I - ----- ' » ! ‘ »h’ ^ o h T " ; u t h” J ' ; r * • " * ' ? ’• S ’X S ch . n * have alw ays understood th a t God cerning VJ - H z them * « __________ ____________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and " .. ., •’, [ I V V V .) b, - i : , : z S » ^ i" bui,dings - ^ , r x , bi ..... ” s w’ ,c a alcohol ‘c°ooi h ab In,° v‘ctim of , the a b it. iu Ton safe in a shoe factory re fn sJl to otten. if, to open, Dr. Sapelier has sent a Dover h ad a a b beginning e g in n in g or c re a tin e some son.« prehistoric . . Za« ’ necesi*ai1 never had or creation, r T y, * £ av e th th em ° m an a " a b s o lu te distoa»^ distaste but J „ h „ seems to think differently, rr T • ,, 11 3 ’ I f John could see the lukewarm an< „ -ehlled churches of today, I think he would have a great time = them att spewed out of his *” • " W *2“ 5 z , — ’ "• an d »u„ u„_. . ' " and the bookkeeper and done the w o rk ” * *‘ave the liquor. engineer conceived the idea th a t me work.” , , f ' Claiborne countv lie. -., . 7° °"'"m m u c a h o ., to the Aca- they could burn out the com bin- east bank of the Mi«sisaii>i>|S ' "l ' ' i'"' V ' ' ” ’ his m ethods and re- ation » by y use l i s t of of carbon an d d elec­ elec carbon an the Big Black river- a n d ,h ‘ -’blam ed. He cited fifty-seven trioi‘y- t, tricity. It It took took several several hours hours to . — . P' i 1 • a h ■ ‘b- Purpose, but the; -1 iocaiity „ h e re t h e " a h s X T X T i T T ~ •A xvx% r i ’- . lo have term inated is som e 4(1 t John is certainly very eccentric 50 miles alm ost due south of Vi l - ill some of his sayings. From h is , burg. From wh ° s>uence fre q u e n t use of th e word seven, we rock? thev ,', cam e the rock? How How were were they t transported would take him to be a Seventh ,r* ___ • " ‘f o u ' n n8P°rted to *k" the region where d/ Day A dventist. Besides the Seven r J ............ m e seven "’ere they lifted into I- ? i hurches, he sees the Seven Spirits w hat was the purpose «if Hi 'n-! of God, seven stars, seven candle- The country nnist h - \ J s i c s, Seven angels, seven seals, densely populated to ..,1 '".1 ounted turns at at holding holding th the wire i am am to fit tho fa “ am au>"u,,t od " • in ' 8 8 . ‘urns e wire ent w inch „ was „ „ 'c ™ a r rbon. bon V k „ „ the .u - ___ i was ove I to twenty-five ' " 7 ^ -hve per c cent which W V hen work ( aUse‘ ,y lrrP g u ,ar,ty in following both com plained of a dizziness am trH atm ent’ or fro,n Physical de- P*in in the head which increasec , , C° U8,dered as unfavorable. It a8 the hours passed, and in a slion 7 S tated th a t the success tim e both went suddenly blind at " 'T T ’ in ^ ‘io" ° f a n t i - , -b o o t the sam e time. A l l effort Do ” <' Ue '° ¡ - « ¡ " a - , - ‘o - ‘heir sight have h eeT u „ kings, crows, seven pets mgs, seven seven crows. ««v«n i trum -------- - • • »' or auto-suggestion, but this is a v a i,,ng, for while the eve halls an “ i ar in the Past withdrawn, seven th u n d ers. He sees also,’ rr.u te d by Dr. Sapelier, who 8tiltea pear alll right, the sight is destroy- Old Empires sit in sullenness amt gloom; three unclean sp irits like frogs that the hysterical and im pression- ed- * And glorious ages gone • « 1 b Iv le 1 XI b p .. a „ t tie ! . n ts X * fig u re a m o n g th e fai I- come out of the m outh of the d ra ­ Lie deep within theshadow of its womb ” ures, or those who were merely im- b ni,‘) be surprising to many gon. beast and false prophet -[P rogressive Thinker. proved in condition. The three Pe° P ° U,at exp,orer8 have a wide Now, if he had said th a t he saw N orth Am erica, frogs, w ithout any spirits, come N o L i m i t to H u m a n A c h ie v e m e n t. doctors have deduced an ingenious ra “ 7 of work theory from their system. T| yet th,s 1K th e fact, says a foreign out of their m ouths, then it would th a a t t the of anti-alcohol have looked a little reasonable and say th the action action of anti-alcohol ^ r,' ^ o n d en t- Researches in the It is tim e th a t we recognize the say sensible, and people m ight have be­ im perfectness of all th a t m an does, serum aw akens reflex acts which, far Northwest and in A laska, caus lieved him. and it is also tim e th a t we ac’ as a whole, constitute originally ed by the gold finds, only begin tc Finally, he sees a new heaven knowledged th a t he m ay do better the instinctive distaste of man for show how much rem ains to he done thus re-establishing a here, despite the energy with which and a new earth , for the first heav­ th an he has yet done. We know alcohol, en and earth had passed away. <»f nothing at which we would have n atu ral habit in place of the in the Governm ents of the United duced habit.