P SIUSLAW ASK PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION TO ACT PUBLIC LIBRARY MAKES CHANGE both team made it exciting and interesting. The line was as follows ¡-Elmi­ ra, I. Draper, Captain and for­ ward; T. Yoder, forward; A. R. Marsh, manager and center; J. R. Simpson ami E. W. Inmann, guards. Mapleton. Warren Gilbert, Captain, manager and forward; Arthur Chapman^J'orw ard; Cort­ ney Potterf, center; Paul Robin­ son and Norman Morris, guards; Leo Corn. sub. Officials of the game were Prof. O. W. Hayes, referee, R. S. Huston, umpire. A return game will be played at Elmira sometime in the near future. OT POLHEMUSSAYS BALLASTING NO DAMAGE TO COMPLETED AS THE JETTIES FAR AS STEEL The Florence Public Library moved its location from the Com­ Petitions are being circulated ! and closed this thoroughfare to mercial Club room to the Surface No damage was don»1 to the Ballasting on the Willamette asking the Public Service Com­ | public use. drug store. Tha change was jetties at the mouth of the Sius- Pacific has been completed as far 1 he rights of the people in this made necessary on account of mission to investigate why the law’river during the whole month as the rails are laid, and the train wagon road between Mapleton road have been ignored and con- the club removing to other quar­ of storms on the Pacific, accord­ crews have been sent to other I fiscated for over two years. ters. and Acme has not been con­ ! With sworn evidence before the ing to J - H. Polhemus, govern­ points on the Southern Pacific At present the library will be ment engineer, who passed lines, but before leaving this ducted by the Willamette Pacific county court of the importance opened as usual on Saturday. 1 through Eugene on his way to section they brought in several railroad. They read as follows: and necesity of this road, railroad to 4 o’clock in ihe afternoon. It Portland from Florence, where train loads of gravel which are We the undersigned residents officials have been able to delay is contemplated that after the he inspected the work being done waiting on side tracks ready to and voters of Lane county, State the construction and building of first of the year that arrange­ on the jetties and to W 'ertain be rushed to the front as soon a* of Oregon, respectfully petition a wagon road nearly three years ments to keep the library open whether or not the storms did the rails are extended. your honorable body that you in­ and until the present time, there­ oftener. any damage. Construction on the drawbridge vestigate the cause of dalay of by depriving the citizens of this Some new books have been re­ The contractors are delivering across the Siuslaw river is pro­ the building of a wagon road, a community, county and state of ceived and are ready for distri­ 10,000 tons of rock a month from gressing right along. The draw distance of about nine miles, be­ their rights in this road, and ap­ bution, and includes a list of R. A. COPPLE ELECTED the quarries a short distance be­ span nearly completed is resting tween Mapleton and Acme, parently endeavoring to elimi­ what comes under rules of seven- MAYOR OF MARSHFIELD low' Mapleton on the Siuslaw riv­ on its mid stream support, while where the Wallamette Pacific nate their title to it, and in view day books. These books all the er. hauling it down stream on workmen are collecting the steel Railroad (now operated by the of these facts we believe that the very latest copyrights and can be At the election in the city of huge barges, and the jetty work and placing in position the north Southern Pacific Co,) in con­ people should have recourse to let out for only seven days and a Marshfield December 7, R. A. is progrt '.sing very satisfactorily, i side span. structing a railroad, illeagally your honorable body for relief charge of five cents is made. Coppell was elected mayor over The engineers are very glad to took the existing county road 1 and justice. The books that belong to the Carl Evertson by 148 votes. learn that the storms during the Charles Powers and 1). L. Rood State Library will be returned EASTERN STAR ELECTS that each county should have and a new list sent here, which were elected to council offices. entire month of November did ; OFFICERS FOR YEAR charge of its roaas and utilize to is expected to be larger than what The band lost out by 212 votes practically no damage to the tres­ tle work. Only a few piling the best possible advantage the is now being used. and the city hall was also defeat-, Vesta chapter No. 73. 0. E. S. were lost at the outer end of the ; money appropriated. Any patron desiring a book ed. J. W. Butler was reelected elected the following officers at work. The damage was repair­ The state grange master fa­ that is not on hand, but is listed by a large majority. their last regular meeting De­ ed immediately and the work vors the road patrol system and with the State Librarian can se­ cember 9; Eunice Schroeder, W. continued uninterrupted. Regis-1 stated that the roads should be cure it by request of the local M.; Lillian Surface, A. M.; J. ter. COMMERCIAL CLUB kept in repair, but does not fa­ librarian. L. MacKechnie, W. P .; Mary B. Eugene would derive a much vor the expenditure of a large CHANGES Addition books, free list—A ■ ■ ■ - LOCATION SPECIAL GOSPEL MEETINGS Young, Sec.; A. O. Knowles, T .; greater benefit from the building amount of money on the Pacific Broken