Torch of reason. (Silverton, Oregon) 1896-1903, November 22, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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    T H E TORCH OF REASON, SIL V E R T O N , OREGON, NOV EM BER 22, E. M. 300 (1900.)
The Brave.
S tan d not aloof nor a p a rt,
Plunge in th e thick of th e fight;
T here in th e stre e t and th e m art,
T hat is th e place to do right.
Not in some cloister or cave,
Not in som e kingdom above,
H ere, on th is side of the grave,
H ere should we labor and love.
- [ E l l a W heeler W ilcox.
)O KXK>O<XX><><X><>O<XXX>O<XXX><><
i < x x x x x
>< x x k h > o < x x h >< x >( x ><><>(> o
A flurry of snow in Silverton on
Tuesday. It m elts alm ost as soon
as it falls.
Turkey and cran b erry sauce at
the L. U. O. D ining H all T h an k s­
giving evening.
G rand E n tertain m en t, Dance
and Supper at the L. U. O, H all,
T hanksgiving night.
Prof. H offm ann will tak e the
heavy v illia n ’s p art in the play,
the Lone Tree Mine.
The L. U. O. band is doing finely,
hut they need several more in s tru ­
ments. How can we get them?
The students will all help pay
for our new piano by helping in
en tertain m en ts and in every way
___ G
D on’t forget the
rand ____
Ball ___
the L. U. O. H all T hanksgiving
living ev-
ening. T ickets 25 cents ~
fo r the Piano F und.
Profs. Hosmer and D avenport
visited the C apital City last F riday
and purchased a fine, new, uprig h t
piano for the L. U. 0 . H all.
A num ber of the students are
preparing to give an excellent play
M ine,” «• for
en titled th e “ Lone Tree »»•
th e e benefit of the Piano Fund.
rp. 1 . ,
, t
I he last heard of Profs. Geer and
W akem an, they were enjoying good
, Ul
7 .
health and speeding on tow ard the
Council of the E m ancipated, a t
C incinnati.
. w
v . ••
I V .. v
v. J
Mrs. Godfrey will take the p art Am erican Republic, and thus give
Let us fill up the contribution
oi the M ountain Rose in the play, your correspondent much pleasure. box!
With kind ---------c,
the Lone tre e Mine.
L ater — Mr. R. C. B urtis of M ich­
Yours sincerely,
T he N atural Philosophy and
E lizibeth C ady S tanton . igan adds one thousand dollars to
the ------------------
above offer. At this rate we
, v i j
io n n c n
i in
t u r
----------- —
C hem istry
L. U. • v O / ,
are learning the great secrets of
China contains some of the rich-
able to go ahead with
n atu re very rapidly, and the best est coal deposits in the world. our Huildine. “ A friend who helps
p art of it is, no gods or holy hooks Last fall Professor Drake, of T ient- Q’,lc^ helps double.”
dam up th is pure crystal stream of K*n visited the coal fields in the
S till L ater .— A friend in Silver-
Ours is
great P,o v *,,(,e• °f Shansi, which were ex­ ton offers fifty dollars on the above
honest research.
research. Ours
is a a great
am ined by Baron von Richthofen
The am ount already re­
in 1870, and found th at they are of plan.
The coal area is ceived and acknowledged in the
W e have engaged Prof, and Mrs; im mense extent.
said u»
to be greater than th a t of C ontribution Box, goes to help
r« j /
. T
it »am
as • instructors in the
L. U.
zi .u
. . .
Pennsylvania, anil the anth racite m ake up the balance of this fund,
O. I rof. Godfrey will give in- coal alone contained in these fields
which now lacks only $1364.60 of
struction and drill in physical cul- has been estim ated at 630,000,000
being complete.
tu re every W ednesday and S atur- tons.
I fie Shansi coal-beds are so
I ater S till .— A friend in New
day at 4 and 7 p. m.
F reeth in k - thick and lie so uniform ly in a
, ,
horizontal position th a t the prac- E ngland has Kent us a draft for five
ers need sound bodies as well as
, * ■
. , /
ticability has been suggested of run-
sound m inds.
ning long lines of railroad tunnels hundred dollars, which now leaves
. a .
x m.
, • •
through the beds so th a t the cars only $864.60 to com plete the fund
I he en tertain m en t Thanksgiving ca |,
the n)|ne8 f()r
and give “ Luo” a big boost. W ho
n ig h t will consist of a genuine Cake d istan t tran sp o rta tio n .
will he tiie n ex t?
