A 7 (A. SIUSLAW NUMBER 38 DECEMBER 22 1915 VOL. HI. WILL BUILD SHIPPING SHINGLE MILL OUT FRESH ON SIUSLAW SALMON have their Christmas tree at the Season” “The Spelling school house in the afternoon of Laton Corum. “The Universal King” Story Friday. There will be a program rendered by the pupils of the and Songs by the choir. school appropriate to Christmas Recitation Ozel Pendergraft. and a basket dinner will be Duett Aronda Arnhart and served. Leah Tanner. “ The Best Gift of All” XMAS EXERCISES Belden Wilbur. Christmas will be observed this CHRISTMAS AT THE Mr. L. C. Reynolds, a veteran Johnson’s Fish Market has AT WESTLAKE Born” year in many homes with simpli- EVANGELICAL CHURCH Song “Christ is and experienced saw mill man. been shipping steelhead salmon The Westlake people will have Primary and Intermediate city and sincerity,'withjand effort1 a Christmas tree at the school is in Florence for the purpose of to the valley and other points , ■ ■ ,1 i _ __ • „ , Last Sunday the pastor of the classes. to bring joy and happiness to 1 house in that place on Christmas building and operating a saw and ever since the season opened "The Universal King” by the .. f H „.„ftw , .u « , Evangelical church delivered two all. From all sections ot|Western shingle mill to use up the vast on December 10th. . .__ to __ In the , choir contains the following eve. It will be a family affair amount of cedar that lies tribu- So far the catch ha3 not been Lane are reported plans pre- Christmas messages. * and everybody will join the Star • sonirs tary to the Siuslaw river, Mr. sufficient to ship everyday, but sent programs carrying the mes- morning his subject was, ,’ atthew festivities. Arise Shine” Reynolds was in Florence several, Mr. Johnson has made seven sa^,* ° u *' .imH3 and lt * crowd to witness the be opened on Monday afternoon. Recitation, will hold its Christmas tree ex- Shall we Give.” „ . ELECTS NEW OFFICERS = ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recitation, “ Wishing Star ercises in the Princess Theater, Solo—’ Dollye Lullaby ‘Children and the Recitation, at which time the children will Verbena Morris The Grange on the North Fork Shepards.” present a Cantata “The Capture1 Recitation-Pircy Johnson, sleeted the following officer« at Song, “Star of Hope,” by the of Santa Clause.” This will be “ A Merry Xmas - Lamar their last meeting. E. R. Mc- school. a very interesting feature of the . Arnhart. Comack, W. M.; Oliver Foas- Dialogue, “ Progressive Santa” evening Recitation—Mane Pendergraft back, Overseer; Josephine Mc- by six little boys. Recitation, “ Christmas Bells.” Cornack, Lecturer; Hollis Bar- Recitation, “ Christmas Songs” nett, Steward; Hazen Johnson. Dialogue, “ Bethlehem Star,” Assistant Steward; Mrs. John Gentry, Chaplin; H. M. Peter«on, by 8 little girls. by Treas; L. C. Akerly, Sec; John Song, “ Santa Come, ' Gentry, Gate Keeper; Bessie TH E LEADERS primary class. Akerly, Ceres; Lor«tta Harring. Distribut’ .1 of presents. Pomona; Flossie Chapman, Flora; he I CHRISTMAS TREE AT Mrs. Hazen Johnson, Lady FIDDLE CREEK FRIDAY Assistant Steward; Alliert There will be a community Harring, George Chapman, and Christmas tree at the Fiddle Hazen Johnson exucitive Zcom- creek school house Friday after- mittee. ' noon in which the neighborhood : will participate. A program WESTLAKE GETS POSTOFFICE will t»e rendered by the school children, followed by the distri­ A postoffice has been establish­ ed at Westlake, our thrifty bution ol presents. neighbor on the shore« of the beautiful lake Tsiltcoos, with MAPLETON OBSERVES CHRISTMAS TIME Mr». Fannie Clark as postmaster. The mail leaves Glenada three The people of Mapleton are times a week, Tuesday, Thurs­ preparing for a good time Chriat­ day and Saturday, Clarence mas eve at the church. There Ackley, carrier. will be an elaborate program followed by a Christmas tree filled with good cheer for the whole community. CHRISTMAS BRINGS ITS GLAD TIDINGS j SIUSLAW SUGAR CURED SALMON NO SETTLERS WITHIN GRANT FOOT BALL GAME NEW YEARS DAY Santa Claus has arrived at MORRIS & SON Our Sa M apleton, Oregon Friday Night December 2-th, 1915 If you have not availed yourself of the oppoi tunity to buy Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Furnishings Hats and Shoes at Wholesale Cost we would suggest that you hurrv as the prices are unprecedented in Florence WOOLEN MILL STORE Florence, Oregon WM. SAFLEY PURCHASES MEAT MARKET PORTAGE SCHOOL HAS CHRISTMAS TREE The school at the Portage will have a program and Christmas tree in the Grange hall on Fridav evening for the entertainment A deal was made last week of the children and the older where in Kenneth McCornack, ones as well. Preparations have who has been running a butcher been made for a genuine good shop for the past several years time «old to Wtn. Safiey his shop and ■— business. CHRISTMAS PARTY Mr. Safiey has rented the ranch AT MERCER LAKE and slaughter house of Mr. The young people of .Mercer McCornack. and will continue 'and vicinity will have a Christ- the business. Mr. Safiey has mas party at the home of Mr. had considerable experience in ! and Mrs. J. A. Levage, Satur- this business, having run a shop iav evening in honor of Miss here in the past years. Mr. Goldie and Harry Levage, who McCornack has not yet decided have heei away to school. just what he will go into. MINERVA WILL HAVE The Woman’s league will meet CHRISTMAS TR IE , with Mrs. W. H. Weatherson The school at Minerva will Monday afternoon. Lots of Things For CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, FURNISHINGS, ALUMINUM WARE, WHITE PORCELAIN WARE, HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES TOYS OF ALL KINDS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS Got to have a lot of money bv January 1st Only way to get it is to sell Goods In order to do so from Dec. 20th to 25thj everything in the store will be Reduced.