Image provided by: Silverton Country Historical Society; Silverton, OR
About Torch of reason. (Silverton, Oregon) 1896-1903 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1900)
RECEIVED MAft i 0 ¡904 j V gguëHT -Í£?/ odicai dv U ^ ‘•TRUTH BEARS THE TORCH IN THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH.”— Lucretius- >rv n*«*-« » The New-born Soul. v5^ T *4 ??Í’ xv S v > ^ " i , , i\ \ , J ìmw X e/ MV. # And. when the birth of us Shall to the death of our bodies give strange is this cry, sprung up in our own generation, that religion is place, Then all the worth of us, dishonored by being anthropomor Freed from the earth of us, Deathless shall live in the life of the race. phic! Fetichism, Polytheism, Con * a »> «» -so ru . cling to a religion of Spiritism when philosophy is whittling away spirit BY COURTLANDT PALMER. to nothing? Or shall we accept a Marvel n o t th a t J said o n to thee: Ye m ost be religion of Realism, where all the born a g a in —J o h n iii., 7. fucianism, Mediaeval Christianity great traditions and functions of Those who can read th e signs o f th e tim es read in them th at the K ingdom of M an is at hand and Bible Puritanism have all been religion are retained unbroken?— - N . K ingdon (. liflo rd . Realism vs. Spiritism, intensely anthropomorphic, and all [The Nature and Reality of Relig f yore, as realities owed their strength and dominion io n . Spirits, ’twas sung, over slumter- BY F R E D E R IC K H A R R ISO N . land stole:— to hat fact. You can have no re From such idealities, —Deemed personalties,— ne word to those who would ligion without kinship, sympathy, Fancy has fondly created the soul. Reason Will Soon Triumph. see religion a working real relation of some human kind be Yes, as an entity ity, and not a logical arti tween the believer, worshipper, iraspless and ghostly, a vision-made BY KERSEY GRAVES. man, fice. The startling‘reductio ad ab- servant, and the object of hi» belief, A phantom identity, surdum’ of relegating religion to veneration and service. The Neo- Bodied nonentity, he march of science and the Wafted to heaven when ended life’s span. the unknowable is only the last Theisms have all the same mortal rapid growth of the reason step in the process which has grad weakness that the Unknowable has. But heaven’s locality, ing faculties peculiar to this Faded its hounds, to the boundless dil ually reduced religion to an incom They offer no kinship, sympathy or ates,— prehensible minimum. And this relation whatever between worship progressive age are daily revealing So, thought’s totality Universality has been the work of theologians per and worshipped. They too are the errors of our popular theology, Sheds in the mind and the soul re-creates. obstinately fighting a losing battle, formulas begotten in controversy, and exposing their demoralizing dwelling apart from man and the effects in repressing the growth and Thus, from past wandering, Home to man’s self-hood his soul has and withdrawing at every defeat world. healthy action of the intellect, and into a more impregnable and nar returned Freed from vain pondering, perverting the exercise of the moral rower fastness. They have thrown If we leave the region of formu Zeal no more squandering, And this progressive Strong in the strength for which long it over one after another the claims of las and go back to the practical faculties. has yearned. religion and the attributes of di effect of religion on human conduct, change and improvement must be The soul a reflector is, vinity. They are so hopeless of we must be driven to the conclus a source of great rejoicing to every Casting the image of heaven and earth ; continuing the contest on the open ion that the future of religion is to true-hearted philanthropist,and fur No more a spectre is, But the perfecter is, field of the known that they more be, not only what every true relig nishes a strong incentive to labor Pointing the path unto worthiest worth. and more seek to withdraw to the ion has ever been, anthropomorphic with zeal in this field of reform. It The soul is a trinity, cloud-world of the transcendental. —but frankly anthropic. The at- should be borne in mind that all Intellect, will and emotion in one; They are so terribly afraid of an G .»pied religion of Spiritism has the dogmas and doctrines of our This man’s affinity Is to divinity, current religious faith originated at This is the sainthood by manhood out anthropomorphic god that they lost one after another every re a period before the sun of science have sublimated him into a meta source of a real religion, until ‘risu done. phorical expression—“defecated the solvuntnr tabulae’, and it ends in a had risen above the mental