PO Box 95 • Ndhcotta WA 98637 • (206(665 4133 Dave Crabtree Early works through mfxlem composition! with emphasis on pieces written for guitar. S una Y J vjuc 21 3130 .- 'Z - .J C r - STEA/É- GAME.50W S unday J vwl 2$ U 3 0 ^ - Z .5 0 p * lltii Annual Celebrate tjarfic at the Garlic Festival! June 20, & 21,1992 I UN FOR EVERYONE! G arlic P eeling C o n test G arlic E ating C o n te st M eet the B u lb ettes C ra fts Food Live M usic D ancing Beer & W in e G a rd e n Ocean Park, W ashington Phone (206) 665-4448 or 1-800-451-2542 Sponsored by Ocean Park Area Chamber o f Commerce and The A rk Restaurant LIVE- M U SIC I 5 a T u W> ay .- 1-3 3'oHMrt'f O h i Z W K S 3 l C o ndo r S unday ; 1 - 3 SP U P j T uM uL 3 'é U V E , MUSIC COJ VENTA ALLÉfcPL S aturdays AMD S undays BREAKFAST - LlM> - CMC* S*n