Torch of reason. (Silverton, Oregon) 1896-1903, January 24, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    T H E TORCH OE REASON, SILV ER TO N , OREGON, JA N U A R Y 24, E. M. 301 (1901.)
T n r r ’i l
•« r
iv i
' e'er ce now »‘hows, would be sheer pre-sed, al hough they are surely will take occasion to present in the
¡ilic/i’V. W hat is expected by this mentioned. One of these is the lo rch as concisely as possible, the
The Only P aper of Its Kind.
genuflection is that the political fact that the first three Gospels, and ideal, visional and evolutionary
support of the Theocratic I heologs especially the first two, auuat always view of the origin of C h ristian ity
and their subjects may he cheaply he read as paragraph w ritings. 1 hat and its Jesus.
Published W eekly by th e Liberal I ni-
obtained by pledging the state to is, they are books m ade up of par-
Judge W aite has promised to take
versity Com pany, in the In terests ot
.» > »,»•» ----. »0W-’ It
* «* • M . ..................... .
them, ag
s which originated fr
• inis attem
»Io- « , •< . Wi -
V v, p • t, v to present
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T. B. W a k e m a n ...................E ditor ise can he or is expected to be kept, largely independent of each other, only that, but he has agreed to help,
P. W. G eer.........................M anager If the “ kingdom of H eaven” should and which were w ritten at various and has already aided us by furn-
cornedown today, as the New Testa- times during a com paratively long iehing some m aterial th at was be-
Ent<?red at the rx'stoffice at Silverton, rnenl a rd tl,,. C hristian religion period, and then collected in and as yond our reach where the Torch is
Oregon, as second-class mail m atter.
says it is to come “ some day” , and though they were hut one book, published. He has also indicated
all there is < f that religion is-tak ed This method makes it m isleading th at he would he pleased to present
on th at fact, for which it daily to speak of any of those books as in the Torch, a fu rth er statem en t of
prays (M atthew xxiv, 33—51, though they were composed and his own view, after ours has been
One year, in a d v a n c e .. .................... $1 00
50 .Mark x iii , 30— 37, 1 Thessalians compiled within one year, or by the presented; am i more astonishing
Six m onths, in ad v an ce....................
Three m onths, in ad v an ce................
chaps, tv and x, Revelation xxii, visions, composition and memory of still, that lie believes th a t since
In clubs of five or more, one year,
75 7, 11, 12, 1G— 20 and references)— one author. T his rem ark applies both of us are equally desirous of
in ad v an ce..........................................
Money should t>e sent by registered th e n w h a t?
W h y is it n o t th e n , th e to the first three Gospels m o re es- ascertaining and
accepting the
letter or money order.
sworn duty o f every legislator and pecially, for the fourth Gospel, th a t tru th , th at the result of this com ­
of every c itiz e n of Oregon, under of John, seems to have been the re- parison of views may be an agree­
N o tic e !
the constitution, to chock that king­ suit, on the contrary, of one indi- m ent in regard to this im p o rtan t
dom into the Pacific, and hang it- vidual purpose and the expression subject. W hether such agreem ent
A h a n d pointing to this notice denotes supporters by the neck as traitors? of one individual character, and may be attained or not, the discus-
j eion may be of great value to all
th a t your subscription has expired. Is not th at just what will happen therefore is more like one book.
You áre earnestly requested to re ­
Judge W aite, apparently by not the students of history, and aid the
new so th a t you may receive th e pa­ if those prayers get answered?
per w ithout in terru p tio n . We have de­
As Ingersoll used to say: “ Hon­ giving effect to this consideration, attem p ts to get a true and clear
cided th a t it is best for all concerned
th a t we do not send papers longer than est, now!” If you are men of setiHe, has supposed th at the Gospel of idea of the origin of the great
tiie tim e paid for unless so ordered.
the time to show it is when in your Matthew may he even later than C hristian beliefs by which the relig-
T his will prevent any loss and we will
legislative seat.-; and the way to th at <»f John, but on readjustm ent tons and the progress of the world
know ju st w here we stan d .
We request you to send us the names show it, is to repeal th at unsecu.'ar we think it will be plain that though are still chiefly controlled,
of Secularists who m ight become su b ­
scribers and we will m ail sam ple copies. resolution, or else instruct Sergeant certain portions of M atthew to j [In the m eantim e send to us $2.25
If you a re n o t a su b s c rib e r of th e All»-ii never to he able to find a which he refers, may be as old, or ! for j udge W aite’» history, so as to
T orch and receive a sam p le copy, it is
even older, than the F ourth G ospel,! prepare by reading if> a [ld we win
a resp ec tfu l in v ita tio n to becom e a clergym an. The State of Oregon is
not a Theocratic Dependency, in yet the hulk of the visions and tra-1 ^ n d you free copies of the Torch
word or fact. It requires a sound, ditions contained in M atthew and c o n ta in in g th e discussion.—Editor
pure and common sense Legisla­ Mark long preceded the slate of T orch.]
T hursday , J an . 24, E. M. 301.
ture, and the present one was sup­ mind and the purpose which the
Anchoring Heaven.
posed to he that. Are we to be dis­ Fourth Gospel was w ritten to ex­
Our Legislature Luckily Short of Clergy.
p re ss.
appointed ?
