Image provided by: Silverton Country Historical Society; Silverton, OR
About Torch of reason. (Silverton, Oregon) 1896-1903 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1900)
8 T H E TORCH OF REA SO N , S IL V E R T O N , OREGON , A P R IL 12, 1900. > 0<XXX>G<><><X><>0<><><XXK>C><XX><X) < etc., then for lighting and heating, be controlled by a railroad agent would investigate thè work of thè then the telephone, telegraph and and a church will never do as a Open Court. NEWS AND NOTES. Address Dr. Paul the wonders of wireless telegraphy. precedent. The eduoational affairs Carus, 325 Dearborn St., Chicago )< X > < X X X X > < X X X > 0 0 < X X X > 0 0 0 < X X X ) Of course it is not possible to give of the S tate are laid out too broad I left Chicago for Rochelle, where A nother recitation room has been his interesting diagrrns and ex p lan for th at. Let us think a m om ent I spent two days with O tto W ett ations here. Rut here are a few how th a t is, and so foreea t the stein, his wife and son a t their finished in the L. U. O. crum bs from the table, some of danger. beautiful and happy home. N early _ __ , . -y. « . Y « '.O A a \Ti~ a \ ’t. ro ilriuwoilff r.L - » 'A c L-z*. -¿J- was a visitor a t the L. U. O. this from the audience after the lecture. adm irable common school system , Otto W ettstein and his business, The way to be safe, when around which we are all bent upon su stain but only a few know w hat a lovely week. electrical laboratories, power bous ing to the utterm ost. T h at pro wife and happy home be has. I T he last heard from our business es, or electrical m achinery, is to be vides for the education of all in the am glad to be one of the fortunate m anager, he was still on the wing, careful not to stand on iron,earth,or rudim ents of learning for business, few. Mr. W ettstein has sold out but had not yet reached C incinnati. wet boards, and keep one hand in ro preparation for w hat is known his store and is now tu rn in g his a t your pocket. T h er you will not be as a higher or unive1 sity education. tention to the mail order business. L. Wolf, who has been attending likely to make a “circu it,” Wh> n T his higher education is now pro If Liberals want an y F reethought P o rtlan d Medical College, entered on electric cars or motors, don’t go vided so as to be obtained by nearly badges, or Ingersoll spoons, or any the Liberal University last M onday. running or ju m p in g about and fee'- every one who desires it, bv a other jewelry, w atches,or diam onds, N atu ral Philosophy and L atin will ing things, but sit in the car where num ber of universities representing they ought to write to Mr. W ett be his special studies. you belong, and let loose wires and most of the various phases and p u r stein and see w hat he can do for iron alone. poses of education. In this way them. H e can convince you th a t The cake walk, the farce, the The former way of considering they form w ithout special design a there is no God or future life and m irth drill, the little talk on Shakes electricity was th at it was a kind of large co-operative system of u n i th a t this is the tw entieth century, peare, and everything altogether fluid, or rath er two fluids—one pos versities, in which every student m ade the pragram at the Y. P. S. itive and the other negative. Now m ay have the special train in g or and at the sam e tim e save you so S. C., last F rid ay evening, one of we consider it as the vibration of course he m ay desire, and in a b et much m oney on jew elry, etc., th a t the very best. the ether, an ultim ate form of force ter and freer way than if these it is equivalent buying yourself rich. Mr. W ettstein has a large and m atter, which we use to ex universities were S tate institutions. hpad th a t requires a h at 8 | inches The Southern Pacific R ailroad plain things, but which we do not All these in stitu tio n s are brought in diam eter. This head was not does not realize how m any th o u yet very well u n d ersta n d — ho as to into conference by the T eachers’ m ade in vain, for it requires all sands of dollars it will lose if clearly realize it. T h at it is “ som e Association, of which all or most of the agent here has his way in thing is shown by the fact th at it th e professors and teachers in the this room to hold these w onderful reference to the L. U. O., or they fills the best vacuum we can make, S tate are members, and which holds thoughts and argum ents, and there would investigate. so th a t the Roentgen rays pass special and local meetings, as, for are no “ rooms to let.” Mr. and through it. We can only think of instance, the one at Silverton. The Mrs. W ettstein are very proud of th eir children, and from the pic The E x tracts on our first page the ether, therefore, as filling all fact th a t all phases of education are tures I saw I judge them to be ju s t were referred to in our last Torch, space. The affections of this u lti thus represented and confer, for the ly proud. M aster B ry an t W ett and should be carefully considered m ate substance we know as heat, general good of all, in these m eet by all thinkers. Reade gives the light, electricity and m agnetism . ings, makes them of the highest stein, the youngest son, is a t home. best statem ent of “ which im m or These are all found to be converti value— they m ake the esprit de He is a bright fellow an d bids fair tality ?” and Alexander gives the ble into each other as “ modes of m o corps of the education of the State. to be “ his fa th e r’s own boy,” while scientific answer. tion,” and m ay be converted into But in order to continue such they at the sam e time he resembles his mechanical m otion, and so made to m ust be kept free from personal m other. Mrs. W ettstein is not be hind her husband so far as know The W om an’s Social Science Club take the place of steam in working vindictiveness, sectarian bigotry ledge and common sense is con will m eet a t the residence of Mrs. our m achines, running our cars, etc. and official interm eddling. cerned, while in beauty and a t T. W. D avenport S aturday, April By thus harnessing the lightning It seems th a t a vindictive Station tractiveness she far excels him . The 14, a t 3 p. m. Miss France.