n L b v _ i NEHAIEM BAY VIDEO In M jn xa v 'j Wheeler. & Nehalem 3 6 8 -5 5 3 8 Noon to 8 p m , Sunday through Thursday Noon to 9 p m . Friday and Saturday /Ob W^rp ) Od-J-r f I f f h ’ s A -;5 I a ? s . however i Baseball fan wrier' rny ♦ v * ’ Ster Vnj m< own r ^ ’u c ‘ 30» *.ei» » , 3 j” »'■ !hP f If 'v , er rn0, n„ mv e 0» ^ e3oIH h new ••-,fr. • » <.>■* FOR QUALITY VIDEO SELECTION & SERVICE! Candlestick Pyk in the party SI ’ IA' » A1. 3 - ',1 r ,(> , , 1 on Drysdale ano Juan Marichal, both destined for the Han of f yne 'he impress’bn these tw o im m orta's le ft m a »en e :r »id mind was considerable A ft^ r an the sf v ’ -rs could nav* just i -as v been t wo nondescripts such as Bob MDier -ma 'ack Fisher 1 ie»t blessed 1» the »»me St ■ 11 do, 1 suppose Martcha» was overpowering, rus astomsr ¡nq high eq » 10 1 most seem tnga statement • • Hr* had a lite rim e record of t ? - iq against them Dot >r »nat ’ : t o iiom • * • • " • • "■ • • ■ ■ • , w ith a motion ne paralyzed r nnt-handedPatters His delivery h ig the unner. mq eftecr of appearing as if his nght arm had ’ wo *lr>ows Bu» be\ '"d »h3t W E RE T R A D IN G M O R E M O V IE S I SO C H E C K O U T O U R IN V E N T O R IE S ! W F In Cannon Beach 4 3 6 -0 4 3 6 Noon to 9 p m Daily was a special sort «if charisma ’ust looted >kewh.i» • ■uthem a* forma was ,3,1 apOut a s « x ter on steroids playing t>a I for a hobpy Even the nam* Drysdale sounded like a towr mewher*» » Bar s t’' A My tather was not a baseball ’ an 1 rn con eo o > [’ •. »• at ions m e ’ ’ale Ratter n [j jidnes h » » in* ms f irm ly tn »ne 'to-*, »har night for my Den*'’ it Somehow he knew what >t would m*ar ? O m« Ano »or that (and 3 ' w other ’ mr js), tie has my ¡r ititu d e . N^> Water Ski Club 325-2557 C a ll us we'II teach you Ihe tri< k a g a in st D rysd a le is to h it him b e fo re he h its you ’ how to water ski O rlando (epeda •where " . ■ • • . <• . • ..... • • .. , Sandy •XV p»0*! . ,... '3»’on headlines by catchmg a ball dropped front the w ishir ;i >0 Morumen 7 n 1 stunt irr 11 atf»d the Dodger who were thus inspired to bet ter m is feat in Florida during spring tr im ino WilpRM Robinson was the Bum s manager then, and as Babe Herman p o lite ly states He had h-s idiosyncracies Nevertheless, uncle Roobie was nobody fool He knew that abasebaii dropped from m airplane, ar w is tr»*» p v tJ t nad b he ».rivalling at a least m rep»,m *: js fa s t is Street ba a mm v recounts. With some reluctance. Robbie agreed to put on , «,3 , f,M protector and »0 be the her o "f ” ► » hour W h ' 3r imagine the ■ ene tne Dodgers gamer a? a n d the Florida baliyard w a itin g for Dancomeford, the equipment m eager, r aunqn the r ecor d making sphere from the circlin g a iro if t H f ir s ’ tw , a’ »emras f 3iled miserably, landing nowhere w ith in a ha'f m»ie d th e p a 'park Since he had armed himself w ith only tw o baseballs, he was non-r lussed u n til ne noticed a sack of grapefruits on the floor board of m e nrplane With new