Winter solstice in the northern hemisphere signals the terminat ion of a year past Yggdrasil, the World Tree, casts long shadows on the landscape from its bare branches Dark ice forces from the north are held at bay by the sunshine legions of the south and gradually retreat toward A rctic climes a new year approaches One re fle cts on tim e past and seasons ahead, assesses and evaluates, c ritic iz e s , and posits suggestions for improvement The professor has experienced certain perturbations of s p irit w ith in himself this past year, a biliousness brought on by what he considers to be a creeping tendency amongst our citizens to shirk or deny responsibility for their actions More alarming yet is the apparent trend in this country to condone, and even reinforce this behavior ,n court decisions, form ulation of law, and the national psyche The practices of unscrupulous attorneys, awards of substantial sums of money by insurance companies for redress, and widespread use of law suits in the court systems contribute in significant ways A young woman leaves her car in the parking lot of our state park She walks some distance along the park's tra il system, stumbles, and augers into the bushes at the side of the tra il The State of Oregon finds its e lf the defendant in a court of law, accused of ignoring hazardous conditions in its park A college student, despondent at the loss of his g irl friend, consumes a pint of whiskey at his apartment He drives to the neighborhood tavern, s its quietly by him self, and drinks several pints of beer On his drive home he strikes and k ills an elderly couple The tavern and its service personnel are held libel for his negligence Two hunters driving on private forest lands sustain injuries when their pickup truck leaves a gravel road and overturns Insurance settlem ents and legal fees irrita te the corporation holding these lands resulting ,n complete closure of the area to public access An attorney sues her fiance for breach of promise after he breaks off their engagement The courts assuage her bruised feelings by awarding the jilte d attorney an enormous financial settlement In the construction industry, an injured worker immediately seeks financial compensation from someone — his boss, a general contractor, the homeowner, his union One could cite examples ad disgustum We, as citizens and voters, have begun to accept these occurrences as right and proper Hardly an eyebrow raises when crim inals receive light penalties for their transgressions Parental neglect, troubled pasts, childhood abuse, war memories, and various "co-dependencies' are dredged up to explain intolerable behavior These may be reasons, but they are not excuses we live in the era of the "man-child" and "woman-child", a perpetual adolescence w ith its concomitant irresponsibilities, few w illin g to accept the consequences of their actions, pointing elsewhere for causes I recall an anecdote related to me by a past professor He and his w ife spent many years among the Navajo people in the Four Corners area of the Southwest The professor invited a 17-year old Navajo g irl to spend the coming summer w ith his fam ily A decision was necessary Local trib a l members gathered together Each stated reasons for ano against the g irl leaving for a v is it to the fa st Coast The g irl then presented her views of the matter and made her decision carefully weighing the consequen* es She bore ultim ate responsibility for her choice, not her parents or relat ives Had she chosen poorly, she would have risked triba l ostracism Perhaps we can learn trom the Navajo Ours has been dubbed a youth cultur e I fervently hope we w ill quit whining and snivelling and grow up this year sell consciousness b e g in n in g at about twelve years of jg r mothers who work rush home m a mad panic to prepare d in n e r fo r th e ir la m ilv homeless warm themselves over heat vents men try to bed women w ith am azinglv stupid lines people Work hard to im prove th e ir economic condition groups o f strangers are uncom lortable in elevators people die ol AIDS Christmas is a festive time of year Jay Rankin Architect 0 to * 116? ijrrw n toach, Ok 97110 5C3 *1 3 6 2162 1H» • K It It! HIM . ftS s V M tP tM • ( I S t l M M l .S N f f t 2 tl (HOI Serving All Of Clatsop County Since 1976 k A H P I C A H MO,.T n ?" ‘Cuasi a I Landscape Specialist" 8 6 1 -1 4 6 8 • Design • Construction • Irrigation • Hockanas • Sod A Saad Lawns • Retaining Walls • Water Features • Native and Ornamental Planting • Tractor Services