Torch of reason. (Silverton, Oregon) 1896-1903, November 22, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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T H E TORCH OF REASON, S IL V E R T O N , OREGON , N OV EM BER 15, E. M. 300 (1900.)
a rt rich.
Nevertheless the Devil
The Ny- F or th e Torch of Reaeon.
this custom has existed, or yet ex­ anza love hum an flesh.
Dream s and Visions
will cast some of you into prison to
ists everywhere— in Europe as in am s-N yam s eat not only prisoners
be tried and you shall have trib u ­
Africa, at different periods of course, of war, hut also th eir unprotected
lation ten days.”
W hy should
but usually corresponding to a com patriots, and Schw einfurth was
they be tem pted ju s t ten days?
transitory phase of civilization. In once present at a feast, of which
I was never much of a believer John does not say.
I t is not a
other cases it m ay appear under the menu consisted wholly of a
the forms of a regular habit, com­ new-born babe. The coast-races of in dream s and visions, but it seems very long time, to be sure, but it
th e W est, Angola and Loango, in ­ th at John the R evelator was not would be ju st ten days longer than
mon to a whole people.
“ This, of course, cannot take dulge in cannibalism whenever only a great believer, but w hat we I would wish any devil to be tem p­
The Kaffirs may call an expert in this branch ting me and leading me up on high
place with pastoral peoples who they get the chance.
In the following I m ountains and church steeples.
are preserved from hunger by the of the South 6eem to have given it of business.
To the church at Pergam os he
milk and flesh of their herds; it is up; at least, no recent case has propose to give the readers of the
It Torch a few of his visionary say­ w rites: “ I know th y works and
the consequence of a w arrior regi­ been reported am ong them .
where thou dwellest, even where
me, of a social hierarchy with a m ay be hoped th a t European in- ings with com m ents.
In the first place he claim s to be S a ta n ’s seat is (C urious place is it
servile caste, and of a religion th a t fluence will cause the disappear-
sanctifies cannibalism and raises it ance of anthropophagy in these a brother and com panion of the not, for a church to be located?)
regions by suppressing slavery and Lord, and while he was in the Thou holdest fast my nam e and
to the position of an institution.
L ord’s service on the Isle of P at- hast not denied my faith, but I
“ There is, in fact, besides the m an-hunting.
“ B ut we find cases of can n ib al­ mos, he has some m arvelous vis- have a few things against you, be-
cannibalism of necessity, th a t of
gluttony, th a t of vengeance, and ism elsewhere than am ong these ions of things past, present and to cause I find th a t you have those
th a t of filial respect and religious m iserable people, and num erous come. He commences by telling am ongst you th at hold to the doc-
feeling, or even th a t of justice. facts m ay be cited to show th a t it us th a t he was in the sp irit on the trine of Balaam and Balak, and
The habit, once assum ed, is easily exists sometimes even in Europe. L ord’s day, but does not tell us eat things sacrificed unto idols, and
kept up, as we see in the cases oi There are isolated cases due either what kind of sp irit it was, and per- to com m it fornications, and to
to diseased conditions or to pecul­ haps he m eant th a t the sp irit was teach the doctrine of the N icolait-
num erous existing races.”
N either does he explain ans, which thing I hate.
P retty
In North Am erica, the learned iar instances of absolute necessity. in him .
“ In 1852 an E nglishm an killed w hat he m eans by the L ord’s day. good charge for one church is it
au th o r assures us, “ where white
civilization is pushing the redskins an old woman, boiled her fllesh For my p a rt I cannot possibly see not? We wonder if John could
About any difference in th e days.
W hy find any of those things tau g h t
gradually to the w all,” the Sioux with potatoes and ate it.
Indians still sometimes indulge in the same time another E nglishm an should one day be any more d e ­ and practiced by the churches of
acts of cannibalism .
The Crees killed a m an in the woods, cut up voted to tbe Lord th an another? today if he was here.
But the church at T h v atria he
and the Blackfeet keep up the cus­ th e body, hid the pieces, and ca r­ At all events he was either in the
tom , which, according to the writer ried them one by one to his house, spirit or the sp irit in him , and he gives a round setting up. He says:
was hequethed to them by the an ­ where they were eaten by him and heard a great voice as the sound of I know th y works and ch arity and
a tru m p et, and the voice told him service, and th y patience, and the
cient M exicans, of opening the his wife.
“ In 1872 a young Ita lia n , seven- to write, and to send w hat he last to be more than the first, not­
breast of th eir enem y to extract
to the Seven Churches w ithstanding, I have a few things
the heart and eat it raw .
The teen years old, killed seven women wrote
He declared which
are in Asia.