W alk for a fine cake, special f e
- _____________
C X X X X X > C X X X M > O (X X X X X > < X K X H X )I
tures by Prof, and Mrs. Godfrey,
The Ingersoll Chair,
vocal solos, duets and q u a rte tts and
some of the most surprising feats
The am ounts subscribed and paid
0<X X X>0<XX KX>0<><)-0-a<X><)-0-0<><X> <
of ath letic perform ances e v e r w it­ in for the Ingersoll C hair are set
B oston , M ass .—Ingersoll S ecular So­
nessed. Adm ission 15 cents; ch ild ­ forth below. This sum is actu ally ciety m eets a t Paine M em orial H all, 9
ren 10 cents.
Proceeds for the in the hands of our treasurer to he A ppleton St., Sunday, 3 p. m . Rev. J .
P iano F und.
safely invested, the income only to P. B land, R esident Speaker.
be used.
L ow ell , M ass .— Liberal A ssociation
P erhaps no feature of our L. U.
0 . work will prove more beneficial SUBSCRIPTIONS COLLECTED IN ENGLAND m eets in Pilgrim H all, P a lm e r stre et,
Lowell, M ass., Sunday afternoons, a t 2
♦ th is year _ 4 th
.1 an our dancing
£ 8. o ’clock, except 2d Sunday in each m onth
t rn. M r. George A nderson,
London 5 0
Lessons are given a t 4 and 8 p.
w hen th e tim e is 6:30, W. S. P a rk er,
The ease, grace and confidence t h a t :
Alfred M arsh ,1 s u ,’8Cr,pt]on ” * 0 P resid en t. E . A. Howe, S ecretary .
a student learns in this way m akes “
“ 2d su b scrip tio n ,, 3 0
Xiw Y o k e CiTT—The M a n h a t t a n
him a different beine, and as the Mn i i 'i ^ ^ ^ e g a r t h
10 Liberal C lub m eets every F rid ay eve­
2 0 ning a t S o’clock, in th e G erm an M ason­
old time evil of excess is carefully M r. Thos. Allsop,
Mr. .J. M. G im son,
L eicester I 0 ic T em ple, 220 E a s t Fifteenth s t r e e t .
guarded againRt, we expect nothing Mr.
A rth u r G im son,
1 0
but excellent results from this de- M r. S idney G im son,
1 0
B rooklyn ,
N. Y .—T he Brooklyn
Y arm o u th 1 0 Philosophical Association m eets Sunday
p artm en t.
Mr- Joh" Ijeauh-
• •
V I I 1 < I
V < A I I I
MJ 1 1 ^
At the
of —
years’ service, , .,n
M rs.
B aker
B irm
— end
* «j----'
B. Daniel
i.mnn mixer
nm ingham
» »
! M r- J - E - Hosm er has resigned the Mr.
2 j Byron Holyoake Smith
r ln tio s nf
ru o irtû n l of th
r. m ...
°f n president
the n Oregon I Miss
Ju lia C. S
ith ,
« >
L iberal U niversity and editor of | Mf8-{ J ^ o a k e S m ith ,
R eigate
t h e T n r n li
AT- rD U X 18*L U pSon,
Torch of R
T. B. Dr. G. Sw orn,
A«r ,
. . .
W akem an, becoming his successor. M r. T. R. M udie,
Mr. A. S u m n er.
, .
The need of a recreative vacation D r. J . W allace, (deceased) Glasgow
is adduced as the cause of Mr.
f j ogrner»g
retirem ent.— [T r u t h - Mr H e rb ert S pencer.
B rig h to n
9 9
The L. U. O O rchestra will begin
A slight error.
Prof Hosm er
playing in public in about a n o th e r has resigned the editorship only.
Prof. Cooley is to be con- n
. , . ,T ’
, , 4
, .
H e is still president of the L. U. O.
g ratu lated on his work and his stu
d en ts’ success.
What is Your Name?
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
’Ï Ï . S X T
irom nm e to time.
" " T° ” "
A Liberal Offer.
A good friend of the L U 0
r ™ 1 — » '. ' • • • . H l . " M l,., F r e .th ir k e r . U
j and professors in this far fampd
C hicaoo . I I I . —L iberal Society, Dr.
T hom as B. G regory, resid en t lecturer.
Sunday lectures, 11 a. m. C o rin th ian
H all, M asonic Tem ple. A dm ission free.
