Torch of reason. (Silverton, Oregon) 1896-1903, November 22, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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m ay be fit to be the lead er, of the no“ oubt U d ^ ° 2 o a e y ’7 w o n b , U tah ” Cer“ “ " Iy “ *** '° r * ° rk
in mU8t ? e « * i ro u nd ‘one of th e
New E ra.
prevailing harm ony.
aidn t have all he could hold, so
W e leave S alt Ia lro
th o
t u '
i .
This use of w ealth is sufficient t h e t r » i r
'a k e
-v t h e
I his end has never been, and
. ..
ouiiuicui m e train had to w ait one m inute. Mormons for th e n r e s e n t h»»
reason why Liberals should use
, ,,
preseut, but we never can be attaiu ed by m eans of
every hum an m ean , to a tta in it
1 ^e tram m ade good tim e down ehall see w hat can he done a few religion, but it i. possible of a tta in -
the blue —
M ountains
into the
and then see th a t it is so applied Ü
Sinam s an
anu d into
m e weeks later on our return.
m ent through the cu ltiv atio n , by
in th eir own lifetim e.
beautiful G rande R onde V alley,
n atu ra l processes of the best n a t­
which we entered a t the th riv in g
ural impulses.
The Religion of the Future.
little city of La G rande. H ere w*e
AB the poets have dream ed of
The Liberal Nucleus.
haulted a moment and then sped
perfect h u m an ity ; all philosophers
on across the valley and followed a
and sages aud reform ers have u t­
In nearly every city or large town winding track up the m ountain
The world is full of unrest; the tered wise m axim s for the couduct
in the United Slates there are a few side. \\ e were then iu the Powder
of life; but superstition has alw ays
L iberals, hut rarely are they a s ­ River \ alley and at noon halted old ideals have lost their influence,
q u a r te r, com e, the added t h e r e t o ^ w a r d . an d pun-
sociated in any wtjy. T his is not at Baker City, the m etropolis for and from all Q uarters comes the
cry for a now religion. A nd a new !8hlDent8 of H ern ity , so th a t th e
as it should be, and th a t it is not the m ining district of E astern O re­
hopes and fears th u s excited have
is shown by w hat occurred to us at gon. The trees and water in the religion is prophesied aud prom-
chilled and blighted the labors an d
Salt Lake C ity. W ithin an hour valley and the towering m ountains ised.
the fruits of tim e.
a few Liberals were found. They near by m ake Baker City and im - 1 A*teajPl8 are even now being
Every sentient being m ust desire
" t0 for,nulate m ° d«™ ideas
were business men evidently of m ediate surroundings more a ttrac -
im m ortality; everyone of us hopes
character and influence, and had tive than most of th a t section of into system s which each of the
several founders endeavors to hope for endless reunion with kindred
been connected with a SecuJar Oregon.
m ay develop into the “ Religion of spirits beloved on e a rth , for op p o r­
Union a t th a t place.
I t did not
tu n ity to correct m istakes, to e x ­
At H untington we stopped for the F u tu re .”
take long to have a lecture and a
dinner and had a very nice, but
plain m isunderstandings, to finish
proposed revival of the Union; but
A discussion of these various
short, visit with Mr. J. W. Thom as,
as it could not be on a stop-over
schemes is not here in place; for
one of the Torch fam ily.
Mr. T.
ticket, Mr. W akem an is to attend
the present subject the only point
Cats Knocked Out!