horizon So now the role of man In his own manhood on earth shall be idea of a pure transparency”. And religion of Nothingism. It is the and anterior to the birth of moral played; now they are pushed by Evolution Nempsis of faith in spiritual ab science, and hence, like other pro So now the soul of man Finds the true goal of man into the abyss, and are solemnly stractions and figments. The hy ductions of that age, are heavily Heavenly realms by this world over assured that the reconciliation of pothesis has hurst, and leaves the laden with error. But rejoice, O weighed. religion and science is effected by Void. The future will have then ye lovers of and laborers for truth The soul in humility, and science! the dark clouds of our Turns to the infinite, rev’rent with awe, this religion of the unknowable — to return to the Knowable and the But sees the sterility, this ‘chimoera bombinansin vacuo’. certainly known, the religion of gloomy theology are receding before Feels the futility, Their Infinites and their Incom Realism. It must . . . con the sunlight of modern civilization, Godhead to limit in limits of law; and will soon leave a clear and prehensible*, their Absolute and tent itself with explaining human And yet it potential is; Stars are its chariots, space its domain, their Unconditioned, have brought life. Humanity is. the grandest cloudless sky. And all will rejoice Thought its essential is, in having learned and practically them to this. It is only one object of reverence within the re Truth its credential is, Science its symphony, Man its refrain. step from the sublime to the un gion of the real and the known, experienced the glorious truth that true religion is not incorporated in knowable. The soul of H umanity Humanity will) the World on which bibles, or inscribed on the pages of Is the good gained, the bad quelled Practically, so far as it affects it rests as its base and environment. through all time: any book, and cannot be found the lives of men and women in the Religion, having failed in the su From dead Christianity, therein, but is a natural and spon New-risen sanity, battle of life, the Absolute and Un perhuman world, returns to the hu Saves us baptised in this race-soul sub taneous outgrowth of man’s moral conditioned Godhead of learned di man world. Here religion can find lime. . . nature, and is “the most vines is very much the same thing again all its certainty, all its depth Thus in a unity beautiful flower of the soul” [intel Midst nature's processes man will be as the Absolute Unknowable. You of human sympathy, all its claim lect].—[The Bible of Bibles. found may rout a logician by a “pure to command and reward the purest From such community transparency”, but you can not self-sacrifice and love. We can take Free opportunity Flows for the race in one brotherhood check vice, crime and war by it,nor our place again with all the great ^ I oodnbss is always good; while bound. train up men and women in holi religious spirits who have ever piety, flowing from an erron By art testified, « ness and truth. And the set of all moulded the faith and life of men, Roused by the good and redeemed by modern theology is away from the and we find ourselves in harmony eous religious belief, may be abso the true, Life by love ratified, anthropomorphic and into the ab with the devout of every faith who lutely bad. It was religious piety Through duty gratified, Such is the soul sweetest service to strew. solute. In trying to save a relig are manfully battling with sin and that urged Philip II. of Spain to ion of the spirit-world, theologians discord. The way for us is the slaughter thousands of Protestants; Oh, the nobility Ever with heroes ami martyrs to stand! are abandoning all religion of the clearer as we find the religion of had he been guided by the moral Strong the stability, real world; they are turning relig Spiritism, in its long and restless principle of goodness, this horrid Sweet the tranquility, Ransomed by hope in earth’s Eden-made ion into formulas and phrases, and evolution of thirty centuries, end land. are taking out of it all power over ing in the legitimate deduction, the blot upon the name of Christian Taken such attitude life, duty and society. religion of the Unknowable, a par would never have been made. To Souls so attempered attain the divine; I say, in a word, unless religion adox as memorable as any in the be pious is to be religious; to be Widened faith’s platitude By reason’s latitude, is to be anthropomorphic, there can history of the human mind. The good is to be moral.—Hon. R. S. I lings of the spirit the realest things be no working religion at all. How alternative is very plain. Shall we McCormick. shine. O O T