As evolutionist.-, we m ust be verv
A nother more im p o rtan t and
“ Salem, Ore., Jan . 1G.—“ Is there
much grander consideration is the grateful to the past as to the bridge
Jndge Waite and “ Jesus.’
a m inister present?” asked Speaker
view lie has taken in regard to the which brought us over, though
Reeder, after roll-call of the House
origin of Jesus C hrist, which is now much of it was illusory and rough
this morning. The inquiry was
W’e have delayed the notice of one of the most im portant questions enough.
Am ong those illusions
made in conformity with the resol­ .Judge Y/aite's history until we had
in all history. Ju d g e W aite has floats now and first of all, the
ution passed the previous day that lime to read it and become aide to adhered to the position taken in the C hristian H eaven which seems to
the daily sessions of the house he express what we hope is an intell­
first edition of his work, and in his have become loosened from the
opened with prayer: hut for some igent opinion. And now, we have
first appendix has given his reasous earth and to have been hum ping
reason no clerical gentlem an could no hesitation in saying th at this
therefor, to w it:—that there was i around am ong the stars indefinitely
be found; and Sergeant-at-Arm s “ History of C hristianity up to the
such an actual man as Jesus C hrist, for some Eighteen H u n d red years.
Allen announcing th at he had been Year 200” ought to work an epoch,
and th at the Epistles and Gospels The description of it in the New
unable to discover one, the regular not only among Liberals, but
of the New’ Testam ent historically Testam ent has been felt by m any
business was proceeded with. ” throughout the general public upon refer to such a person, who had as believers, to be w anting in fullness
So says the Oregonian of Jan. 17. the subject. The origin of Christi-
much a real single individuality as i an<^ 10 be a reflected revelation as
IfOregon is really a republic, this anity i - t i n co rn er .-tone of History, Ju liu s Caesar or George W ashing-i ^ar arf 11 goes, of the good and pleas-
old practice of the legislature’s hir­ and of all th a t has b< c n b u ilt upon it ^on> We have in the Free Thought al,t things of earth . The reason of
ing a Sky-pilot to pray as their first
‘ tli’ w ay of religion, politics Magazine and on other occasions, this deficiency was th a t in the ear-
act every day th at a “ King of or m o rals.
It we are mistaken expressed a conviction th a t this is 1 Her period of C h ristian ity , it was
kings” and “ Lord of lords” should about that, wt .ire m istaken and an entire m istake, and th a t the true believed th a t this world was near-
bring down from Heaven “ thy will have to make a change as to « J esus the C h rist” was originally ! ing its eud, and th a t during the
kingdom ” to take the place of our the fundam ental opinions which One, and then m any, M essianic vis- lifetime of those then living, the
republic, would be much better hon- govern hum an conduct and happi- ions, around which were gradually earth itself would be lilted up as
ored by the “breach than the ob­
Lot of ,ili th a t im p portant
o rta n t per
per- collected
n n lle e le d the
t he prophecies,the
n r o n h e c ie s th e a addition
d d it i o n the
a v e n , or
o r ra
r a th
th e
e r r
the K
K ingdom
ingdom of
of H
H e eaven,
servance ” Our legislators are sent iod in the history of religion and of of other visions, the a ttrib u tin g to th a t the K ingdom of H eaven would
to Willem to look after the public
world, theie never has heeu him of m iracles, wonderful sayings, come down and occupy the E a rtn .
secular affairs in and for this world. heretofore one plain, truth-telling and s ti„ more w onderfol bope8 T h at is the reason of all th eir
liiere is nothing in our constitution ; •» mt i t.
which were ultim ately built up out prayers, “ thy kingdom come” ; and
vO au t mrize them to try to break
Judge A aite has conferred a great of the ideal vision who thus be- th a t is stated as the great m otive
up or replace our republic by any favor upon the world at large, by comes “ the Son of M an,” the “ Sou aud joy of life in the E pistles and
’ingioni whatsoever. r..o sew h o giving us at last such a statem ent, of God,” and the “Saviour of the in the Gospels, and so beautifully in
ave recove ret from r^hgious h y p - 1 As to the details of its excellence, world.” The way in which this the closing part of the R evelation,
notli?’n taan,)t ,e P n,t H '*
th is general expression, th at they view is brushed aside and alm ost which concludes the New Testa-
^ra^ ln^ ’‘‘^biess is cither ^are worked out with ability, learn- practically ignored in Judge W aite’s m ent. The early C hristians never
-*1 y
ypocricy or ran trea so n ., ing, distinct ness and evident truth-
book seems to us as a great defect; thought of going to H eaven, hut
^ a c p 111 ei eF C < < ** " '° ' ° Ul i f Ul n.e88’ niUi,t 8Uft*ce>
• and we believe the utility of his they did th in k most longingly of
have noticed but one or two work cannot be realized unless this Heaven as com ing down aud in ­
to C
10« egl *
e*peCtH a i 1Ilalters which seem not to have deficiency is to some extent, at eluding them on th is earth.
e an " R ’ 1 ia ’ as een 'uflieiently regarded and im- least, supplied. Accordingly, w elcom e it never did, though the de-