¡informs us th a t there are about
to it on his retu rn . W herever any
of interest is the fact of the already
forty Liberals at H untington, and
\\ a teh -C ats g en erally u n d ersell th e
Liberals, men and women, can be
widespread and rapidly-increasing
certainly they ought to be associat­
since I am giving m y e n tire
found, get together as a lecture com­
Conviction th a t C h ristia n ity has a tte n tio but
m ail o rd ers, I have facili­
ed together in an organization. *
m ittee and see w hat can he done.
had its day, and th a t its sun is set­ ties to u ndersell th e best C atalogue
After leaving H untin g to n we ting, to rise no more, forever. H ouses.
crossed Snake River into Idaho There are m any who would fain
C o m p are C a ra fu ll w ith L a te s t
and had the o p p o rtu n ity of view­ tu rn back the shadow upon this
1 9 0 1 C atalogues.
ing the W eiser, P ayette and M al­ dial of the w orld’s progress. Even
Best A m erican w atches, 18 size in 2, 3
heur valleys before night overtook with the evidence plain before their o r 4 ounce S ilverine screw cases; " T re n ­
t o n ,'’ “ S ta n d a rd ” or " C e n tu ry ” 7
us. Then we slept through Id ah o eyes, of the irapoteucy of th e re­ Jew
els, $3.50. H am p d en , $4.50; Elgin
The pusher of the quill and the and into U tah, aud arose next
o r W a ith .,.,, »5; Itick fo rd 11 J e w e l,.
ligion of the Cross, they prognosti­ $o.50; 15 Jew els, $6.50; 17 Jew els a d ­
keeper of the till for the Torch of m orning a t Ogden.
An h o u r’s cate the reign of a n a rch y as soon ju
sted , $9, Sam e, H am d en , $10. Sam e
Reason are out on a jam bouree.
w ait and an hour’s ride b ro u g h t us as the re strain ts of religion are re­ E .gin or W alth am , $11. Fine full a d ­
ju sted , 17 Jew els, nickle, “ A ppleton,
The Am erican Secular Union and to S alt Lake C ity, where we stop­
Tracy & C o .” $10.50;
“ B u n n ” $17
F reethought F ederation are going ped for five hours to visit friends
O tto \Y e tts te in ,’’ “ New R ailw ay ,” " B
to have one of those an n u al Con­ and see the city and the works of be turned back, and the (as yet) W . R ay m o n d ,” $19. 21 Jew els, e x tra
tine th ro u g h o u t;
“ Jo h n H a n co c k ,”
gresses we read so much about, and the M ormons. We went into the com paratively sm all num ber of in ­ $20; “ B unn S p e c ia l,” $22.50; "C re s­
W akem an and I are going to p a r­ great Tabernacle and heard th<j dividuals who have freed th em ­ c e n t S t r ” $22; " O tto W ettste in Spec­
ial, " \ a n g u a r d , ” "S p ecial R ailw ay ,”
ticipate in the “ gathering of the man play on the pipe organ to selves entirely from sp iritu al ty r­ o r E lgin 149, 150 or 181, $25. "S pecial
an n y , and are living (in C hristian R ailw ay ,” 23 Jew els, or " B u n n S p ecial,”
clam s.”
amuse the visitors. We viewed the p arlance) “ w ithout God and w ith­ 24 Jew els, $28.50.
C incinnati is our destination, Tem ple from all sides but the in ­
T he above in 4-ounce Silver case,
out hopes in the w orld,” are in real­ $4.o0 e x tr a ; in 20-year gold filled, open
but it being a long distance from side for they allow no one to enter
ity the most useful m em bers of so­ face, $4 e x tr a ; 25 year, $6.50 e x tra ; 20-
Silverton, we sh all m ake m any who is not a m ember, in good
y e ar h u n tin g case, $6.50 e x tra, or in 25-
ciety, and are by no means the un­ y e ar h u n tin g case, $8.50 e x tra .
8top9 before we get there.
In fact standing, of the Mormon church,
All gold filled cases are a rtistic hand
happiest of their species.
we have m ade several already, for and then you have to go into the
(b ased , accom panied by M fr.’s g u a ra n ­
W hy should they be u n h a p p y if tee and w atches k e p t in o rd er for one
th is is being w ritten away out in “ Endow m ent House” near by, re­
th eir intentions are honest and year.