Bondage, Brown; Frank Charlotte Huston, Con.; Nimmo of roads in the outlying districts highway when roads in other; Before Vicksburg, Castlemon; The Commercial Club which Beginning Sunday. January 2, Buchanan, A. C, After election of the county instead of spend­ parts of the county are needed to Robinson Crusoe, Defoe; House | has been occupying the Nadeau Gospel meetings will be held at a light was spread to the enjoy­ ing a large amount of money on allow the farmer to come into of Seven Gables, Hawthorn. building since its completion, will ment of all present. the Pacific highway through the the city. Additional seven-day books— j move to new quarters the first of the Evangelical church in Flor­ “Good roads in outlyiag dis­ Heart of the Sunset, Rex Beach; the year. They have secured ence. Special features will be H. W. Carlson of Westlake county, according to C. E. Spenc, tricts enabling him to bring his Suzanna Stirs the Fire, Emily ! rooms in the office building of the ! annouced later. master of the state grange of left for Portland Monday. He produce into the city will do more Calvin Blake; A Far Country, Tide Water Mill company, and Oregon, says the Guard. has”bought the ranch of Wm. George Croner, deputy sheriff, Mr. Spence endorsed the de­ for Eugene than the spending of Winston Churchill; Uncle Remus they can be fited up nicely to came down Tuesday on business. Blackmar near Tsiltcoos lake. cision made by the county judges money on the Pacific highway and His Friends, Harris; Jerusa­ meet the requirements of the of Oregon in convention at Port­ for the pleasureof tourists,” said lem, Lagerloff; Mr. Bingle, Geo. Club. land recently in turning down a Mr. Spence. “ The ruts and Barr McCutchen; Michael O’Hal­ Gene Stratton Porter; resolution placing the control of holes in the Pacific highway as loran, county road3 under the state well as in all county roads should Felix O’Day, F.Hopkinson Smith; The Turmoil, Booth Tarkington; highway commission. He said be repaired, however. Dear Enemy, Jean Webster. FAVORS A PATROL SYSTEM FOR ROAD SCH. RUSTLER IN ROUGH SEAS WINS PRIZES FOR OUT DOOR PHOTOGRAPHY For a Short ? ...TIN we will continue Our Sale If you have not availed yourself of the opportunity to buy Men’s and Boys’ Clothing, Furnishings Hats and Shoes at W h o le s a le C o s t we would suggest that you hurry as the prices are unprecedented in Floience WOOLENMILL STORE Florence, Oregon In a competition for prizes in It photography offered by Sears, Robuck and Co., Alep Dowell has just received notice that he had been the successful compettior. The contest covered the whole United States, and was entered into by thousands, and the sub­ ject was out door life. Mr. Dow­ ell offered fiive subjects and won a prize on three of them. Ihey were of a child sitting in a clump of bushes, a bunch of rhododen­ dron blosoms and a trio of Here­ ford cattle. To be successful in such a large number of contest- ents is gratifying to Alep, and he feels justly proud of his prize. BASKETBALL GAME IS WON BY ELMIRA In a fast and spirited game of basket hall at Mapleton last Sat­ urday night, the Elmira High School team won from the Ma­ pleton High Scaool. The score was 25 to 22. Two halves of 20 minutes each were plaved and both teams put up good, clean work with a de­ termination to secure every point possible. For Elmira Marsh and ( Voder certainly put up a strong game, while Chapman gave an good account of himself. The rules used were 1915-1916 and caused quite a number of points to be called 6n Elmira. All though the game was closely The gasoline schooner Rustler, which got into port Tuesday at midnight, is rather the worse for wear and tear which she encount­ ered on the Rogue river bar when coming out, say3 the Times. In­ side the harbor at Rogue river they lost a scow which brok e loose and floated away to sea. In leaving that port the Rustler met heavy seas and lost her main rigging, had her life boat torn from the lashings, the back stay was lost and the headlight brok­ en, besides other damage in the galley. A big bucket plunged through one of the doors into the engine room and came near put­ ting engineer C. R. Hayes out of commission. On arriving at Coos Bay, Cap­ tain Peter Olson found the bar too rough for immediate passage and so anchored under the light­ house, where the Rustler drifted' several hundrad yards finally, on striking a rock, loosing $50 worth of cable and a 046 anchor. The vessel is at Kruse and Banks shipyard for repairs. CHRISTMAS TREE AT EVANGELICAL CHURCH Christmas tree exercises wi’I lie held at the Evangelical church nri C*1 istmas Eve. An appro- pnate program has l)een prepar­ o l and the church will be tastily d« <",rated for the occasion. E"erybody is very cordially, i: vited to be present, and the children will he made especially welcome. The Patsy arrived in this port .Monday with a full load, discharg­ ed her freight and left out Tues­ day morning. Santa Claus has arrived at M O R R IS & SO N THE LEADERS M apleton, O reg o n Every­ thing for Little Folks Lots of Things For Big Folk d CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, FURNISHINGS, ALUMINUM WARE, WHITE PORCELAIN WARE, HOUSEHOLD NEC ESSITIES TOYS OF ALL KINDS, CANDIES. NUTS, ERUITS Got to have a lot of money bv January 1st Only way to get it is to sell Goods In order to do so from Dec. 20th to 25th ev ery th in g in th e store will be Specially Reduced