapes that exhibit more taste due to the state s
temperature range Cool weather brings out
the tartness in grapes which allows vineyards
in Oregon to produce high quality wine at
reasonable prices
Oregon s wine industry w ill continue to be a
large part of Oregon's economy Support
Oregon's vineyards by buying their wine
w ine making is a highly sustainable form of
economic development You don t have to cu,
down trees, dam up riv e rs , pollute waterways
or build skyscrapers to have a vineyard Eola
H ills, like most vineyards in Oregon, uses no
pesticides They do use a small amount of
non-poisonous herbicide to control fungus and
blight which can ruin an entire crop of grapes
Eola H ills makes an effort to minimize their
herbicide use by handpicking molder mg leaves
and using a canopy over the
An Industry built around
w ill certainly attract more
coming from a tourist state
fru it
wine and vineyards
tourists, but
on the Upper East
Edge (M ain e), I would take more travellers
over big industry to dr ive our economy, any
day I'd venture to say that even the annually
besieged residents of Cannon Beach would
embrace more tourists if it meant they would
never again have to w orry about their
watershed being ruined by cleercuts, or
nearby marshes bemQ developed into condos
Tour ists are easier to regulate and monitor
than timber companies, developer s and
factor tes
So next weekend have a glass of water and a
couple of sal tines on Saturday, then on Sunday
head over to Eola H ills, eet the food, drink the
wine, and toast our small part of the world