It seems against thee, because thou suffer-
M alays, he says, also eat the tiger’s and cut them up.
it not, th a t in est th a t woman Jezabel, which
h eart, th a t they m ay become brave, th a t he took pleasure in eating strange, does
and quite recently the New Zeal­ their flesh. A nother Italian killed a great country like Asia, they called herself a phophetess, to
and natives ate their enem ies so as and ate his own tw o-year-old babe. were able at this tim e to support teach and to seduce my servants
“ In 1884 shipwrecked English only seven churches.
They were (the m inisters of course) to com ­
assim ilate th eir desirable qualities.
sailors killed and ate one of their not as num erous then as they are mit fornication and to eat things
H e goes on to say:
“ The forests of the Amazon are com rades. How m an j sim ilar cas­ today, and perhaps they were sacrificed unto idols. I gave her a
A t all chance to repent, but she would
yet inhabited by races who p rac­ es have occurred w ithout coming to taxed a little heavier.
tice cannibalism either for veng­ public noticel The survivors of the events Jo h n sends an epistle to each not do it, so I will cast her into a
eance or gluttony.
Justice, how­ second F latte rs expedition to the oue of them , and has more or less bed, and them th a t com m it a d u lt­
ever, requires the statem ent th at all S ahara, during a halt at the Hassi- rem onstrance to raise with each, ex­ ery with her, into great trib u la ­
the Brazilian tribes are not canni­ el-H adjdadj well, killed and ate no cept the church located at P h ila ­ tion.
And I will kill her children
delphia. T his he lets go with only with death, except they repent of
bals; caannibalism is disappearing
an adm onition to hold fast to the th eir deeds.
more and more, and no recent in ­
Is not th a t ra th e r a
faith once delivered to the saints, curious way to punish a woman
stance has been reported.
and if any of them lied and said for ad u ltery ?
the Fuegians, after having been
And then to kill
they were Jew s and were not, he her children for the sins of the
long regarded as incorrigahle eaters
of hum an flesh, seem to have given
would m ake them of the synagogue m other. Does not th a t border very
is far from being com pletely ex- of S atan, and m ake them come and strongly on in fan t
d am n atio n ?
up the practice.
“ In A ustralia, the natives are tin ct, and th a t we find it practiced w orship a t her feet.
To the We w onder how m any Jezebels
supposed to be cannibals only on som etim es by representatives of the church located a t Ephesus, he has could be found in the churches of
A nthro­ a few consoling rem arks to m ake, today.
occasion. But Lum holtz says th a t most civilized nations.
In alm ost every paper we
‘they eat children b y preference,
because she had tried some th a t pick up now-a-davs, we have an ac­
rarely members of the tribe, but
claim ed to be* apostles and found count of where some woman has
ilization will cause the traces of
alw ays strangers. H um an flesh is other m anifestations of cannibal­ them to be liars.
Nevertheless he seduced her m inister or vice versa,
to them the most toothsom e of vi­ ism to disappear ra p id ly .”— [L iter­ had som ewhat against her because but still the good work goes on.
ary Digest.
she had left her first love.
To the church in Sardis he says:
“ In New G uinea, the petty P ap ­
wonder w hat Jo h n would have to “ I know th y works, th a t thou hast
uan tribes ate prisoners of war as
Sighing is but another nam e for say if he could witness the churches a nam e. T h at thou livest and a rt
lately at 1883.
The B attacks of oxygen starvation. The cause of today, th a t have their lying apos- d ead.” R ath er a peculiar position
S u m atra have invc.ited judicial sighing is most frequently worry. ties, and are leaving their first love is it not, for a church to be placed
anthropophagy; they devour con­ An interval of several seconds often by the thousands.
O nly a fey in, dead and alive at the same
demned crim inals while yet alive. follows m om ents of m ental dis­ years ago the churches loved to tim e? But the nam e is all th a t
The natives of New C aledonia also quietude, during which time the preach and teach the doctrine of Jo h n could find. It is our opin-
practice this custom , but in secret. chestw alls rem ain rigid un til the election,
in fan t ion if he were here todav, he could
“ But the tru e land of can n ib al­ im perions dem and is m ade for ox­ d am n atio n , endless punishm ent, find plenty of the sam e kind.
ism is Africa, the land of m an­ ygen, thus causing the deep inhal- and all the notorious and m iracu­
And finally to the church of the
hunting and slavery.
H ere game ation. It is the expiration follow- lous absurdities tau g h t in the Bi- Laodiceans he says: “ These things
abounds, b ut w ar is only a mean ¡ng tbe inspiration th a t is properly ble. But today all intelligent peo- saith th e am en, the faithful and
of procuring prisoners and hum an term ed the sigh, and this sigh is pie are leaving them as fast as pos- tru e witness, th e beginning of tbe
sim ply an effort the organism to sible.
And to the church located creation of God; I know thy works
The negroes of Southern N ubia obtain the necessary supply o f ' at S ym rna he says: “ I know thv th a t thou a rt neither cold nor hot.
and the region of the A lbert Ny- oxygen.—Ladies’ Home Journal.
tribulations and poverty, but thou So then because thou a rt luke-