- R auch there is no end to the power we are Agent and a M ethodist fanatic get two m ake an ideal p air an d have will read the paper of ttie day. Sub learning to use. them selves on the School Board at an ideal home. ject, “ E conom y”. The lig h tn in g and the “ th u n d er Silverton, and refused the usual The second day at Rochelle the bolt” are now found out not to be use of the school house for the w eather was beautiful, and Mrs. J u s t as we go to press the news things or entities at all, but “ modes Association meeting, if President W ettstein was kind enough to escort comes th a t Prof. Lewis, principal of of m otiou.” The old views to the H osm er of the Liberal U niversity, me to n neighboring town, where the public schools at this place, co n trary were illusion? which we a ch arter m em ber of the Associa Mr. D. A. R oberts and wife have a whose nam e figures so conspicuous m ust outgrow. Instead of caloric, tion, was allowed to speak, after lovely home. H ere is an o th er ideal ly on our editorial page, has been fluid, entity, thunder-bolt, etc , we his name had been placed on the couple. Of courpe it is useless to dism issed in disgrace. The offense speak or think only of modes of mo program and publicly announced. add th a t they are enthusiastic seems to be drunkenness and an a t tion, or vibrations, processes, c u r They caused th e president of a Liberals and took a deep interest tem p t to enter a la d y ’s cham ber rents of change, etc.—all correlates M ethodist U niversity to be im port in the Liberal U niversity. Mr. w ithout permission. We think this of each other — all a unity of ed to take the time, and to give a Roberts joined the Torch of Reason sad affair is all traceable to the changes. long address on E nglish, French An hour or more was spent in and A m erican history, which was fam ily and m ade a nice donation work of the “ m ain m em ber” of the to the Liberal U niversity. We school board, who thought he could questions, bringing out inform ation E nglish , A nti-A m erican and a n ti dined a t this home and spent the injure the L. U. O. by hiring an ot this kind, in which Profs. H os republican from beginning to end. afternoon. The tim e to return Infidel with which to fight Infidels, mer, Hoffman and others took part. It should never be given before cam e all too soon; and though we but there are, as we have said be Prof. W akem an called attention American teachers or scholars u n had to p a rt com pany let us hope fore, Infidels and Infidels. Prof. to the entire change which had less some Am erican is there to a n th a t our friendship will only change K raps, the former principal, was an come over the world by this “ mode sw er it on the spot. by increasing. excellent m an, but he could not be of m otion,” and this discovery of The professors and teachers of Mr. and Mrs. R oberts and Sport, used as a c a t’s-paw and was th ere th e“ process n a tu re ”of things,w hich, the Liberal U niversity have at the dog, accom panied us to the fore dism issed. W e w rite this re he said, included life and mind. He Salem , and everyw here and in every train , and I had the crowd pose for port with regret. No one knows moved a vote of th a n k s to the lec way, been received in all Teachers’ a picture, which I took w ith my better than we do the loss the pub tu rer for his able, interesting and Meetings on a par with every other kodak, and I am anxious to learn lic su stain s by such work, arid instructive lecture, and the motion m em berof the Association, and they th a t it is a successful one, for it although they d id n ’t play fair with was carried unanim ously by a ris ask no more tn d no less. This will be a group of which I shall be us we have the kindest feelings ing vote, and all departed more in stupid and b ru tal discourtesy at very proud. For fear th a t the dog tow ards both Mr. Sm ith and Mr. telligent and happy th an they came. their home m ust rem ain “ sin g u lar,” was left out of the group I took Next Sunday Prof. Hoffman will Lewis, whose weaknesses are de or the injustice and usurpation of an o th er shot at him , and then we feating the great good they m ight lecture on “ C ranks”— all kinds, so it will sadly affect the independence, had to bid good-bye and take the do. come one and all! x. y . z . fairness and usefulness of the whole tra in for Rochelle again. system of education in the State. t . b . w. Silverton Thought Exchange. tne A Singular Discourtesy. _______ ----- - M r . P. L. B rown on E lectricity . Every friend of free speech and Things went very well a t the unbigoted education will certainly T hought Exchange on Sunday regret the singular discourtesy night, when Mr. P. L. Brown led a shown to P resident Hosm er, in goodly audience through the won striking his name from the program ders of the electrical world d isp lay at the last meeting of our Silverton ed. H e is a practical electrician, T eachers’ Association, as stated on and went rig h t into the explanation our editorial page. W hat was done of the modes of producing electrici i to him m ay be done to others, and ty, and th e m easure of it, by volts, if this discourtesy does not rem ain am peres, ohm s, wats, etc. Then he (“ sin g u lar” it will be the end of free took up the applications of electric education in Oregon. The idea ity, for m otors, cars, m achinery, th at any Teachers’ Association can U --- — — — _ _ — — O l d I ll ' l l and a pood deal more reliable. Travels. [Concluded from 6th page.l to do iudispensable work for the Liberal cause. Dr. C arus, to show his liberality and his love for the Liberal U niversity, has donated m any of his books to our library and now has presented the Torch of Reason with one hundred copies of H olyoake’s“ English Secularism ,” which will be given as prem ium s to yearly subscribers. I wish the friends of the Liberal U niversity Doeen t bri-ak I te eras or make Ita chicks lou»y. Itoeen’tetay off the neetand allow the egh to chill but hatches every err that can be hatched. TH F PETALUMA INCUBATOR Is absolutely perfect as to Inruhator eeeentlale—p r o p e r a p p lic a t io n a n d d ie t r l b n t l o n o f h e a t un<l m o l e , n r * . r e g u l a t i o n a n d v e n t i l a t i o n . F o r 50 to 3S0 etrire. WE PAT FREIGHT ANYWHERE in th e U . 8. Handsom e c a ta lo g free. P e t a lu m a I n c u b a t o r C o .. B n , 1 , P e t a lu m a , C al. Wiley B. Allen Co. The Oldest I the Largest .’ Music Store. Leading Pi anos ami Organs. 309-311 First S t.. PO RTLAND, OREO.