• » I» l i \ Si THE SIUSLAW VOL. III. i lempticm, ad tne above deacrtb 'J --! .......rtu tnjMth»? with üil n i/g A D Ï L O T FLORENCE. OREGON, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 29 1915 SHIPPING MACHINERY TO SIUSLAW NUMBER 39 registration clerks are appointed. month, or for six weeks if not in Under the new law the card sys­ great demand. tem is used and the voter will sign Each box contains twelve | his name only once instead of , specimens of common rock-mak­ two or three times as under pre­ ing minerals, three iron ore vious laws. minerals, two copper ore minerals On one side of the card are two lead silver ore minerals, one ____ blanks for the following: Male Christmas Eve. the Evangel­ According to figures complied zinc ore mineral, one aluminum T n D U • xx- v ¡°r female; party affiliation; sur- ical Sunday school held a Cnrist- I by County School Superintend- ore mineral and three miscellan­ L C. ReynoldsI. setting h - given preclnc, J In order that high school pupils mas tree and program at th e , ont E. J. .Moore the total 1915 machinery and equipment ready po.toffice.ddre«; r„ idnnCe (sec and teachers can better under­ eous specimens. church. Y oung and old thor- school census for Lane county for removal to Siuslaw, where he tion, township and ,.ang, „ oughly enjoyed the evening. shows a decrease from the 1911 stand minerals and ores the ex­ -Hl -Pen up a shingle plant the country, 8treet a|ld house FIRST HAIL OF THE SEASON At the Princess Theater the enrollment. Last year’s census tension division of the University w,th n the near future Thu ' number or room if in the city); gasoline schooner Relief is ex- parenta namc > is sending to high school geology The first hail this season fell Sunday school of the Presbyteri- totaled 12,044 school children in an ceurch gave a cantata, “ The the county. This year’s census pected in as soon as the bar con­ native born), elector born where. txes may be borrowed for a ; it frostedfronie. sermon, giving a message of in- Cottage Grove is second with 720 South Slough district, but has On the opposite side of the spiration and strength to his au- pupils, and Springfield third with considerable timber land near card is registration blank "A ” diene*. »549 pupils. Florence which he expects to for use before election boards Sunday evening the choir took The number of children en- work. only in case the elector has not charge of the service at the Pres- tolled in some of the other Construction on the new plant1 5 #en registered. Registration byteiian church under the direc- school districts in the county, as will be commenced as soon as a blank "B” is also provided in tion of Mrs. Martha Goodwin, shown by the 1915 school census, location can be selected, two case of reregistering. presented a cantata, “The Her- follows: Junction City, 353; Mar- being under consideration at the aid of Peace. ’' The church was cola 252; Creswell, 202; Coburg, present time, one at an old mill PRELIMINARY WORK FOR crowded to its limit by an appre- 160; Wendling, 152; Florence, 143 site within a mile of Florence The meeting of taxpayers at A good share of the time was ciative audience who were great- Elmira, 117; West Springfield, and the other at Cushman on the LIFE SAVING STATION Eugene last Thursday, to con-, used up in discussing the assess- ly pleased with the presentation 104; Trent, 102; Goshen, 89; line of the new railroad. The sider the annual budget was ing of cities and the change of of this appropriate cantata. Mapleton, 88; Walterville, 84; Captain Andrew Foshay, of plant will cost approximately largely attended and many of the system of writing the tax the Life Saving Service at San Vida, 82; Dorena, 77; Harrisburg, $10,000.—Tide. the items caused heated argu­ rolls. 74; Irving. 71; and Dexter, 60. - Francisco was in Florence several REVIVAL SRVICES AT Guard. days last week to make final ments and discussions. The fina1 When the subject of the levy to ^commena recommend to to the the for the Coast road was brought EVANGELICAL CHURCH arrangements for the location of result was ™ the buildings about to be con- up E. J. Adams addressed the con­ coun collrt Revival services will begin at RALPH POTTERF That an alphabetical system of meeting as follows: structed on the site selected for the Evangelical church next Mr. Adams then TAKEN TO EUGENE Life Saving station at the mouth writing tax rolls be adopted by He made the county assessor rather than statement that since ai7attem nt evenin8 and continue of 1 the Siuslaw river, river. ne maaQ viio oiuaiaw * ------- Ralph Potterf, young son of ¡soundings-for the slip to x be built Present present geographical geographical svstem. system. was being made to have the ^rough the week, except Satur­ day night. Rev. Neff will con- Frank Potterf, of Mapleton, who Registrations for the 1916 elec-rand other preparatory work. That real property be assessed county court disregard the law , , , duct the service. There will be was injured in the head some tion will open January 4, 1916,' ------------------ but once every two or four years. and , that . xt the lawful course was | special music prepared for th(> few weeks ago. and who has at the office of Stacy M. Russell, NEW POTATOES CHRISTMAS That a general purchasing clear, the difference between the service. All are welcome and been in Florence for treatment, county clerk. ------ agent be appointed