T orch of R eas o n . _____------- BEA ^JTH ETO R CH IN T ttg SBARCH FOR T R U T H .^ j r U C r e fiu s VOL. 4. Who Doth SILVERTON, O regon , THURSDAY, NOV EM BE R 2 2 .E .M . Hear? ful thoughts and expresses them about the Protestant church as a for others the best he can. reached, through work, the sam useful social club, and have just f 'RA \ EK from someone’s break- Religion ¡g atJ emotional excite­ condition of mind that he, John ing heart, entreating assumed for argument’s sake, that son, had reached by going t< A cherished life, is raised to “hiui on ment whereby the devotee rises in­ the church is a religious institu high’’: church. Johuson hated work; Rey to a state of spiritual sublimity, tion. “ I fear, Lord, thpt my loved one’s life and for the moment is bathed in nolds loved it. Johnson consider Formalized religion is strongest ed one day in the week holy; tt is fleeting; an atmosphere of rest, and peace, Hear me this time; O do not let him where sin, slavery, tyranny, and ig­ Reynolds all days were sacred- love. All normal men and norance abound. die!” sacred to work, that is, to the ex- The moments speed, and even draws the women crave such periods; and W here men are free,enlightened, pression of his best. curtain Bernard Shaw says we reach them and at work they find all the grati­ About a corpse and one whose faith t rough strong tea, tobacco, opium, Why should you cease to express fication in their work that their sincere whiskey, art or religion. your highest and holiest on Sun­ Says, still and ever: “ He will live I’m souls demand—they cease to hunt day ? Ah, I know why vou do not Our idea of the supreme being is certain; outside of themselves for some­ It "is because I’ve prayed to God for him I hold suggested to us by the political gov­ thing to give them rest. They are work on Sunday! most dear, you think work is degrading, and ernment under which we live. Car­ at peace with themselves, with man And God doth hear!” because your barter and sale is lyle summed up the situation when and with God. founded on fraud, and your goods Behold one longing day by dav for par­ he said that Deity to the average But any man chained to a hope don are shoddy. Your week-day deal­ British mind was simply an infiuite less task, whose daily work does From that dread Judge Fear’s eyes I George the Fourth. ings lie like a pall upon yonr con­ The thought discern above— not express himself, who is dogged science and you need a day to A Judge whose heart at wails of woe of God as a terrible Supreme Tyr­ by a boss, whenever he gets a mo­ throw off your weariness of slavery ant first found form in an unlimit­ may harden, ment of respite turns to drink or under which you exist. You are Or may be moved to pity and to love; ed monarchy; but as governments religion. Now, calm in confidence and high ela­ have become more lenient so have not free, and you insist that others Men with an eye to Saturday shall not be free. tion, the gods, until you get them down night, who plot to supplant some The “ culpirt” looks aloft and knows T ou have ceased to make your (or up) to a republic, where God is no fear; one else, who can locate their em­ work gladsome, and you toil and Anon he cries: “ Is there for me salva- only a President and we all ap­ ployer any hour of the day, who make others toil with you, and you vation? proach him in familiar prayer, on think of the summer vacation when Pardon me, Lord, and make thy par- an absolute equality. a ll well nigh faint from weariness they will no longer have to work, pardon clear!” and disgust. You are slave and Then soon, for the first time, we are apt to be sticklers in the Sab­ slave-owner, for to own slaves is to But none doth hear! find man saying, “I am God, and Poor human wrecks are day by day be­ you are God, and we are all simply bath-keeping and church-going. be one. seeching Many men in business who give Do not hesitate to work on Sun­ The Lord to give them joy and life particles of him,” and this is where eleven for a dozen, count thirty- day, just as you would think good the I resident is done away with, again; four inches a yard, who are quick thoughts, if the spirit prompts you; And trembling hands feel for those and the Referendum comes in. But hands far-reaching the absence of a supreme governing to foreclose a mortgage, and who for work is, at the last, only the Of him who stoops to mortals in their head implies simplicity, honesty, say, “ Business is business,” are expression of thought, aud good pain. justice and sincerity. Wherever church deacons, vestrymen and work is religion.—[The Philistine. Each mournful plaint upon the air is Look arouud plotting«, scheming«, and doubtful church trustees. wasted, No Hand from heaven to earth doth methods of life are employed, a you! Predacious real estate deal P resent S tatu s of Cannibalism e’er appear; ruler is necessary; and there, too, era who set nets for the unwary, And none that “ living water” ever religion, with its thought of placat­ lawyers who lie in wait for their RE all the cannibals dead? 1 tasted prey, merchant princes, who grind ing God, has a firm hold. Men these days when darkest A Which still the Christian craves with their clerks under the wheel, oil whose lives are doubtful want a sigh and tear— rica has seen the dawn, an No God doth hear. strong government and a hot re­ magnates whose history never is civilization is exploring the remol written or can be written, often There is no God, or none who heeds the ligion. est corners of the world, we migh make peace with God, and find a placing Formal religion and sin go hand gratification for their sense of su­ suppose that they were at leas Of sorrow, joy and love in mortals’ in hand. dying out. Yet trustworthy auth lives; blimity by building churches, Formal religion and slavery go Of no avail ourselves in dust abasing- founding colleges and libraries, and ors have estimated the number o hand in hand. The battle is to him who nobly strives holding fast to a formalized re­ cannibals at the present day a Formal religion and tyranny go ligion. Look around you! Man is man’s savior! All the god-host more than two millions. Dr. Zab banish! hand in hand. orowski, a learned Polish anthrop Great sinners are apt to be very ologist, has recently published some Let but the hand of one true friend be Formal religion and ignorance religious, and conversely the best near interesting and valuable details re- To grip in hours of darkness, troubles go hand in hand. men who have ever lived have been garding these savage people, which vanish: And sin, slavery, tyranny, and at war with established religions. A brother’s all we need when life is ign ) rance are one—they are never are thus summarized in La Science And further, the best men are Française: dear, separated. never found in churches. For he doth hear! “Anthropophagy is not primi­ Formal religion is a scheme — [ J ohn Y o u n g . Men deeply immersed in their whereby man hopes to make peace work, whose lives are consecrated tive. Man did not venture to feed with his maker; and formal relig­ to doing things, who are simple, on his own species except under Religion a Resort for Sin. ion also tends to satisfy the sense honest and sincere, want no formal compulsion of absolute necessity, of sublimity where the man has religion, need no priest or pastor, , when famine and the desire for an­ AM not entirely sure this will failed to find satisfaction in his and seek no gratification outside imal food pushed him to the last hold in every instance, but it extremity. A body of hunters, for work. Voltaire says, “ When wo­ seemstrue in the main. Please man no longer finds herself accept­ their daily lives. All they ask is instance, in pursuit of an animal, think it out for yourself,and if lam able to man she turns to God.” to be let alone; they wish only the I at a time when it is hard to find privilege to work. wrong put me straight. game, meets another partv. Im­ When man is no longer acceptable When Samuel Johnson on his The proposition is this: The to himself he goes to church. pelled by hunger, they begin to In Artist needs no religion beyond his order to keep this article from ex deathbed, made Joshua Reynold« light, and the bodies of the van- work. This is to say, art is relig­ tending into a tome, I have pur promise he would work no more on quised take the place of the absent ion to the man who thinks beauti posely omitted saying anything Sunday, he of course had no con-1 animal victims. In some such way ception of the truth that Reynolds cannibalism originated. Moreover A I