T H E T O R C H . O F R E A S O N , S I L V E R T O N , O R E G O N , J A N U A R Y 2 4 , E . M . 301 (1 9 0 1 .) ward of a great life extends to its subjective im m o rtality . He who has tru ly lived for others should hope to live on, in, and by others, T his subjective retu rn is at once purer and surer th an the objective, for it carries on the services ren- »»«M M *. . T * * * ? 1 -» I . » .» ■ !> gard to this fact, which anv sociol- ogist should have foreseen after the defeat of Napoleon, Comte spent a wonderful and devoted life in de- signing an enorm ous Romish fossil m ade to order. But very much of it can be of MMC fair in love and w ar” an d we are at more than a large m em bership war % vith the churches, though not Ju st now brotherhood is infinitely w ith the individual members. more im portant than bulk, sincer- W ith this understanding of the ll' Is n,ore essential than size. case, I suggest th at we underm ine S o , it there are any balky mules the C hurch on its social side. As on our tow-lfue, we had better cut effective means of doing this I pro th e m loose, th a n h ■ Ox- *• i*r, i. ¿u- — .I..-iv pt se trie o r g *•»*>© n ol a &ecujäft-fWWtf ,» i • Social Society,(S. S. S.) as an order; If we mogt U8e onr pen-points as pledged but not sworn to keep cer- daggers, let us direct them against tain things secret. The R itual and our enemies and not aeainst • • > . . . ’ ** *■ * OUT cerem onies should be short, easy fellow secularists Selkirk. and instructive. There should be two classes of members. The first Cats Knocked Out! class should be public as active, and the second should be passive Watch-Cats generally undersell the as silent members. Dues should attention tomaU on™ rs’/ O i a i e facilh be $1.00 a vear, and 15 per cent- of u®8 to un,lerse11 Bie best C atalogue r H ouses. all dues should he paid t o ‘‘Head- q u a rte rs.” N ational H ea d q u arters C om pare C arefull w ith L atest 1901 C a ta lo g u es. sh o u ld be a l L. U . O., a n d all sur- Best A m erican watches, 18 size in 2, 3 plus funds should be paid to ‘‘The or 4 ounce Silverine screw cases; “ T ren ­ Porch” for printing, blanks, etc. to n ,” “ S ta n d a rd ” or “ C e n tu ry ,” 7 Jew els, $3.50. IIan ip d eii, $4.50; Elgin p |ahS) ahd eXFrci[ie8 f<)r festiva or W alth am , $5; Rockford 11 Jew els, ,.„,1 E v..*. „ en . ts, . etc. $5.50; 15 Jew els, $6.50; 17 Jew els a d ­ H olidays, and n tertain m t ( h » those services. I nder the im pulse given by the Positive sp irit, spoil- taneouslv and system atically, this ___ L l _ noble recompense io is Qnnaaciklo accessible tn to all who are capable of understand- ing it and deserving it. 1 he un- happy d au g h ter of an old friend, a few days before her death, ex pressed to me naively her deep sense of the value of such a recom­ pense in a touching u tterance w’hich connects her memory with th a t of my eternal com panion. She said of h er—-it was three years after her d ea th —‘She is fortunate indeed, she is sure of im m o rta lity .’— [Posi- tive Polity. A uguste Comte and the New Im m ortality. How little do the masses of the people know what has been done for them !— and how sad to see so much done in vain ! These were the feelings with which we took down the F ourth Volum e of Auguste Com te’s Posi­ tive Philosophy to make thb ex­ tracts on our th ird page. We give those ex tracts because it would not be fair to try to present the new H u m an ity and its consequent Im ­ m ortality w ithout presenting some specimen thoughts from the great philosopher and religious founder who is im perishably connected with their first exposition. p arliam entary growth of m ankind. which is taking the place of the Roman C hristian religion and em- . pire. •_ Thus Com te’s developm ent of the hum an im m ortality, as the re- 8U r of the evolution of our race in continuity and solidarity, is one of the grandest things ever done by the m ind of man. The extract we . give from it in this Porch may seem hard to grapple with at first, because it is an extract and not ex- pia ined by the context and the whole scheme. B ut from w hat has already appeared in the T orch,you will be able to “ catch on” after a little practice; and the extent and g ran d eu r of th e »¡ewe will am ply repay the thought necessary to de velop them in your mind. \V 3 t • r ‘ I ju sted , $'.», Sam e, H am den, $10. Sam e should he planned at H eadquarters, Elgin or W alth am , $11. Fine full a d ­ printed Benl tQ ju sted , 17 Jew els, nickle, “ A ppleton, T racy A C o.” $16.-50; “ B u n n ” $17; ety. For some of these an admission “ O tto W e tts te in ,” “ New R ailw ay,” “ B. fee should he charged, and the pro­ W . R ay m o n d ,” $19. 21 Jew els, e x tra line th ro u g h o u t; “ J o h n H an co ck ,” ceeds should be devoted to the ob­ $20; “ Bunn S p ecial,” $22.50; “ C res­ A Suggestion. jects of the society; which should cen t S tr .” $22; “ O tto W ettstein Spec­ “ For the Good of the O rder.” ia l,” “-V anguard,” “ Special R ailw ay,” he social enjoyment., im provem ent, or E lgin 149, 150 or 181, $25. “ Special benevolent work, and the beautify­ R ailw ay ,” 23 Jew els, or “ B unn S pecial,” BY CHARLES CLARK M ILLARD. 24 Jew els, $28.50. ing of parks, cem etaries, and school The above in 4-ounce Silver case, $4.50 e x tr a ; in 20 y ear gold filled, open grounds, etc. Personal experience, as well t s face, x tr a ; w 25 j year, , -p $6.50 e x tr a ; , ¿u- 20- • - . , . I -— — — i -i $4 * e — --v..., '».