who shall majority report and tne minority especially invited to come. was taken to Eugene Tuesday under the ne\& registration law It is seldom that you see new purchase all county supplies, report was mythical and urged for treatment. a voter is required to register j potatoes for Christmas taken out A reduction of $10,000 in re­ that all should get together for but once unless he changes his i of the ground on that day. The, tiring warrant fund. making an good roads. He said the Siuslaw RACKLEFF’S GROCERY RENTS WAREHOUSE WATCif , . S ! ,f A.T precinct or fails to vote within Severy boys had some for their item of $40,000 rather than $50,- people were taxing themselves two years after registering. Christmas dinner, gr-rnished OX) as proposed. heavily for good roads and that EVANGELICAL CHURCH In must with beautiful uuquei boquet ui of ruses, roses, That ... county . ----... seats voters ...uov n,u. a UV.UU1UI in a t county treasurer make a rather than hold out for the Last week Ed Rackleff made register with the county clerk, all grown in their garden here in pool of all countv funds and that entire amount of $17,500 for a arrangements to take the Nadeau - — There will ....................... be a watch meeting while in outside precincts special, Florence. an individual bookkeeping system road to the coast they had con- warehouse for his store room for at the Evangelical church Friday be inaugurated of the various s‘dered the request and needs of surplus stock 31. A suitable ------ of „ groceries _____ _ and n«HTht. . December ------------ [5P budget lands as a matter of the upper Willamette road people ! feed. It is located on the water Program has been arranged for record. and had consented to cutting front and will be handy and con- entertainment until midnight, That two school supervisors be down their own item to $12,500, venient for the unloading of when those present will ring out | the old year and ring in the new. employed for ten months of the allowing $5000 for the other, freight from the schooner». year, rather than for eleven Be spoke of a nine-mill levy in months, as‘is now done. Florence for harbor improve- The sub-committee of the tax- m«nts which would benefit all of payers’ league that has had this Lane county and warmly defend- phase of the budget investigation ed several remarks against hi» in hand were divided and a interests in the meeting, majority and minority report Mr. Adams then moved the THE LEADERS were brought in. The majority amendment to the first motion be report signed by T. H. Garrett, accepted in substituting the E E. Kepner and Welby Stevens minority report for the majority, and the minority report by C. R. It earned by a vote of 100 to I Seitz and G. W. Griffin. 37. Mr. Hurd moved the adop- The majority report proposed tion of the first motion which a slash of about $20,000 in the carried. road expenditu-es as proposed by Mr. Bean had made cn amend- the budget, while the minority ment that the coast road item be report favored the budget ap- raised back to $17,500 but with- proximntely as submitted. The drew it when informed of the real bone of contention, however, ¡agreement o f the Siuslaw people lay in the method of making the with the Willamette people on a levy- division. The majority report proposed While it was at first proposed that the cities of Eugene, Spring- to make a levy of one half a mill field and Cottage Grove, which or $17,500, after a consideration are independent road districts, | of the conditions the representa­ be relieved from the payment ef tive» of the grange and western two mills of the road levy, pay­ Lane county agreed to 5000 of ing only seven-eights of a mill this to be used on the Willamette for road purposes this on th* road over the Cascade mountains« theory that since they take care Those present at the meeting of their own streets they should to represent the western part of not be compelled to contribute as the county were: Wm. Kyle, heavily as the outside territory Wm. Brynd, W. H, O ’Kelly, J, to the general road building pro- W. Bergman, W. J. Kyle, and gram. The minority report, on W. H. Weatherson of Florence; the contrary, endo’sed the plan Walter Blatchlqy, of Blatchley, of levying the road tax as a part and Hans Peterson, of Minerva, of the general fund, so that these The movement to have the' three cities will contribute in the county court make a levy of one- same proportion as the rest of half mill for a coast road was the county. first proposed by the North Fork W.tb the exception of the Grange, and they urged every 111 turning down uf the recom- grange Wi the county to give Il mendation made by the mis- support to it. The success of j. cellaneous committee that ihe securing an appropriation for ||j fruit inspertor s budget sum be this purpose is largely due to the ' r.duced from $2.000* to $1,000, support and efforts of the and leaving it at $2,000, the re- grange representatives who rv - port of the minortf was accepted. mained loyal to the proposition. WILL LEND MINERAL SPECIMENS CHRISTMAS 11,888 PUPILS IN FLORENCE IN LANE CO. COAST ROAD IS ALLOWED $12,500 REGISTRATION .4 MORRIS & SON We desire to Thank you for the Patronage of the Past Year and wish you A Happy and Prosperous New Year M apleton, Oregon ...FOR... Aluminum Ware White Porcelain Ware Clothing, I lats, Shoes and Furnishings WOOLENMILL STORE Florence, Oregon Dry Goods and Groceries