U tah as the tra in jolts and winds lieve yourself of all your clothing,
O th er styles and solid gold eq u ally as
th e ir tim e is usefully spent? They
C orrespond w ith m e for
along through the Rockies in the and then, robed in spotless w hite,
are alive, and it is good to be alive. a n y th in g in th e Je w e le r’s L ine a n d save
direction of Colorado Springs, our you are allowed to enter the holy As for a prospect after d eath , they " ^ yat X * ,™ “¡^ J
“ ta
next stop.
temple. I do not believe 1 would know th a t nothing which has once
ttl18 price-list. 1 J pay
pav f freight.
I t was early M onday m orning have been perm itted to en ter under
existed is an n ih ilated ; it m ust en­
O T T O W E T T S T E IN .
when we left Silverton and our any condition, hut if they had seen
dure in some form forever— an d so
R o ch elle, III
friends a t the L. U. 0 . and the de W akem an costumed as “ J u p ite r
they tru st them selves to N ature,
pot wished us “ Bon V oyage!”
At N iveus” they couldn’t have denied
which placed them here w ithout
P ortland we arran g ed for tra n sp o r­ him entrance. But we d id n ’t try.
th eir knowledge or desire, and will
00 Worth of
tation to Chicago and visited
W e found Mr. Rogers in his store continue its work in conform ity
friends, business houses and book where we had a very enjoyable with laws which they did not m ake
stores for a few hours. D inner and visit and arranged for a lecture by and cannot alter.
supper were relished and enjoyed Prof. W akem an on his retu rn . Dr. J The entire helplessness of m an in
“ S ecular S c ienc e ano
C ommon S e n s e ” points
at the Bailey house, where, as usu­ C hapm an, Mr. H jo rm stad , Mr. view of death is his best preserva-
the way to the goal of
your am bition. A m aga­
al, we were given a glad welcome Lawrence and M r. Mason all do tive against fear.
sin e of Advanced Free
M .
. n 7 houir,lt. Liberal
with best wishes for a p leasan t business w ithin a block’s distance
In th e m eantim e th ere is enough Modern Ideas o f Reform and N atural Law
jo u rn ey and a safe retu rn .
and they were all in favor of a lec- to do.
The evils which supersti-
It was night when we traveled ture. We secured four subscribers tion h as brought upon th e race
up the C olum bia, so the Torch for the Torch, and, all considered,
m ust be counteracted and removed; in tellectu al perception’^ " th a U a te n ta n d active
readers will be spared a descrip- we felt well repaid for stopping, this world, until now 80 full of the clear head in a Jmnd'^body^^N^rhi’n g n V e ’i f o r
tion by me of th a t oft described and sorry we couldn’t stay longer, h ab itatio n s of cruelty, m ust be- 1 wbole^eaAogether’wfth ^ample7ofreov*50
| Mr. Godbe, - the originator
« -•----- of
-- ^ ,e come a haypy home for all m an- **’ue.\oV"o£!y fixST” 404
’’ e aWOKe next m orning at great “Godbe Movpmpnt”
lr in r ,
i i
Send at once as this offer IB lim ited. Sam ple
• . • . •
m ovem ent ag ain st kind
in« alik e; knowledge,
K11U vv i i ♦ u mil
n tram
r AID*
- topy with an in terestin g book of over 100 Daire*
for 12 centq in »’am ps. A ddress
.fe aeh am ju s t in lim e to bo allow- the Mormons, we did n o t see, b u t m elled by prejudice m u st be in ­
i ' T ,,f yK,,,,t'fUe.S tOre a t 75 Ce" ' R Were inform ed th a t he is
creased and spread ab ro ad ;, uni- SECDLAR SCIENCE AND COMMON SENSE
worth of b reak fast
I got my m o n -; on hand when there is work to be versal peace m ust g u aran tee uni-
P.E 532 Atlas Blk Chicano III
ey s w orth and had five m inutes t o , done for the L iberal cause, and I versal progress, and unselfish lo v e )
gjl T« “ “