resolve, the bombardier zeroed m or, : perfect arik** Robbie was now out near second base. spmr ifuurd. » •» 10 : aim <■' what everyone assumed was ib a s b a l’ scre im m : got p I got it Get 3way1 * 5 Ge’ away And r he n ide f ’ >* r *e* in j ’ • ,’ger mg, m ira< le r at'"b the object of I rt fed tn f ■ »oad h», t i w ^V fím 7 Z 7 . "Ht 4*dn'( My al denle.' ¿id h»'" DON PETRIE'S ITALIAN FOOD COMPANY 613NW Third 265 FOOD Nye Beach, Newport : flatter Phon« SOY 4 »6 9)30 r AX 503 436 9*>?5 f>.»»y & J«tnr»« L v .’x h JIM WEATHERS b 11 rid 1 ng him w ith juice and pulp Pr,bb»e s’ unr•■*0 wa onvirv-**a r r ,•; supersonic baseball had sheared his hands off at the w nsr and began shou’ ing Help, help, 1 m b’eedmg ’ 0 de i»ni Help me ne mei The annals are unc'eat after this but ? think we car be assured that his players responded like me gentlemer tr it r iiif av“ 's w^re it f a t ’ rn» and went to his aid and did not fa ll victim to paroxysms of ¡augnte’ RISTAURANT A M A R K IT I resh Seaiood • Restaurant • Grit Packs 123 S Hnmlocfc • P O Bo« 1159 • Cannon Burch • OR 971 ,0 ‘ Gimme good h it t in g and long h it t in g and le t the re s t of them m anagers get ju s t as sm a rt as they w ant ' LICENSED W ilb e rt Robinson BONDED INSURED AB CHILDRESS BUILDER QUIZ! IME i) Who was the f irst player to be intentior tlly walked w t h the base'- loaded? A) Cap Anson B’ Nap Lajoie C) Bane Ruth D) Tris 5pe.axor 2 ) Who r id th<- best career f ieldmg average of catchers' A) Gabby Har tne” ED Ray Schalk C) Jim Sundberg D) Bill Freenan T) The most trip le s in the 5<> s At k Nl ? A) Fox and Ashburn B) Rivera and Burton C) Vernon and Musiai D) Mmoso and Mays J) Who is the only Poo» ie to wm a batting titi#*" A) A) Kalme ED Tony Oliva C ’ AI Rosen D) Fred Iynn 5) Every schoolboy knows Rod Car<-w stole home seven times in IQ6<», an A|, record But who did O" 1A bmn «>/ w w NEW CONSTRUCTION REMOOELINQ FOUNDATIONS FLATWORK ^XTTy if ' TSt for the Ni mark r A) Joe Tinker B) Pete Reiser i. ) Max r D) Jar kie Robmson BB «371B7OO Phone 4Ä24OO P O Bo. 31 Cennon Beech, OR 92110 1 ION B) Carl Yasfrymsk i l A N D I C A r i N Q , . IN C . “Coastal LarwUcap«, Specialist“ 8 6 1 ■ •toira-i -1 4 6 8 Sandy Stembler Youngs River Construction & Painting • Remdeotial • Remodeling • Roofing • Specially Work • • Power Washing • Waterproofing . Baad Blasting • Phone 503-325-2557 Rl 1 Bo« 558. Youngs River Road, Astoria. OR 97103 7 \> , Serving All Of Clatsop County Since 1976 EXTRA f RED'1 who war the fir 'd player to w h iff »50C ’ irnes A; Mickey Mant le C) Chuck Klein D) Babe Rut D zlCZZ\ „ • Dasign • Construction • Irngation • Rockeries • Sod & Saad Lawns • Retaining Walls • Water Features • Native and Ornamental Planting • Tractor Services V ( J-X QUALITY TOOLS, INC. 738-3074 2966 Hwy ,01 N I Seaside, OR 97138 Tom Brownson Prevden I sales service and sharpenng SAYVS DRILLS GRIHOERS COMPRESSORS STATIONARY equipment At« TOOLS 2 »«CYCLE J (P v (£ tj f 9(1 M VSUV urrtK un tact august jwj ' i