All are invited.
O hio L iberal S ociety —Season of 1900
and 1901.
2 0
P u b lic lectures u n d e r th e auspices of
above society are delivered every S u n ­
L. P . M axatn, M ich.......................... $10 00 day evening a t 8 o ’clock, in College
Geo. N. H ill, B oston, M ass............ 5.00 H all, 416 W alnut st., C in cin n ati, Ohio.
E va Ingersoll Brown, N. Y ............. 50.00 T he program for O ctober is as follow s:
Prof. D aniel T. Ames, C al............... 10. (X)
Ben j. D uval, C ol................................. 1.00 T he program for N ovem ber is as follow s:
Nov. 11. Dr. B. F. L o n g street. Subject
Ed. Secrest, R andolph, K a n s a s ... 2.50
“ N atu ral Law in th e Social W o rld .”
Helen H . G ard en er, N. Y . C ity
E sth e r H e rrm a n . New York C itv , 1.00 Nov. 18. Jo in t debate. S ubject, “ The
Physical P henom ena of S p iritu a l­
J J. Chilcoat, M. D. W ash D. C.
can he l>est ex p lain ed on th e h y ­
Wm. J. Chilcoat, “
pothesis th a t th ey are produced by
th e sp irits of th e dead. A ffirm ative,
) O O O O O O O xX X X X ) 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 o
Prof. J. Clegg W right.
N egative,
Joh n R. C harlesw orth.
T O R A IS E $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 .
j Nov. 23, 24, 25. A nnual C ongress of
The A m erican Secular Union and
T h is is O u r B u ild in g Fund
F reeth o u g h t F ed eratio n of A m erica,
C o n tr ib u tio n B o x .
u n d e r th e auspices of th e society.
The late mid term ex am in atio n s
revealed the fact th a t m any of the E d ito r Torch of Reason:—
L. I . O. stu d en ts are indeed stud-
A m ericans have one very had
ents. A large num ber stood 100 custom ; instead of w riting their
per cent, in more than one branch. nam es, for w ant of tim e I suppose,
Now, the ques­
At the next T hanksgiving e n te r­ they use initials.
tain m en t Prof. Godfrey will b al­ tion arises, are our children nam ed ) 0 0 0 0 -0 -0 0 -0 -0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 (
ance him self on a trapeze, m any “J o h n ,” “Jo sep h ” and “ Jacob,” or
feet from the floor, on th e two back as “ J ,” “ K ” and “ L” ? To me it
Previously a c k n o w le d g ed .. .$558.45
legs of a chair.
Don’t forget the seems a desecration to refer to
. B. B illard, Topeka, K an ., 10.00
time. T h u rsd ay evening, Nov. 29
F. W. H ib b a rd , Del N orte,C ol. 5.00
A B and C may do
Last Tuesday all the tobacco us­ very well for barrels of flour, kegs
ers in the L. U. O. made a solemn of fish, or spools of th read , but not
promise, on th e ir word of honor as for full fledged men, editors of pan-
gentlem en (no ladies here use the ers, professors in colleges and dis- <KX^
<><><XXXK^ ^
filthy stuff i, th a t they will entirely tinguished reformers. So, Mr. Ed-
give up t b i , m ind-destroying habit, ¡tor, I beg th a t you will hereafter
p. m ., in th e Long Islan d B usiness
College H all, South E ig h th stre e t, bet.
Bedford and Driggs A venues.
..... i
IL — F r e e t h i n k e r ^
Association m eets Sunday evenings at
6 o ’clock, 8;»9 Elm S treet.
FALL SE A SO N 1900.
ith o u t a fear of coining n ig h t
W e seek the tr u th , we love th e lig h t.”
Nov. 11. George V. H am lin . “ M unic­
ipal P ro b lem s.”
Nov. 18. Dr. S arah F. \\ h itte m o re
W ijsev. “ The E ducation of W o m en .”
Nov. 25. L. II. C a rp e n te r. “ A politi-
cal Subiect ”
A n S G.
-------Osgood. “ D eath and
Im m o rtality .
Dec. 9. George R. Ja ck so n . The P o e t­
ry of th e English L an g u ag e.”
Dec. 16. L. H. C a rp en ter. “ W h at is
W rong?”
<L S. Osgood. “ A Philosoph-
arv Percival S tone,
“ H arm o n y an
am i th e ‘M usic of the