5 to the whole universe. Yes, we "W e should not then wonder why th at is the elem ents of which we such an institution as the Liberal are composed, will as far as we 1 niversity should flourish. I t is know’ continue in some form to pleasing to know th at it is so favor­ exist forever, and the forces which ably situated, but it is still more now produce those complex changes pleasing to know th a t the class of "hiThese element» which we uaiiiilS. "pupils wnicrf a tte n d 'a re of a qua Ijty. will, according to the great law of unsurpassed, both in their ability the conservation of energy, pass to know and do, and above all to into o ther forms o f energy and help want to know and do. It is this to m ake up the great unlim ited, sense of duty owed, and th eir re­ endless chain of natural events. cognizance of obligation both to And, blessed hope, of the a ltru ­ them selves and others th a t makes istic m ind, the good we do, the them the clear conscientious and freedom we give, the t/u th s we dis­ industrious truthseekers th a t they cover, will live on and on in the are. May they recognize the fact race, m aking us im m ortai in a as to how useful they eau be in the higher and less selfish sense than a world and strive to engrave upon lover of gods and ghosts has power th eir faces the lines which are the to see or appreciate. m ischievous tattle rs of the m ind When we become weary of wars, th a t lies beneath. M ay they thus and crim e, and fear, and tu rn our as they educate them selves in this eyes tow ard H u m an ity , instead of in stitu tio n go forth as living sign­ toward the brazen serpents which boards proclaim ing over all the the priests have lifted up in this land the efficiency of the m oral, wilderness of ignorance,our wounds m ental and physical train in g of will begin to heal, and no gods nor their A lm a M ater. We have not heavens will be needed, for Justice the slightest fear but w hat they will. will rsign suprem e, and Liberty The course of study, although in and Love will crown us lords of the em bryo state, is the newly born all. th a t the sturdy S partan casts not away. In it ’s ch aracter it promises to reach an equal footing with any For the Torch o f Reason. curriculum in the world. Im pressions. Facilities for scientific work are yet scarce, but it will only be a BY P R O F . F . W . H O FFM A N N . m atter of time when they can be Now th a t an o th er term of the fully supplied. A lready the m useum Liberal U niversity is about to close, is assum ing an ad u lt stage, and I take great pleasure in grasping with the adm inistration of a few the opportunity to Jet th e m any more specimens it will be am ply equipped. friends of the institution know how It will not do to om it a few lines one has been im pressed with the new’ environm< nt into which he has | of praise for those who are striving happily entered. A lthough I have to m ake this institution w hat it been in the little city of Silverton should be. The faculty is composed but about two m onths, I have a l­ of am bitious workers who are not ready felt a sense of refinem ent of grasping for self benefits, but living the people th a t is w anting in most that they m ay benefit others. Let sections. I t is an hum ble p atrio t­ every one recognize this fact and ism and a frank well-wishing, with their work can more easily be a p ­ preciated. a great respect for the rights and Ju st a few words as to the “ Aim opinions o f others. Every one joins in the endeavor to bring themselves of the In s titu tio n ” and my im pres­ closer together, and to understand sions will he revealed. The aim is each other even though the m ists undoubtedly the highest th a t mod­ ern civilization has yet wished to have not all rolled away. T his school is free The little city itself is a model o f attain . from all dogm as and super­ rustic beauty, nestled ’neath a stitions, and here each and every wing of the Cascades, w’hose pro­ one has the unquestiored right to tection from the raging storm s it free and unlim ited speech, expres­ modestly seeks, w hilst it gaily sing w hat he or she thinks, and at sports under the glow of a sum m er’s the same tim e receiving the u n ­ bounded respect of all. There are gun. It is ju s t such a spot that is no restrictions placed upon their necessary for the highest develop­ beliefs but it is a certain fact th a t ment of th e stu d en ts’ intellect. no student can sit within the halls " here, after the d a y ’s toil and of the L. U. O. for nine m onths study, one m ay w ander at will over w ithout going out perfectly con­ vinced of the utter absurdity of • 1 and dale or along the m arge of dogm atic mire. clear waters continually and un- Today the strong hand of Time ( uipciously im bibing the freshness is slowly tracing out the indelible a nd savor of Spring. Or if the lines on the m ap of the future, th at beauties of day cannot satisfy the each and every progressive mind m ust follow, w hether he will or not. r -tless m ind of the student, he may And the course of Time clearly re- bander at eve along m eandering veals to the truthseeker the straight paths, where only a few choice rays and broadened path of Science and M ark my word, the bom D iana’s bow pierce the vernal H u m an ity . 1 ’ cs above to let the modern Romeos founding of this Liberal U niversity is the D aw ning of a New Age, and and Juliets know th a t you ca n ’t another cycle will herald a new 'I her as well as you can Cupid. 1 world. * v » U l J 1 ’ 1 V D D l * “LUO 11 i S E T FREE. LIBERAL UNIVERSITY OREGON. FOUNDED ON S C IE N C E AND H U M A N IT Y The Qnlg Institution of th e Kind! L <1C Lllty~~~ - iö q q - ’ o o . J. EARL HOSMER, Ph. I)., B. S. D., P res ., S u p e rin te n d e n t D e p artm en t of Cosmology. Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Dynamics. ABEL A. LEONARD, M. D., M. E.,* S u p e rin te n d e n t D e p artm en t of Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Animal Electricity, 1 hysiological Psychology, Microscopy. THADDEUS B. WAKEMAN, S u p e rin te n d e n t D e p artm en t of Sociology an d Law , General History, Sociology, Law, Linguistics, Ethics. MINNIE P. HOSMER, L. S.,B. S. D., s u p e rin te n d e n t P re p ara to ry D e p artm en t, History, English Grammar, Botany, Vocal Music. I EARL W. GEER, M. G. H., S ecretary , Business Methods and Correspondence. FR EED O M W. H O FFM A N N , Botany, M athem atics. w MARY CHILDERS, Kindergarten and Primary Classes. SOPHIE WOLF, Piano Music, Elocution, English Literature. M. G. COOLEY, Violin and Cornet. CLARA WAKEMAN, ’ Drawing and Painting. ALICE DAVENPORT, Stenography, Typewriting. LOUIS RAUCH, Assistant, Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic. LORA AMES, Assistant, Physiology, Hygiene. KATIE MATTESON, Librarian. PROFS. HOSMER, WAKEMAN, GEER, Lecturers on Religion of Science and Humanity. . E M IL Y L. W A K EM A N , M atron. ♦D r. L eonard has consented to tak e th is c h a ir u n til som e one can be found to fill it p e rm a n e n tly . S T U D E N T S M A Y E N T E R A T A N Y T IM E . 111 I 1 1 »1 We are now in our New building, which gives us room for increased attendance and much better facilities for teaching. For term s and fu rth er p articu lars, address, P e a r l W . G e e r , S e c ’y , S IL V E R T O N OREGON.