— Scientific A m erican States and C anada push surveys W onder where they. went. man stop. There is no work at which m an should rest his labor, 1 he Board of Schoo] Superin year after year. Much territo ry in L abrador and in the regions be­ E vidences of a Lost Empire, no scripture beside which he should tendents for the Boroughs of M an­ lay down his pen. We would not h attan and Bronx have recom­ tween the great riyers and Jakes of it is no longer necessary to visit have any life set Up as the best the north is also still unexplored. mended the abolition of the verti­ d istan t countries anil w ander th a t man can live nor anv m 81 cal system of penm anship. The At a recent m eeting of the I n te r ­ am ong ancient ruins to learn of the m ent as the highest th a t m objection against the system is th a t national Electric Congress a t P aris, grandeur of the rem ote past, for ! raise. There have b e e / “ at m e " it makes slow penmen. The a d ­ some interesting developm ents re ­ o u r o v u i . o r t h America is slowly but there are to be greater T he” ’ vantage of the vertical penm anship garding wireless telegraphy were giving up her records, and is carry- have been perform ed great deeds" ’ h said to be th a t the a ttitu d e in explained. In connection with the .ng US back to a tim e which, possi- but no perform ance is U,e endI oí w hich a pupil produces the verti­ possibility of being able to com­ y, an ted ates the decaying monu- hum an achievem ent, cal w riting ig fa r more helthful m unicate over great distances, M. m ental ruins of the old world. We than slanting writing. Roundness W illot, o f Paris, contended th a t it have seen iron, t i . e “to' ^ e ['hZ. " X ” ‘a " w ondrous discoveries recent tro v e -; great, and i m p o r t questions u and legibility of vertical writing, was im possible to telegraph satis- as well as the usual angle in its l a c o n ly over distances exceeding -r. avt m ade in C entral Am erica be answered as has any age of th execution, are asserted to be much miles, owing to th e adverse in ­ and along the great rivers and past. We are fa c e d 7 y T h e ,am more favorable to the eyes. If fluence offered by the cu rv atu re of grand canyons of th e South-W est; ¡'Sphinx that has ha,fled aD n abandoned later for a more rapid the earth . 7 “. ^ ‘o ooad. We ........ . p e X m I i ' is t h o u g h t ^ t o T a T T : ------...& vjiviopian 1 as th a t described by Thom as C. G u tta percha in S u m atra and our duty by worshiping those who Chlld v e rl|cal w riting a8 a founda- W atson, of H azlehurst, Miss., in a Borneo is being exhausted owing performed theirs. Let us meet the tioD ,or his future chirograph, late letter to th e governor of his world Without apology for being The autom obile in d u stry though to the reckless and prim itive way state. orn after the printing-press was still in its infancy in G erm any is in which the trees are treated. T h e Mr. W atson tells of an im m ense 1 hilippine Islands will prove a vented o r steam -power discover- being rap id ly developed, and ’ ,n an pile of hewn stone in the so u th ­ excellent place for profitably grow ed. A sgreat wonders aw ait m an’s 'h e opinion of the U nited eastern corner of C laiborne county. S ; \ haVe yV een ,OU" d ’ ........U la ‘ L^ . ■ ’» d e s t n X 9 mg g u tta percha, He says these stones are piled high . th ontam s as rtch treasures as become an im p o rtan t faclor in the I “ E gypt the telephone o p e ra t­ <»n each other, are cem ented with a orm a I,as yielded and the m anufacturing industries o f th ors are all men, and they are r e ­ fine q u ality of cem ent, and cover heavens as valuable secrets as as- country. The large amoon» o f quired to be expert linguists, speak- an area of four square miles. Each • ronom ers ever read. We w ant no capital and energy which is ¿ i n v ing English, French, Ita lia n , mod- stone is six feet long, three feet gospe th a t teds us to fold our expended upon th is branch o f in- ern Greek, and Arabic. wide and two feet thick, weighing hands and be saved by being saved d u stry indicates th a t th« n I A • fully two tons. by others, but one th a t sets all of business men have great o o n f i d T " r " “ " " ’ accident occurred re- Says the Associated Press d is­ l' Br bod factory in patch announcing this fact: ° r’ Tk ci- . eW * ork. 1 he feathers cot whir! “ It has been known for years I he public buildinge of the U nit- ing so rapidly th a t th e f f th a t Mississippi held one of th e ' ed S tates have cost, since the loan- them on fire New and Curious. I dation of the governm ent,exclusive great wonders of the world in the shape of an immense rock wall b u i" ,lng8 ln W ashington I ,,fancy is the perpetual Messiah I L .'„4_> _ X • v - _ and those em ployed hv th« Ar..,„ which - i >w w „ . S “ - ’ , i ’ a n ,,iIo I'a^diH e— [E m erson.