Out of the U um In Ports Mary Ann Radmacher Hcrshey There are many reasons I chuse to go so ta r from home to rem ind m yself that all the w orld is essentially (he same Having said (hat I also attest that the expression of that h u m a n ity varies so w o n d e rfu lly from place in plate I observe the sameness c h ild re n sin and struggle in s u ffe ra b ly w ith Hv wav of a story let me illu stra te this sameness of plate Leas ing the severe beautv of Charles cathedral 1» ant to sit and collect me thoughts I w ind th ro u g h the narrow cobblestone streets ah There is a mere hant ot coffee beans teas and accessories There is a 'm a ll table w h ich accomodatos about 5 people 1 enter lake o lf mv gloves and greet the two ra th e r form idable looking clerks Ron p>ur Cafe creme s il vous plait In unison they bark at me t a le Noir (1 d asked fo r cream in mv coffee and they em phatically told me 1 could o n ly have it ' I • The folks huddled at Ihe table appear a little disgruntled at the in te rru p tio n o f a tourist asking to r of all th in g s cream in her coffee They move to allow room fo r me and continue th e ir discussion So City Hall does not understand the needs of the mere hant com m unity We pour money into th e ir coffe rs by licenses and taxes hut when it comes time fo r City Hall to give back they have a short memory With general agreem ent they re tu rn to th e ir own shops w ith a la u g h in g reference to coffee and cream and nod in my direction There san anecdote from samcnes Those fre q u e n tin g Pats in Cannon Reach m ight see a s im ila rity or two Now look at the character of expression w hich 11 find» is so d iffe re n t People lin g e r Although they walk las« and work hard they lin g e r over coffee or wine They take several hours to eat a meal I asked fo r Coffee to take w ith me and the cle rk was h o rrifie d Oh no1 You must sit here and d rin k your coffee so you can eaioy it (Hmmm Now there »a though t i I have yet to see anyone w a lkin g about w ilh a therm o insulated tra ve l mug I made a p u n base a little g ift It was wrapped in colored tissue tied w ith a ribbon placed in a bag w h ich was closed w ith curled rihbon Then a business card was placed in a decorated pocket on the Iro n t of the bag An e xce p tio n ' No Nearly every purchase even little bonbons arc handled like m asterful g ilts 1 lower shops stay open late and are crowded Pans fash tons come in (sizes and .( colors sizes ( “5 and 7 and black grey and red (This is o n ly a s lig h t exaggeration I Nearly everyone smokes Non smoking sections are now required m public places many consist of 2 or 3 tables There is a whole lolta kissing going on Men kiss women c e rta in ly Men kiss men Women kiss Women I have o n ly observed 2 handshakes As near as I can te ll it s one kiss per cheek It s what 1 call a grandma kiss This is lips are throw n somewhat to the side w h ile the sound mwah is made 11 it s an enthusiastic greetin g the sound is extended more bovine like and ends w ith a pop Mwoowahp' Had loud is close to a sin II is not tolerated A restaurant serving poor loud sim ply w ill not survive (Unless they serve o n ly tourists who e ith e r don t know any better or only come once anyway Oops perhaps I pul this example in the w rong category11 C ontrary to many w arnings I have been treated w ith courtesy at nearly every tu rn 01 course some people have been rude Hut 1 can th in k of at least 2 people in Cannon Heath I wouldn t want anyone to conclude that because ? people are rude all f annon Reach is rude So the expression ol hum anity here is d iffe re n t More gracious perhaps w ith a greater attention to the small details of o rd in a ry life Paris is at once e n tire ly itse lf and la rg e r than itse lf It is an honest c ity fu ll of w orkers fam ilies and common struggles II is to these people whom the c ity belongs A city whose h isto ry crashes upon the shores of many countries It is an e x c ru tia iin g city w here a n tiq u ity in trig u e and revolution arc squeezed from the pores of its stones It is a place o f m ysticism where p ilgrim age w o rship and infathom able s p iritu a litie s have a place Art realized and young hearts fu ll o f exquisite hope r o ll together to form an unequaled creative atmosphere Hemingway said it so w ell If you are lu cky enough to have lived in Pans as a young man then w herever you go lo r the rest of yo u r life it stays w ith you lo r Pans is a moveable feast W F E R L E F T E D G E J A N liftR Y I1 1 Y (3