-7vr cAtin e x te n siv e o b se rv a tio n , co m p els me \\ e h av e given th e open societies, | year hunting case, $6.50 extra, or in n a ­ to a d m it th a t th e o rd in a r y “ Free- a d v o c a tin g F re ellio u g lit d ire c tly , a i y ear h u n tin g ease, $8.50 e x tra. All gold tilled cases are a rtistic hand thought society” is a failure, even fair trial, and the result is not sa t­ chased, accom panied by Mt'r.’s g u a ra n ­ under the most favorable circum- isfactory; then why should we con­ tee and w atches kept in order for one year. 8tailceB_ W here |t js |w t kep, a|jy(. tinue to waste am m unition bom­ O th e r styles and solid gold equally as by the unpaid services of some zeal­ barding the iron front of the ene- reasonable. Correspond with me for y th in g in th e Je w e le r’s Line and save ous worker it dien, and th eir nam e my? I recommend a Hank move- a m n oney. O rders tilled from any c a ta ­ is legion th a t have thus become j meut. logue at prices quoted or less. Save th is price-list, i pay freight. only a m emory. Why should we O T T O W E T T S T E IN . not learn wisdom by experience? A Plea For Unity. R o c h e lle , I I I . A N ational “ Society,” with no But, the sadness comes from the local societies to support it, is a fact th at the great works of Comte failure. Not th a t these attem pts If we cannot have union we can and the life of labor and love he do no good; but they are not a sue- at ^eaHt have unity. We have it. devoted to the New E ra seem fated cess. The time has not yet come, as has never to be appreciated or used for Instead of religion (the worship been ar«p ly proven during the last University Number of Freethought Mitgazine w hat they are worth. The reason of G o d ) of the churches, we have W ith Pearl \V. ( je e r ’s p o rtra it. - 1 5 c m onths, when the Secularist is th a t Comte m ust he accounted ¡«thing to offer: we do not worship. forces of America are so free from Epitome of Positive Philosophy one of those who was born on the But the m ainstay of the churches, personal am bition as to m ake pos- By T. B. W a k e m a n ...................... 15c Latin and defeated side of the at the present tim e, is their social s’ble a strong working union. Freethought: Past, Present and Future. great question of his generation. ch aracter; people m ust go to church We now need effective organization ByT. B. W a k e m a n , w ith picture Of Catholic and R oyalist ancestry, or stay at home and he unsocal. ---- I an d life of tiie a u th o r. P rice, 12 he never in body, m ind or soul Now if we can furnish them some- j copies, $1,00; e a c h ........................ 1 0 c ..F I V E .. 4 J h . Emancipation of Education. travelled outside of F rance and the thing better socially, with the wor­ REASONS WHY influence of the Rom ish Church. s h i p left out, they will not only ® An Inaugural Address, by T. B. W hen he devoted his life to the re­ accept it w illingly, but will also * W akeman , Delivered on th e in co r­ p o ratio n of th e L iberal U niversity. construction of m ankind he did it pay for it. W hy not do it ? V ? P rice...................................................... 5 c a S hould H e lp t o B u ild © by m aking a som ew hat varied I he societies which have become Photographs of the Faculty counter-draw ing of the Rom an perm anent, and have succeeded in L ib e ra l U n iv e r s ity of th e L iberal U niversity, s u it­ C atholic Church regim e and Polity m aking their ideas more or less AT SILVERTON, OREGON. able for fram ing. P ric e ................ 5 0 c with its pope, priesthood, prayers, popular, are secret societies. Each ] I, «ill help m«ny yoong and " É "f R' ason Song W So. 2. etc., etc. P rice..........•.............................. . church is practically a secret socie- -v onn* wom en to a h ig h er education who 1Oc , . ‘ . " otherw ise wili grow u p w ith o u t its g reat It never seemed to occur to ty, though not claim ing to be such. advantages. Freethought Magazine Comte th a t th e possibility of the 4 he ,„ ini, terB have convention«, 2 It will educate w orkers for th e g reat for S ep tem b er, Ingersoll m em o ­ , , , . . . . - forw ard m arch of F re eth o u g h t an d Pro- revival of this whole Rom an Church , where rial n u m lie r; O ctober, w ith they lay all their plans arid gress. W ak e m a n ’s sp e e c h ; N ovem ber, and polity was really defeated 1800 I do all their bneineas, of which the 3 It will forever silence th e accusation w ith picture of L. U. O. facu lty . a g o w h e n H e r r m n t h e G ap . i , a t S ecu larists have never done any- j vears o »go, wnen M erm an, tn e u er- men know little or nothing. __ The th thing. Price.............................................. | Oc m an, defeated the Legions o f Varus. order of Jesuits was for centuries 4 It will hasten th e tim e when Reason ane forever gone Price, any s iz e ............................ 6 0 c Europe, and not the Rom ans, the existence, and the Cotbolic Church 5 I t will give you an o p p o rtu n ity to detem inators of the future of the is now the most secret order in the build yourself and o th ers a m o n u m en t, iberal and Sci entitle Books w hile you yet live, th a t will do a m illion H um an Race, and its leaders and world. tim es m ore good th a n the m ost costly of all k in d s. See a d v ertisem en t one of cold, senseless m arble. elsew here. reconstructors. After the C hristian i he secret order is powerful for i Send all orders to world had fallen aw ay under the either good or evil If a ll h e lp a lit t le , w e c a n ac-* T h e L ib e ra l U n iv e rs ity C o , W ill you h e lp I. ir .1 .< it • com p lish m u ch . new astronom y, w ithout any re- It is an old saying th at “ all is a ijtt'e? S ilverto n. Oregon W H A T WE HAVE TO S E LL.