Editorial Now & Then Welcome to the Edge of w inter Our careful readers w ill notice some changes in this issue F irst it is w ith tears in our eyes that we inform you that baseball season has once again come to an end, and Mr Baseball w ill be taking a w e ll deserved rest at Betty Ford or Serenity by the Sea u n til spring training brings his ground hog- IIke form to cast his shadow again on these pages Also, you may have noticed the lack of our beloved Dr Karkeys, Io, these last months, again getting all m isty eyed we must report that the good doctor has succumbed once again to that tragic life style choice, Musician (Oh, w ill they never learn'?) Yes, Dr K has run off to pursue a cowperson wanna-be life style in Austin, Texas, but plans to send us occational reports scrawled on the backs of cocktail napkins (Soaked in Jack Daniels and w ith Howdy Pardner' printed on the front, no doubt') Now on a more pleasant note, we are in this issue welcoming two new, and on­ going features for all ages Joame Ausmues (a personal friend of Uncle Mike) w ill be sharing her unique mazes w ith us, and Rob Mi 11 iron w ill be reviewing music, movies, and food from a younger point of view Also in this issue is an excerpt from a new book,independently produced by the author, who lives on the coast, and has a different perspective when it comes to travel guides The Meeting Ground (Journeys into Wild Places) by David Siegmund, takes the reader on trip s that don t lis t RV fa c ilitie s or camp ground fees, but do let you feel the places he has visite d and de finite ly makes you want to go feel them for yourself The color photographs (that we re g re tfu lly cannot reproduce here) are beautiful, and the text can be read like poetry The author wanders about the coast selling his book and walking the "w ild places", nice job He wandered into the book store the other day and shared his book w ith us, so we are happy to share part of it w ith our readers, if you want to read it all you can send $9 95 plus $ I 00 postage to Windshadow Press, Box 207-F, Westlake, Or 97493 or ask at your local "new" bookstore or g ift shop Speaking of books and the bookstore, as some of our more intelligent readers have figured out. your beloved editor is also the proprietor of Jupiter s Rare and Used Books, and as such comes in contact daily w ith folks who also like old editions we have been running a list of Used Book stores which we blatantly stole from Perpetua, that lis ts stores from Manzanita on down south We would like to elaborate on this, and would welcome folks from Portland. Eugene, Astoria, the Long Beach Area, etc to send us information on their stores, or stores they know about, we ll lis t them for free (It is a form of recycling) While we are on the subject of free listings, the same goes for Art Galleries, Musical Events, Community Meetings, Theatre, P olitical Statements, any notices that we think are cool (Don t you wish you had your own newspaper') Local colour We hear in town that the cutting has begun on the watershed The Beloved Reverend has not had the strength to view the carnage, but we are sure all the rules were followed and good money was made by all we at the Edge propose, again, but more seriously this time, that the folks from Cavenham come to the Chamber and talk to the people of Cannon Beach about exactly what they plan to do w ith their land and our lives we did recently have the chance to see some pretty nasty earth sculpture on county property, bulldozer art, but a great view As we can see by the poetry from Lincoln City, in this issue, it is a problem up and down the coast The problem continues, the solutions, alas, wait More on that later One thing we can do is let our feelings be known The Edge and a lot of other publications try to give a voice to people who can articulate simply their feelings on the situations facing us So, if you can w rite a declarative sentence, and have something to say about something we might need to know about, w rite it down, send it in, at least we II read it We might print it 5000 times, cool, huh? You see, part of the point of the Edge (love that phrase) is to be a participatory paper (there we go again), to encourage folks who may not be WRITERS, to w rite, and to participate in that art, much like you would in community theatre, or playing In a week-end band We see so many people who have learned so much since the last time they were encouraged to w rite in high school, or college, that we wonder We had the pleasure of a v is it to Seaview, Washington recently, to observe the fir s t day of clamming in three years (boy, w ere glad we don t let cars on the beach in Oregon) A brief v is it w ith Terrence O’Donnell (historian and curmudgeon extraordinaire) was concluded w ith a wonderful dinner at the 42nd St Cafe, (these are the folks who now are also running the Crab Broiler at the Seaside/Cannon Beach Junction), and we recommend it without reservation, but perhaps you should call ahead anyway considering how fu ll the parking lot has become these days important Notice to Subscribers' It is time to check your file s (we w ill try to check ours but we seem to have forgotten where we put them) and renew your subscriptions if you have been getting the Edge for a year or more (Some friends in Colorado just sent us a check so we remembered ) it costs a buck an issue to mail plus those cool wine sacks we s tu ff it into and the precious time the Beloved Reverend spends hand scrawling your address on each one, so we don t make money on the deal |’~ u p p e r - lefted o ~ e L E d ite r /P o b lis b e r The Beloved Reverend Billy Lloyd Hulls A m i U i l E d ito r/G ra p h ics E d ito r The Humble Ms Sally Louise Lackaff S cien ce E d ile r /V e ic e o f R ea so n Michael Burgess 1 » p r a v is a lia o a l E a g ia a e r Dr karkeys V ild lif e /M u a ic R e p o rte r Peter "Spud Siegel P o litic a l C o a s o lla a l Kathleen K rush as E o rc ig a C o rre s p o n d e n t Bill Wickland Education E d ito r Peter Lindsey M e a n w h ile m N e w p o rt Alei LaFoUeue Ace R e p o rte r m P o rtla n d Alison Pride (eat your heart out Lois Lane) M r Baseball Himself T b e F n a n ie s Pa < • ’ •W <«atk Pool f •• -*-• urrtu un twt n m ins ...... 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