ft). A & «A X r ARIES: The question for rains (and ramesses) this month is: How much fun can you pack into one nervous breakdown? Not that >ou should stop. Good things are going to happen and don’t say I didn’t warn you. TAURl S Summers are usually hard for laureans: too much activity, too little control. Stick dose to the barn and make order out of order. On the full moon, you’ll be asked to go dancing It the swelling in your ankle has gone down, you’ll be in for big fun. X, Gl MIM Ihc shambles that was last month is merely chaos no* Stop snivelling, you've been thiough it before. The stupidest move you could make right now is to play the big shot Or to defend your mutable sense of ethics and blame the world for whatevern mess you’re in. As they said in the nauseating song: We ARE the world CANCER Things arc a little schizophrenic, but there’s cause for great expectations. Either your professional life stinks anil your personal life is boffo, or your personal life is a plastic bag full of worms but your boss is < S > ) patting you on the head and putting extra cookies on your check. Not to worry, some of it comes together very soon now and you'll be able to laugh again. LEO: Ihc mantra this month for Leos is. Perseverance Furthers. Not like you had a choice. You're in way tint deep in your latest act of faith to stop swimming now. Not to worry. Ihc disaster you sec as a real possibility doesn’t materialize A life spent trying to turn dreams into reality is never wasted As someone pointed out: the universe isn't always fun. bu, it IS always interesting VIRGO Coming into the harvest season tin regions where there is still rain), Virgos flower A thousand projects to finish, a billion nits to pick and worries to share. Dummy up. slow down, and smell the dandelions. Resist the urge to tell soiik one you love something embarrassing about yourself. 1 4 Jr < LIBRA Worry about balance later When the sun shines, one makes hay. And whoopee. Sure the world situation's a drag; sure, you wish they’d run a Bush/CImton ticket and be done with it. Sure, your dog’s been diagnosed with a rare blood disease and you don't even have insurance for yourself So what Never lose sight of the fad that they may be able to kill you but they canno, turn you into a frog ESPRESSO • FEATURING STARBUCKS COFFEE • WIDE SELECTION OF MAGAZINES • HEALTHFUL SNACKS HOURS EVERYDAY 8:00-4:00 »rei tiu 9* 368-7450 P O BOX 698 MANZANITA, OR 97130 500 LA N E D A AVE. h-Ac 'HE kWtf SCORPIO You know, of course, you're going to have to stop sometime. Lor rea sons of health, if not personal safety You really believe those around you don't know? Be serious They’re just willing to forgive your faults I ry for once to put someone else in front of you Failing that, stop keeping score SAGH’TARIl S You people arc so neat In case the people around you arc too lame to let you know, the universe would be impossibly dull without you And less of a chuckle too Keep up the good work Iaive without reservation, explore places it never occurred to anyone to explore, and laugh at responsibility Let ok know how it works out. CAPRICORN: A little weak in the knees these days, right. Goat People.’ Well, what do we expect when the great solar battery in the sky is 1K0 degrees from where you arc? Champagne dreams? Look at it this way. you have half a year to plan a ruthless crackdown on your birthday. t After ThLtA W * K \<!' Í 1 9 N o r th H « m lo th AQl ARILS: It's nice to sec you feeling so good Sec. things aren't hopelessly unfair after all Okay, they are. but no, as bad sometimes as others You can be. in case you don', know it. a real source of inspira­ tion to the thousands of people you lunch with Don', worry about your smile I, won’, wear out. P O B o « ,0 2 l 5 O 3 /4 3 6 O 741 J O Y C E L IN C O L N . D l r a t t o r ( .ir n o n U tiih O re g o n 9 7 1 , 0 I'anf'u N 'orlh*eit Contemporary Art A ( raft Celebrating *th Year in Cannon Heach A Victor H. Plucy, M .A. Counseling Psychotherapy Individuals Couples dt Families PISCES: Ihc issue for fish people this month is: how ya gonna keep 'em down in the aquarium after they’ve seen the sea? Unless you are horribly afflicted (like all your planets aligned in the House of Fred, the dynamite fisherman), your goggly eyes were opened this month No, you can’t close them again, even if you try And no, it's no, a dream 436-9225 L ife is no, o rd erly. No m atter how we try to make life so, rig h t in the m iddle o f it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, d rop a ja r o f apple­ sauce. Natalie G oldberg In the company of Friends >n Stata Ltoanaa • lSfcM A • O regon lic a n a a Pending z\UJ> 2611) Remodel • New Construction • Service Calls Elcvtntal & General Contracting Spin at the ( hainher of Commerce Building BBW76569 I h id a n d D a u g h t e r K le c tric Open readings. Music . and Acting. Everyone Welcome! Admission Free Sponsored by the F'cola Artists Guild Box 995 - Cannon Beach, OR 97110 WALT Li VEXY bn erued and Bimded <36-1484 Guild meeting from 7pm til Spin before the event. T a k ilm a F o r g e A W a g o n W o rk s f t KAI FOODS COOetMATTVE T ra d itio n a l Ita n d -io rg e d Iro n W ork Gates A Railings Fireplace Tools. Screens A Andirons Tool Dressing A Tempering J im K ie h 15 0 3 ) 5 9 2 * 2 6 « I A N il lii» g ,i*« *i m.»» tp u u lin n i in wg«UL-*ll> produce grunt, Serbt « in ri «ml rofleet Hinges A latches Horsedrawn Vehicles Built to Order 239 N HEMLOCK’ P O BOX 905 CANNON BEACH. OR 97110 mi — , « it * * * * * a im u a Horseshoeing A Hoof Trimm ing 9 3 1.5 T a k ilm a K ond < a *e J u n c tio n , O K 97523 At upon«lure — ( hiñese Kerbs — Massage Bob Rice L.Ac OSBORNE STUDIO & GALLERY ORIGINAL EINF. ART. SMALL EDITION PRINTS, GRAPHICS. COMMERCIAL ART, ARCWTECTUAL RENDERINGS A CUSTOM FRAMING F .O k, 141 « annon M r* S i x 9 7 , ,0 4361411 Í 635 M A N ZA N ITA AVENUE • PO BOX 301 M A N Z A N IT A OREGON 97130 BEST BY APPOINTMENT • 503-4362420 '^ O W e O IS ut K ^ ' e>oo< s ! CAW k /OW &C-ACH 3«